Sarah Mountyl - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



The life and biography of the famous actress and singer Sary Montylus are a series of takeoffs and falls, triumph periods and dimensions, when the actress gave himself concerns about the family and writing memoirs. The career of the artist began in Native Spain, but Glory came on a foreign land: not finding recognition of the house, Sarah left first in Mexico, and then in Hollywood. Only after foreign success, she returned to his homeland with Triumph, where he played his best roles.

Childhood and youth

Sarah Mountyl (Maria Anthony Aleukandra Vista Elpidia Isidor Abad Fernandez) was born on March 10, 1928 in Campo de Cryptana, Spain.

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The peasant family Abad Fernandez was as pious, as far as the poor. The situation was aggravated by the largest pair. Sometimes the girl with older sisters fed "catching" from someone else's garden.

Father Isidoro Abad made the daughter of the fate of the nun. At age 5, he gave the baby to school at the women's monastery. It was where to turn around her energetic nature - Sarita, so the nuns affectionately called the girl, served in the church, sang in church church, studied to play the piano, which found in school.

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At home on various religious holidays, she performed psalms, standing in front of a numerous crowd of Rodney. And before Sarita, Sarita gave out excerpts from fashionable operas, which, again secretly, so as not to pour out his father, listened on the radio. Already then, from the young performer, it was impossible to tear the eye: white-eyed, with black almond-shaped eyes and elegant features, Sarah, even in adolescence, was not a nasty duckling.

In short, not to see the future star was impossible in it. Therefore, when an immature teenager Sarah secretly left the parents in Madrid at the competition of young talents, members of the jury, not thinking, awarded her first prize, implying, in addition to money, free admission to the music academy. This crazy act opened the way to the top of the world glory.

Movies and music

Her debut in the movie took place in 1943, the girl received a role in the painting "I love you for me." Next year, she is waiting for her main role and a new adult movie in the tape "It all started from the wedding." In the credits, it is already as Sarah Mounty.

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Young beauty became an actress of musical melodram: everything around is bright, motley, noisy, hollow - in this atmosphere she felt like a fish in the water. "Confidencia", "Don Quixote from Ladanchi" and also with a dozen films, as well as the first solo album - this is the result of its first creative stage in Spain. Realizing that it was stuck in one role and the number of invitations rarely radically, Sarita sees that something needs to be changed. And she, throwing everything, leaving in 1950 in Mexico.

Outside the ocean actress was accepted warm and welcoming. Sarah immediately plunged into the work, her first role was the Muslim Princess in the historical drama "Madness of Love". The film brought her great popularity, not only in Mexico. The paintings with the montylter became the newly popular and in Spain, but the main thing - the actress became interested in Hollywood and made her a long-awaited offer.

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In 1954, Montylter leaves in Hollywood and removed in the western "Veracruz", having previously signed a contract with the Studio Warner Brothers. The partners of the young Spanish were brilliant Gary Cooper and Bert Lancaster. The film had a huge success in the box office, glorifying the Hollywood debutant to the whole world.

The next invitation from Kinobossov did not have to wait. In 1956, American director Anthony Mann invites Mounty in the picture "Serenada". The main role of Mann gave a popular opera singement and film actor Mario Lanz. He played a simple guy of Damon Vinzetti, whose talent allows you to break through the stage of the New York Opera. But betrayal believes a guy. The daughter of Matador - Juan Monties performed by Sarah Montiel helps to survive him.

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The melodrama turned out to be beautiful and touching, brought the actors a sea of ​​spectator love. And Sarah she gave both changes in his personal life. Soon the girl married Anthony Mann, who was 23 years older than 23 years old. The director promised to make a star of Hollywood from the sultry Spanish, but it was not destined to happen. After the wedding, Manna broke a heart attack, the former wife began to take care of him, and the feeling of unnecessary and abandoned Sarita returned to his native Spain.

Triumphal return occurred in the spring of 1958. And there was a reason: the actress starred in the melodraman of the famous Spanish director Juan de Orduny "Last verse", played a major role. Her heroine Maria Luhhan - Primadonna Music Hall. But after the death of the beloved - the young Toreador, Maria leaves the stage and lives herder.

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Only a few years later, she returns to the viewer at the insistence of an old friend. The singer performs a song dedicated to his beloved, and dies with the last verse. The film became the most cash register in the Spanish movie in the 1950s. He was shown throughout Europe and Latin America.

