Otto Bismarck - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, First Chancellor of Germany



Otto von Bismarck is a statesman and politician who managed to have a great influence on European history. He entered the number of people who have formed the German Empire. Speaking as a conservative, the main task of politician saw the unity of native lands and the refusal of colonial policy.Embed from getty images

Background Bismarck was Ambassador Prussia in Russia and supported links with local diplomats, which influenced its perception of the country and its position in the international arena. From 1862 to 1873, the politician held the post of Prime Minister Prussia, and then stood at the head of the German Empire. The first chancellor was a real idol for Adolf Hitler.

Childhood and youth

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in the town called Shenhausen, in Brandenburg. In those years, the city referred to the Prussian province of Saxony. The boy belonged to the old nobility, and his ancestors were famous politicians. Otto loved his father very much, who after serving in the army was in the rank of retired captain of Cavalry. Mother devoted all his time to raising children, but the son did not remember the Son's special tenderness.

The boy brought up with brothers and sisters. In total, 6 children were born in the family. Three brothers and sisters were killed in childhood. Otto was the 4th child. When he was marked for a year, the family moved to Porosania, in Konarzhevo, where the child's child's childhood passed. These owners of the father inherited from the cousin. Here the boy was born brother and sister Bernard and Malvina.

Otto Bismarck in youth

At 7, Otto was given to the Elite boarding school in Berlin. Then he became a gymnasium in Graze Closter. In 1832, the young man entered the University of Göttingen in Hanover, choosing jurisprudence, and a year later he returned to Berlin. In parallel with the receipt of education, Bismarck was engaged in diplomacy.

At first, he acted as an administrative worker, and then received a place in the appellate court of Potsdam. The measured activity did not impress the ambitious and active OTTO. He considered the discipline boring. In his youth heard a mischief, the university surrounded himself a reputation as a hot-tempered and ambiguous personality. The student often participated in duels and almost never lost his opponents.

Career and Military Service

In 1837, the young man went as a volunteer to serve in the Baifswald battalion. Already in 1839, when the mother died, together with his brother, Bismarck took part in managing the estates belonging to the family. He was 24 years old.Embed from getty images

Insudacy and literacy of planning that Otto demonstrated, many of his acquaintances were surprised. Bismarck's background was given as an exclusive, stylish, but a hot-tempered landowner. Since 1846, Otto worked in the office, engaged in the management of the work of dam. He traveled a lot in Europe, independently forming political views.

Otto Bismarck von Bismarck dreamed of a political career, but it has evisted soon, because most of the acquaintances remembered the dubious reputation and the explosive character of a young man. In 1847, Bismarck's background became a deputy of the United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom, and from that moment he was not stopped. Europe in these years experienced revolution.

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Liberal and socialist associations fought for the rights and freedoms described in the Constitution. The newly made politician who preached conservative principles turned out to be an unexpected person in the state chaise. Supporters of the Prussian king celebrated his oratory and favorable glances. Protecting the rights of the monarchy, the background Bismarck was in opposition.

The statesman formed the Conservative Party and participated in the creation of the "Croyz-Zaytung" edition. Presenting a young nobility in parliament, Otto understood the absence of a compromise. He performed for a single parliament and subordination of his power.

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In the 1850s, the official received a place in the Erfurt Parliament and opposed the Constitution and Policy, which could provoke a conflict with Austria. Background Bismarck anticipated the defeat of Prussia. The insight helped him get the place of the Minister in the Bundestag Frankfurt am Main. Despite the lack of diplomatic experience, Otto quickly gained the necessary skills and glory.

In the 1857th von Bismarck became the ambassador of Prussia in Russia. He held this position until 1862. Often visiting the country and extinguishing in St. Petersburg, he brought friendship with Vice Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov. His German considered his "godfather" in politics, as he partly adopted a diplomatic style from the Russian friend. Background Bismarck learned unfamiliar language, felt the mentality and nature of the nation.

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One of his famous statements will be a warning that it is impossible to allow war between Germany and Russia, since it will have detrimental consequences for the Germans. The relationship between the background Bismarck and the monarchs of Russia was so close that the policy even offered a post at the court.

Career Otto von Bismarck was successfully developed, but her new stage began with the weighing on the throne of Wilhelm I in 1861. Prussia held a constitutional crisis provoked by disagreements between the king and Landtag. The parties could not agree on a military budget. Wilhelm needed support that I saw in the background of Bismarck. At that time he held the post of ambassador in France.


Disagreements between Wilhelm I and Liberals made Otto Bismarck von the weighty political figure. He was appointed prime minister and foreign minister for assistance in the reorganization of the army. The reform did not support the opposition, which was known about the ultra-conservative position of the Bismarck background. The confrontation between opponents ceased for 3 years due to the turbines arising in Poland. The man proposed support for the Polish king and became unwanted in Europe, but he won the confidence of Russia.

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Then Otto von Bismarck took part in conflicts that worked out in Denmark. He was forced to resist national movements again. In the 1866th war began with Austria and division of state lands. In support of Prussia was Italy. Military success strengthened the position of Bismarck Background. Austria lost influence and no longer represented a threat.

