Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Presidency of Turkmenistan, died 2021



"That academician, then the hero ..." - So the words of Alexander Pushkin, you can characterize the Turkmen president of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. A man who is called Arcadag's compatriots ("patron"), - Honorary Doctor of foreign universities, the winner of the auto racing and Karatist. About the accomplishments of Gurbanguly as a navigator and a carpenter are not yet known, but, like Peter the first, the Turkmen leader Silen in dentistry and surpassed the Russian king in literary and musical tissue.

Childhood and youth

Arcadag was born in the midst of the summer of 1957 in the village of Babarap, in which his father was seduced in the youth. The name of Gurbanguly in Turkmen means "selfless flower", and the surname occurs on behalf of the grandfather Berdymukhammed Annaeva, Frontovik, who died during the Ashgabat earthquake.

The natural disaster claimed the lives of 30 thousand inhabitants of the Southern Republic, including the brothers of the first president of Turkmenistan Saparmurat Niyazov. In 2012, the Dramatic Theater on Avenue Makhtumkuli released a performance about the ancestor of the Arcadag, and in 2018 Annaeva posthumously awarded the Russian medal "for courage".

Parents of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Lives - Son regularly takes on public events that Pope Mohlguli, then Mama Ogulabat-Ej. Arcadag grew surrounded by sisters - Gulnabat, Durdynabat, Guldjamal, Oguldjamal and Maimari. The brothers from the leader Turkmen is not. Sister Gulnabat, now bearing the name of Ponvetov, now heads the Turkmen branch of the Red Crescent Society.

According to rumors, the blood father of Gurbanguly - Saparmurat Niyazov: The worships are so explained by the career growth of Berdimuhamedov and its external resemblance to the predecessor. An interesting fact: at the time of the birth of Arcadaga, the future of Turkmenbashi was 17 years old, and with his wife Alexeyevna Niyazov met only in 8 years.

At the age of 15, the young man won the Championship of Ashgabat in classical struggle, and in 16 - in the championship of Turkmenistan on shooting. Gurbanguly did not prengear Mohlguli Berdimuhamedov, who became an officer-political officer, and the future president entered the dental faculty of the Republican Medin Institute.


The labor biography of Gurbanguly began with a dentist in a rustic ambulance. However, after 2 years, Berdimuhamedov became the main dentist of the Ashgabat district. According to memories of colleagues, the young doctor focused on cleanliness and order in medical institutions and ordered the men's doctors to come to work in the smooth pants.

At the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, Berdimuhamedov makes a career in Alma Mater, for 5 years, having passed the path from the assistant to the department to the dean of the native faculty. In 1995, Gurbanguly Mealikguluvich was headed by the Dental Center of the Ministry of Health of Turkmenistan, and in 1997 a department itself.

Political activity

In the early 2000s, Berdimuhamedov took the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Turkmen government (he led the Cabinet of Ministers by the President of Niyazov himself), and in 2006 she represented the state at the CIS Ministerial Summit. After the death of the "Father of the Turkmen Nation", Gurbanguly Mealkilyevich headed the funeral commission and began to fulfill the duties of the president.

The functions of the head of state automatically had to move to the chairman of Majlis Ovezgeldy Ataev, but the Turkmen colleague Valentina Matvienko accused of abuse of official position and imprisoned.

Berdimuhamedov defeated three times in the presidential election: in 2007, Gurbanguly Michligilyevich scored 87% of the vote, in 2012 - 97%, and in 2017 94%. During the first presidential period, Arcadag was assisted on operations to remove a benign tumor, received a degree of doctor of medical sciences and the title of professor. For the third time, the president was elected for a 7-year term.

In the first years of the reign of Berdymukhamedov, measures took measures to restrict the cult of the Personality of the predecessor - canceled the final exam in Rukhanam (the main work of Niyazov) and returned the Gregorian calendar, removed the name of Turkmenbashi from the hymn and oath, increased the duration of training in secondary and higher educational institutions, abbreviated president.

However, many hopes, the Turkmen did not come true - access to the Internet promised by Gurbanguly Mohlglyuchevich, there are only 5% of citizens, the form is obligatory not only for schoolgirls and students, but also for teachers.