60s steel for montylter for a truly star period. Each tape with her participation turns into a hit: Melodrama "My Last Tango", "Carmen from Ronda", "Casablanca - Spy Nest". In all these paintings, Sarita is removed from the star of French Cinema Maurice Ron, and in all its inimitable velvet voice sounds. And in "Casablanca", the actress sang the legendary song Besame Mucho ("Besam Maucho"), which precisely in its performance has gained special popularity.

The culmination of the success of Mountain was the melodrama "Queen of Shantekler" (1962) director Rafael Hil. In it, Sarita appeared in the image of the fateful singer Charito, who worries the tragedy because of the death of a loved one.

Further, in the filmography of the actresses, the melodramas "Beautiful Lola" appear (in the Russian box office called "Lady with Camellia"), "Variety" (1971). But time takes its own, and the actress less often began to invite to the main roles, preferring younger. In the mid-70s, Sarah announced a pause in a film engineer and switched to the theater and performance of songs. The plates and disks with the songs of Montylus were produced by millions of chairs and became the leaders of sales around the world.

Personal life

Who would have thought that a gathering to become a monk Sarita would break thousands of men's hearts. This number, of course, entered the numerous fans who bore her letters with love confessions. The image of the actress was a sex symbol of the 60s. Her beautiful face and an accurate figure (height 167 cm) was crazy with millions.

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The number of novels and hobbies of the artist is also calculated difficult. At different times, she was attributed to the relationship with American actor Gary Cooper, writer Ernest Haminguey, Poet Leon Felipe and other celebrities.

The actress 4 times married. After an unsuccessful marriage with director Anthony Mann (divorced in 1962) Sarah became the wife of the industrialist Jose Vicente Ramires Olual. Businessman sent a luxury luxurious rose every day. And the proposal made, presenting a huge crystal vase, to the top jewelery.

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This marriage was performed on all the canons of Catholicism. In 1964, the young married in the church and swore in loyalty to each other. However, the couple was separated after 6 years: Freedom-loving Sarah simply escaped from the golden cage, in which her locked her husband, wanting to protect from cinematographic life.

The third marriage became for the actress the longest and happy. The wife of Mounty became a journalist and impresario José Toul. Idyllo violated only the absence of a couple of children - Sarah was childless. José persuaded his wife to take the receptions, and soon Tais appeared in their family (1979) and the son of Zeus (1983). The reception mother personally attended the genus of both.

Sarah Mountyl and Antonio Hernandez

Sarita widowel in 1992 and has long come to himself. In the early 2000s, she wrote two books of memoirs: "Memoirs: to live with pleasure" and "Sarah and Sex". The woman has already forgotten about his personal life when 38-year-old Cuban Antonio Hernandez appeared on her horizon. He turned out to be a long-standing passionate fan of the artist, in his house in Havana he collected all her photos in his youth and arranged something like a Pantheon Sarah Mountyl.

The couple got married in 2002 (actress was 73 years old), and in 2005 divorced. After the divorce Sarah said:

"It was the biggest disappointment in my life."


In old age, a woman lived in his luxurious Madrid apartment together with the older sister - the old Virgin Elpidia. Sarah Montiel died on April 8, 2013 at the 86th year of life from natural reasons.Embed from getty images

The funeral of the popular kinodius was lush, no matter how she wanted. In the last way, Sarita came to spend the most devoted fan and lover - Italian actor Giancarlo Viola del Duku.


  • 1944 - "I love you for me"
  • 1944 - "It all started from the wedding"
  • 1947 - "Don Quixote from Lamanchi"
  • 1950 - "Madness of Love"
  • 1954 - "Veracruz"
  • 1956 - "Serenade"
  • 1957 - "Last verse"
  • 1958 - "Pihalok saleswoman"
  • 1959 - "Carmen from Ronda"
  • 1960 - "My Last Tango"
  • 1962 - "Queen" Chatetekler "
  • 1963 - "Casablanca - Nest of Spies"
  • 1971 - "Variety"


  • "La Violetera - Columbia"
  • "CARMEN LA de Ronda"
  • "EL TANGO"
  • "La Bella Lola"
  • "Samba"
  • "SARA"
  • "Varietés"
  • "Saritisima"
  • "Amados Mios"
  • "Besame"

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