Nikolay Leonov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Nikolay Leonov is the Soviet writer, the author of several dozen detectives and the creator of the character named Lev Gurov. In terms of works, the classic of the genre was removed not one film. The realism of his writings attached to the experience gained in Mura, where the writer worked for 10 years. The career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Leonov exchanged the writer's work by releasing the books that readers were interested.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Leonov - Native Moskvich. He was born on June 16, 1933. Having received a school certificate, the young man entered the Moscow Legal Institute. His classmate was Georgy Weiner, a famous later Soviet author of detectives. After completing the training, Nikolai became an employee of Moore. The division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow was engaged in the capital's criminal wanted.

Leonov's career could envy many colleagues. From China Lieutenant, he reached the police captain. His work was in search operations, and Nikolai spent a lot of time on the streets of the city, it dreamed of conditions that did not describe later in the works. Among the first cases of the novice operative were banal minor thefts and market fraud. The head of Nicholas was Vladimir Chvanov, Colonel Police, whose image served as a prototype for the character of Gleb Zheglov.

Leonov supported a good sporting form and was among the first athletes in the country attendant table tennis. For some time he was the captain of the national team, and then became a coach. Nikolay gave a farewell and recommendations to young players. As part of the team, Leonov managed to visit the border, representing the USSR national team even in the United States.

For 10 years, Nikolay Leonov gave the service in Mura, but by their passage filed a report with past resignation at his own request. It is not known whether he wanted to devote himself to creativity, moving away from a policeman's career, or he had a need to adapt to the conditions dictated by time.

Leonov's resignation became a revelation for colleagues. By the time he was a participant in large investigations and, if desired, could pass through the career ladder to high rank. But the creator of the legendary Lion Gurova did not seem necessary. In 1963, he took the documents and was no longer returned to the service.


Success on the new field accompanied the writer not immediately. The copyright debut was the work "I proceed to detention", published in 1965. The book was not easy to author, since he did not have the necessary skill to fully. The editor repeatedly returned it with edits, requiring adjustments. Thanks to cooperation with co-authors, Leonov gradually developed the author's manner and style, which later attracted thousands of readers.

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The characteristics of the writer's writer became unpredictable intrigue, psychological and domestic accuracy rated by film directories. Leonov detectives were used to film. The works of the author easily turned into a dragon. The Golden Foundation of Domestic Films replenished the tapes "Tavern on Pyatnitsy", "Cobra Throw."

The first essay, over which Leonov worked as a screenwriter, became Ring. Kinokartina on him came to the screens in 1973. The author combined an acute story with sketches from sports life and managed to captivate the audience. Subsequent 2 tapes secured his name in the list of classics of the genre. In 1978, the premiere of the painting "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya", based on the story "Wait for my call" took place. Becoming a film rolling leader, the film collected more than 50 million people at the screen.

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In 1979, the light saw the television series "Omega version" ", the plot for which the events described in the story" Wiking "was served. The action has evolved around the scout in 1942 in Tallinn in the occupation. Sergey Skorin and his opponent, counterintelliger von Schlover became the main characters of the paintings. The film was among the first, representing the former Soviet enemies smart and cunning people. The main roles were outstanding actors Oleg Dal and Igor Vasilyev.

A separate place in the creative biography of Nikolai Leonova occupies a cycle dedicated to the adventures of the detective Lion Gurova. The book, which opened the series, was released in the 1975th "Okavka Okavka". The main character changed for 20 years. He gained experience, got into amazing grill, and against the background of his investigations, a whole country changed.

The author acquainted the audience with a young lieutenant, who at the end of the story appeared before the reader by a lieutenant colonel with a huge experience. Some detectives about Gurov were fused. The hero was of interest to the audience, as it looked like an old friend, the same as an ordinary viewer. In addition, he desperately craved justice, which was so lacked in ordinary life.

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Nikolay Leonov was a popular and popular author. He put in the chapter of the narrative psychological attack of action, not decorating with his peripetias and special effects. Many readers are valued in the works of Nikolai Leonov, the logic of developing events, which often does not get the works of this genre. The writer described the life of such as it is. The final book of the series got on the counters of bookstores in 1998. "Pier during the plague" completed the cycle of 28 essays.

It is curious that the name of the chief hero coincided with the name of the legendary operative of Alexander Gurova. He first began to fight organized crime in the Soviet society, but was not in Ladu with the authorities, the measure for which was the actual ideology. In the books of Leonov, unpredictable coincidences, intersecting with the real life of Alexander Gurova, were observed. The last case of the detective was associated with the mysterious murder, in which readers saw the amazing similarity with the death of Galina Staroyna. This story was named "Pier during plague."

Personal life

Today, learn whether the writer had a wife and children, not easy. He hid his personal life from prying eyes. Despite the recognition, the author did not use the accompanying privileges and lived enough modestly. Among his hobbies there were chess and flower growing.


Nikolay Leonov died aged 66 years. January 9, 1999 he went to Irkutsk. There he met an old buddy, homeopath Isislav Lifshits. The writer diagnosed the problems in the work of the liver, so he intended to undergo treatment.

Books Nikolai Leonov

4 days after the arrival of Leonov, he experienced a heart attack, which caused death. Doctors failed to provide the necessary help. The body of the writer was buried in Moscow at the Mitinsky cemetery. Photo Nikolai Leonov today can be found on the Internet.


  • 1975 - "Java with the Municipal"
  • 1979 - "Shot in the back"
  • 1981 - "Agony"
  • 1983 - "Trap"
  • 1985 - "Dooming to the victory"
  • 1990 - "Corruption"
  • 1994 - "People's Commissariat" ("Ment goes")
  • 1996 - "Guard Protection"
  • 1997 - "Death in Live Ether"
  • 1998 - "Wolf Ticket"
  • 1998 - "Pier during the plague"
  • 2000 - "Money or Law"

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