In 1867, the Effords of the Politics were organized by the North-German Union. The Confederation combined the principality, duchy and kingdom. So the state actor became the first Chancellor of Germany, introduced the voting law of Reichstag and focused power in his hands. Background Bismarck held under the control of the foreign policy of the country and followed the internal situation in the empire, knowing what was happening in all the State Deposits.

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Napoleon III, who ruled at this time, was concerned about the association of states and tried to stop him with the help of weapons. The Franco-Prussian War was won by Bismarck, and the king of France was captive. 1871 became the date of the foundation of the German Empire, the Second Reich, whose Kaiser was Wilhelm I.

From this point on, the Bismarck background held back internal and external threats from the Social Democrats, as well as the rulers of France and Austria, who feared the new state. His was called the Iron Chancellor, and the foreign policy conducted by the "Bismarck Union System." The statesman followed that in Europe there are no strong antigherman associations that can provoke the war. At the same time, he walked on any tricks to create a profitable external and social policy.

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The German elite rarely understood the multi-stage strokes of Bismarck, so his figure annoyed the nobility. It required war to redistribute land. Otto von Bismarck opposed colonial politics, although the first subordinate land appeared during his board in Africa and the Pacific Ocean.

The new generation of statesmen sought power. They were not afraid of the unity of their country, but world domination. So, the 1888th became the "year of three emperors." Wilhelm I and his son Friedrich III died: the first from old age, and the second from the throat cancer. The country was headed by Wilhelm II. In his rule, Germany became a member of the First World War. This event turned out to be fatal for the state united by an iron chancellor.

In 1890, the background Bismarck resigned. He was 75 years old. By the beginning of the summer, France and Russia united with England against Germany.

Personal life

Having become acquainted in 1844 in Konarzhevo with the Joanna Puttkamer, Otto Bismarck decided to associate his further biography with her. 3 years later, a wedding of young people took place. Personal life of spouses was happy. My wife supported Bismarck's background, was a very religious person. Otto became a good spouse, despite the relationship with Ekaterina Orlova-Truck, the wife of the Russian ambassador, and intrigues that allow themselves political figures.

Otto background Bismarck and his wife

Three children were born in the family: Maria, Herbert and William. Joanna died at the age of 70. Having mourning it, the background Bismarck erected a chapel, where her dust was buried. Later, the remains of the spouse were transferred in the mausoleum von Bismarck in Friedrichsruhe.

Otto Bismarck's background was a lot of hobbies. He loved the horse ride very much and collecting degrees. Being in Russia, politician was so fascinated by the Russian language, which did not lose interest to him and subsequently. The loved word of the man was "nothing" (in the meaning of "nothing terrible"). His state certificate mentioned in memoirs and memories of Russia.


Recent years, Bismarck's background went in prosperity. In Germany, they understood the role that politician played in the history of the country's formation. In 1871 he greeted the Earth in the Duchy of Launburg, and on the 70th anniversary - a large amount of money. Her former Chancellor sent to the redemption of the ancestors and the acquisition of the estate in Pomerania, where he lived as in a country residence. The balance of schoolchildren's assistance fund was founded.

Otto Bismarck background on mortal

After the resignation, Bismarck was received by the title of Duke of Launburg, although he did not use him for personal purposes. Former statesman lived near Hamburg. He printed in periodicals, criticizing the political system in the country. The man was not destined to see what was led by a new board. He died in 1898, at the 85th year of life. The causes of death were quite natural for the person of his age. Background Bismarck buried in Friedrichsruhe.

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His name was repeatedly used in order to propaganda at the beginning of World War II. German political figures used quotes from the book "Big Policy of European Cabinets". Today she is on a par with the publication "Thoughts and Memories" is a literary monument of diplomatic skill Otto Bismarck. Portraits of the statesman and photos can be found on the Internet.


  • "Conclude alliances with anyone, unleash any wars, but never touch the Russians."
  • "When you want to fool the whole world - tell the truth"
  • "In life - as in a chair at a dental doctor: all the time it seems that the main thing will be still, and it is already behind"
  • "The attitude of the state to the teacher is a state policy, which indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness"
  • "Never lie so much as during the war, after hunting to the election"


  • "The world on the verge of war. What awaits Russia and Europe "
  • "The second Reich. No need to fight with Russia "
  • "Big Policy of European Cabinets"
  • "Thoughts and memories"
  • "Don't play with the Russians"


  • Order of black eagle
  • Red Eagle Order, Big Cross
  • Order "Pour Le Mérite" with oak leaves
  • Order "Pour Le Mérite Für Wissenschaften und Künste"
  • Order of the house of Gogenzollerns, the Grand Commander
  • Iron Cross 1st Class
  • Iron Cross 2nd Class
  • Oak leaves to the iron cross
  • Order of the crown of the 1st grade
  • Order Wilhelma
  • Order of St. John Jerusalem
  • Rescue medal
  • Military Honor 1st Class

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