The President entered the personal life of fellow citizens - Turkmen newlyweds must be photographed against the background of the portrait of the leader. The photo of Arcadaga is present in each educational class of the republic. In 2015, a 21-meter gilded equestrian statue with Gurbanguly-rider was erected in Ashgabat. The years of the reign of Berdimuhamedov are officially referred to as the era of the revival of Turkmenistan.

In 2013, the president allowed Turkmen to privatize housing, and in 2016 introduced an analogue of the Russian anti-pacary law in the state. Unlike Russia, dual citizenship is prohibited in Turkmenistan. In international ratings of political and economic freedoms, the state headed by Arcadag occupies the last lines.


Berdimuhamedov writes books about the ancestors ("Name Good Nonnet", "Grandson, embodying the dreams of a grandfather"), Motherland ("Turkmenistan - Healing Edge", "Turkmenistan - a country of healthy and highly bunk people", "Turkmen culture"), storage houses (" Water is a source of life and abundance "," Tea - medicine and inspiration "). A multi-volume guide to the authorship of the Arcadaga "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan" is in all therapeutic institutions of the country.

The presidency woke up lyrical gurbanguly giving. The leader of the nation plays a guitar and piano, composes poems and sings the songs. The most famous Single of the President "You - My White Flowers" ("Sana Menin Ak Gullerim").

Personal life

The President of Turkmenistan continues to surprise fellow citizens by the diversity of talents. Elderly and low man (judging by the photo, the arcadeg of one growth with Dmitry Medvedev, i.e. approximately 162-163 cm) not only, like Vladimir Putin, playing hockey and demonstrates citizens the technique of classes on simulators, but also wins races and in car racing.

The wife of Berdymukhamedov, who gave her husband three children, does not appear in front of the cameras. According to rumors, Arcadag has the second - unofficial - Marina's wife, with whom he met during dental practice, and an extramarital 22-year-old daughter.

The names of the grandfather and father of Gurbanguly Mealikgilyevich in Turkmenistan are called schools and government agencies. The descendants of the president lay out in "Instagram" photos from secular rounds and resorts.

From the siblings of Berdymukhamedov, the son of Serdar is most famous. 37-year-old man - Father of four children, doctor of technical sciences, deputy of the Parliament of Turkmenistan. In an interview, political scientists will overtake Heger Gurbanglyevich the status of the successor of Arcadag.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov Now

At the beginning of 2019, Berdimuhamedov was headed by the Council of Heads of the CIS states, and in the spring, he was delighted with compatriots, fulfilled with Rovacha Rovacha's horse - Zhereben-Akhaltechin. The President of Nationality Tekiinets is a representative of the tribal group of the Turkmen, in honor of which the famous breed of skumps is named. Peru Berdimuhamedov belongs to the book "Ahalteinets - our pride and glory."

In July 2019, the oppositionists of Turkmenistan reported on the death of Arcadag. As a reason called renal failure. At the end of 2018, the republic circulated gossip about the health status of the head, according to which Gurbangules allegedly fell into someone.

However, official sources denied rumors that the national leader passed away: President Berdimuhamedov is online and decided to spend time with his family, having rested from the TV cameras. In parallel, an alternative version of the disappearance of Gurbanguly Mohlglyevich from the screens was launched: in Germany there is a mother of Arcadag in Germany, and the son is now sitting in the bed of the parent.

Awards and titles

  • 1972 - Champion of Ashgabat in classical struggle
  • 1973 - Champion of Turkmenistan on shooting
  • 2007 - Order of Zaida (UAE)
  • 2007 - Honorary Academician of the Academy of Developing Markets (USA)
  • 2008 - Honorary Dr. Baku State University
  • 2009 - Gold Medal of UNESCO. Avicenna
  • 2010 - man of the year (Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania)
  • 2011 - Hero of Turkmenistan
  • 2012 - Honorary Doctor of Yerevan State University
  • 2013 - Honored Architect of Turkmenistan
  • 2015 - People's Konaren Turkmenistan
  • 2017 - Order of Alexander Nevsky (Russia)
  • 2017 - twice the hero of Turkmenistan
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor in the specialty "Social Hygiene and Health Organization"
  • Doctor of Economic Sciences
  • Army General
  • Honorable owner of the 10th Dana on Karate
  • Holder of black belt of the 7th degree in Taekwondo

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