Lashan Lynch - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Agent 007 2021



Lashan Lynch is a British actress of Jamaican origin, which began its acting path in 2007 with small roles in television serials and projects from BBC. Real fame brought her participation in the new project from Marvel Universe in 2019 called "Captain Marvel". An even greater success awaits Lynchan Lynch ahead - it became known that British will take the place of Daniel Craig and will appear before the public as a new agent 007.

Childhood and youth

Lashan Rashid Lynch was born on November 27, 1987 in the capital of Great Britain, London, Hammersmith district, however, her parents are immigrants from Jamaica. A talented girl graduated from acting courses at the local theatrical school Artsed.

On the facts of the early biography of promising artist, as well as what her mother and father are engaged in, it is known to be extremely small, but the news that she will play a new agent 007, definitely raised interest in the person's personnel, so the audience will soon be able to learn more about it .


Lashana Lynch debut How actresses took place in 2012 (not counting tiny roles in TV series) - She played a secondary heroine Belle Newman in a sports drama about the confrontation of two athletes for the championship in the world championship in London "Fast Girls". Directors even during the casting paid attention to the talent of Lashans, so they invited it to the shooting platform.

Lashana Lynch and Noel Clark (Frame from the film

5 years later, the Briton fulfilled one of the central roles in the 7-serial dramatic mini-series "woven fate." He talks about the continuation of the story of Romeo and Juliet - this time the directors were delighting on how the fate of heroes could have begun after the death of young beloved. Lashan Lynch reincarnated in the cousin Juliet named Rosalin Kapulenti, who was to marry against his will. The heroine demonstrated an example of combating discrimination and racism in the 16th century.

The final popularity of the attachment of the actress in 2019, after she was entrusted to take part in the shooting of the Marvel blockbuster called "Captain Marvel". The actress performed the role of the former Air Force pilot and the best friend of the main character of part-time, which is Maria Rambo.

Lashan Lynch and Bree Larson (Frame from the film

Lashan wonderfully coped with difficult work, so he was immediately loved by the public and the film crew. Her heroine is targeted, strong and perfectly falls into the concept of a film about almighty and feministic heroons in comics. In one of the interviews, the British actress stated that, in her opinion, in the fantastic picture "depicted real friendship". Executives of women's roles did not have to somehow infringe on to demonstrate it during the shooting process.

"We were simply women who support each other," Lashan's discounted.

In addition, an upward celebrity that entered the official caste franchise about James Bond, you can see in such a full-length movie, as the Drama "Brotherhood" 2016 release, in which the actress reincarnated to the heroine named Ashanti, and in the comedy "Dame room" 2013- go.

Many roles Lynch had to fulfill on television. So, in 2007, she appeared in one episode of the Bill police series, in 2013 - in several series of "silent witness". The next year was marked by 2 projects - "Atlantis" and "7.39", and the 2015th - "Death In Paradise "and British CRIMS Sitkom. In addition, Lahana Lynch in recent years has been replenished with such television series as" doctors "and" bulletproof ".

Anthony Head and Lashan Lynch (Frame from the series

2020 prepares a surprise to all fans of cult paintings on Agent 007. Already, the continuation is already being actively underway - the 25th film from the Bondian cycle, which will differ efficiently from the previous ones. And Lashan Lynch will fulfill a central role.

The media declassified information that Kinokartina Bond 25 on the most talented secret agent will begin with the fact that James Bond will retire and leave for Jamaica. However, his rest will last long - a man will cause a person to be able to fight with a new villain.

In the very first stage, the phrase "VIEW, 007" will sound, after which the room will enter the room not a familiar handsome man in a solid trouser costume, and a wonderful black woman who will play Lashan. At this moment, the audience will have to just adole. Bond will remain a Bond, but he will no longer wear the title of agent 007.

According to rumors, the heroine of the British actress was born due to the fantasy Writer of the new Bondian Phoebe Waller-Bridge. The woman is the author and the creator of the sensational English series "Dryan", and is also known for his feminist glances. She joined the Scriptwriters team not immediately, but only in the process of all preparations for shooting the militant (director Dannil Boyle dropped out of the project, and His place was taken by Carey Fukunaga).

Before Waller-Bridge set the task to soften the character of the Bond and show his emotional side, thereby making the character not so unequivocal. It was Phoebe offered to make a new agent 007 woman.

"This is a modern Bond, which turns to the new generation, but at the same time he holds everything that they are waiting for the films about Bond," sayby Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

Of course, Lynch is not the only outstanding woman who will appear in Bond-25. In the current film about the agent, a truly strong female composition. Cuban and Spanish actress Ana de Armas, who recently appeared in the film Danny Boyla "yesterday", by rumors, will play the first woman Bond - it came up with Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Meanwhile, Lea Seyda will return as a seductive French psychologist Madeleine Swann, and Naomi Harris will play IV Mannipenni, Bond's partner.

Personal life

About his personal life, the performer is prefers not too much to spread, despite the fact that fans are interested in questions about what orientation is Lashan, whether she has a husband, a guy or, maybe a girl."I am a girl with forms, and I like to emphasize it, instead of hiding. I love to wear things that are tosing a figure, and be in an open swimsuit, because I am proud of your body. And it becomes easier for me to be a high woman on heels and not feel awkward due to growth (175 cm, weight 62 kg). It is truly important for me. "

On the red tracks, Lashan Lynch gives preference, as itself is recognized, outlines "elegant and bold." It often chooses bright colors pink, blue, silver and unusual textures.

Like many residents and residents of London, in June 2017 she was shocked by a fire in the Grenfell Tower building. And in 2018, Lashan published a photo in the personal profile of "Instagram", on which Grenfell was in T-shirt. In the post under the publication, the girl wondered why no one was responsible for the tragedy.

Lashan Lynch now

Now Briton takes an active part in the shooting of the Bond-25 militant, which, presumably, will be in world rolling in 2020. In the meantime, Lashan is intriguing fans, laying out pictures from the set.


  • 2012 - "Fast Girls"
  • 2013 - "Lady Room"
  • 2014 - "Atlanta"
  • 2015 - "Death in paradise"
  • 2016 - "Brotherhood"
  • 2016 - "Doctors"
  • 2017 - "Fate Woven"
  • 2019 - "Captain Marvel"
  • 2018 - ... - "bulletproof"
  • 2020 - "Bond 25"

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