Eric Brun - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Rudolf Nureev



Eric Brun is a famous ballet dancer, choreographer and an actor known for outstanding achievements on theatrical scene. He became the owner of the title Knight Order of the Order of Danneborg, which confirmed the merits of the Danish Worker of Art. In Paris, Brun received the Nizhinsky Prize. After completing their career on the stage, it was realized as a director of ballets and worked on full-format performance. The dancer is also known as a close friend of Rudolph Nureyev.

Childhood and youth

Eric Brun was born in Copenhagen on October 1, 1928. Upon learning of the immediate appearance of the firstborn, his parents got married. He was the first child for the mother and the third for the Father. The boy was fond of ballet from the young years.

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In 9, he became a student of the King Danish ballet troupe, and in 1946 he made his debut on a professional scene. The first role was the image of Adonis in the production of Torvaldsen, created by Herald Landnder. The performance was held at the Royal Opera Theater. In 1947, Eric became a member of the main theater troupe. The young man was 18 years old.


The first speeches of the dancer took place on Saturdays. He worked in the Danish company and was involved in the ballet "Metropolitan". It took place a marked acquaintance with Bulgarine from Bulgaria Sonya Aerova. With her, Brun created a duet that received enthusiastic responses to the public and critics. Taking a vacation in Denmark, he danced with a ballet troupe on the Snaps in the UK. For half a year, Eric went on stage without days off, conquering the viewer for the viewer.Embed from getty images

In 1948, he returned to the Danish royal ballet, where the year became a soloist. Conquered recognition, Brun received the corresponding privileges. Taking leave in 1949, he became the dancer of the New York Ballet Theater and for 9 years he acted in his composition. The name of the dancer at this point was known in many European countries.

The main stage in his creative biography was the period after the speech in the ballet "Giselle" in the role of Albrecht. Premiere of production took place on May 1, 1955. The artist went onto the stage in a duet with Alicia Markova. The partner was older than him for 20 years, and at the rehearsal before the performance took only three days.

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After the release of the play, criticism unanimously recognized him with a sensation. The role and choreography did not imply the need for outstanding abilities from the Contractor. But Eric Bruuna managed to make an image memorable thanks to the purity of technology and the large talent he had.

The ballet was for him the most valuable in life, so the dancer from the young years did not neglect any training session, constantly improving the skill. It brought him the love of the public. Charisma allowed the restrained Danchanin to conquer the hearts of the public of any country.

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In 1961, the dancer left the Danish royal ballet. By the time Glory accompanied his name everywhere. Brun could choose from a large number of proposals what was interesting for him. Periodically, he performed on his native stage as a guest artist, but he spent most of the time in New York.

Eric Brun worked with various troupes of Europe and North America. He danced with Paris Opera Ballet and Royal Ballet London, National Ballet, Canada and Ballet, Joffrey. The artist provided the main roles in the production of "Giselle", "Swan Lake", "Sylphide".

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In 1962, Brun participated in the play of John Cranko "Daphnis and Chloe", the premiere of which took place in the Stuttgart Theater. The setting was created specifically for him, and Eric fell on her special love. The dancer also collaborated with Birgit Kulberg, Roland Petit and other choreographers. Among his partners were Cynthia Gregory, Charles Fracecchi, Natalia Makarova, Allegra Kent and other ballerina.

In the memoirs, published in 1968, the artist wrote that he managed to blame with each of the partner, becoming a successful duet for the 1-2 seasons. Their cooperation was a mutual impact on equipment and style, as well as the ability to improve. In 1963, Bruna awarded the Order of Danneborg, which is considered the most prestigious option for recognition in Denmark. In the same period, he was handed over to the Nizhinsky Prize.

Eric Brun spoke to the last, completing his career as an honorary dancer. In 1972, he went to the scene in Sylphide in the Majd Witch. By the time he worked for 3 years as a director of the Swedish Opera Ballet. In 1974, Erik acted in the Rashamon formulation, the premiere of which was held in the native country.

From 1983, until the 1986th artist was choreographer of the National Ballet of Canada. Despite the fact that he was called to a similar post in the royal Danish ballet, Bruun refused twice. In Canada, he put full-format classic performances "Swan Lake", "Coppelia", "Sylph". Their with sympathy took the public.

Brun saw the dance not as a spectacle, but as a drama, so I sought to give movements to the movement. He matched for reincarnation and combining his own personality with a character, controlling the image to manage to communicate with the public. In recent years of life, the dancer worked as a teacher and coach.

Eric Brun starred in several films, thanks to which today you can judge his talent. In 1952, Charles Vidior released the picture of the "Hans Christian Andersen", in which Zezri became a partner Bruna. And in 1969, the premiere of the film ballet of Hugo Nibeling and Blair's devoid took place. It was "Giselle", over which Bruun worked together with Carla Fracecchi. Videos of rehearsals and performances with Eric are also preserved in youth and in mature years.

Personal life

The man was incredibly pleasant. He possessed an aristocratic posture, an attractive figure. Its growth and weight were sufficient to withstand large physical exertion, which involves the role of a man in ballet.

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Blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate faces attracted dozens of women, but Eric Brun was engaged. His bride became Ballerina Maria Tolchif, but the dancer could not create a family with her. His orientation assumed interest not to the opposite sex. The personal life of the artist was conjured with a large number of intimate connections.

In 1961, the fateful meeting of Eric Bruna and Rudolph Nureyev took place. The Russian dancer moved to Europe, being a non-return for his native country. Nureev first saw Bruna on tour in the USSR, where Eric came as part of the American ballet troupe. The stylistics of artists differed, but Rudolph was conquered by plastic and charisma colleagues. Acquaintance brought to men a close relationship they supported for 25 years.

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The relations of Nureyev and Bruna were not easy. They often sighed, parted and changed each other without hiding their own addictions, but again converged. In the late 1960s, Bruna even had a daughter from one of the ballerinas. The pair of Rudolph and Eric became one of the most durable representatives of same-sex unions of that era. Today, men often exhibit on the venissions. It is difficult for them to determine the degree of their immersion in each other, but Nureyev and Brun spent a large amount of time.


Eric Brun died on February 1, 1986 in Toronto. The dancer was 57 years old. The official cause of death is considered to be lung cancer. But the familiar artist put forward the assumption about the availability of AIDS. The grave of the actor is located in Gentgoft in the cemetery called Maribjerg, in the suburbs of the Danish capital. After the funeral on the tombstone, the monument was never installed.Embed from getty images

Colleagues remembered a dancer as a person who worked with partners with great respect, but not allowed to leave him in the second plan. A courageous, elegant and sensual artist was distinguished by virtuoso technique. He was called the perfect dancer of the era, and Brune's authority in the professional community was continued. In 1987, Eric Bruna posthumously awarded the honorary premium for an exemplary contribution to the culture and history of Canada.


  • 1952 - "Hans Christian Andersen"
  • 1969 - "Giselle"

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