Gustav Maleter - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, music



During his life, Gustav Malener became famous as the best among the opera and symphonic conductors of Austria. And only a narrow range of fans guess that in front of them a brilliant composer. The fact that Mahler is the largest symphony of the twentieth century, fellow countrymen learned half a century after his death.

The creativity of the composer turned out to be a bridge, tied the romanticism of the XIX century and modernism of the XX. Mahler's musical works have become a source of inspiration and a model for imitating composers of the new Vienna School of Benjamin Britten and Dmitry Shostakovich, and its songs and symphones have been firmly held firmly in concert repertoons of contemporaries.

Childhood and youth

The future composer and conductor was born in Austro-Hungarian, and now Czech Bohemia in the summer of 1860. Gustav is the second child of Jews by Mary German and Bernhard Maler. In total, 14 children were born in the family, but 8 died of little diseases and poverty. It is difficult to submit a family less than the development of the creative principle. Father, as well as Grandfather Gustav on the father's line, is a teaser. Mom - daughter of a small manufacturer.

Gustav Malener as a child

The chance of developing congenital talent and tie a biography with musical art appeared at the boy at 4 years old, when the family moved from the provincial wilderness to the old city of Jihlava in the east of the Czech Republic, inhabited mainly by the Germans. Here Gustav first heard the overall orchestra and visited Opera. Young Maller immediately repeated some melodies on a lifting harmonic, giving to understand the parents that there is a spark of talent in it.

At the age of 6, Gustava sat for the piano, honeying the music teacher. In 10, the boy wrote the first essays and appeared on stage: a talented musician was invited to participate in a city concert. The first mention of Maleler as composer dates back to 1874. The death hit by the death of a 13-year-old brother, Gustav composed by Opera, but the manuscript was not preserved. In the gymnasium, the teenager focused forces on music and literature: more than Malter did not interest anything.

Gustav Maller in youth

Father, who dreamed of growing an assistant in the family business, tried to switch the attention of his son and interest science, translating into a prestigious Prague gymnasium, but efforts failed. Maller-senior capitulated and taking off the spray in Vienna, having passed to the care of the famous pianist and teacher Julius Epstein. Professor noted the talent of the provincial young man and recommended to enter the Vienna Conservatory. Gustav studied under the beginning of Epstein in the class of piano.

In the same 1875, Gustav Malener felt that he got into the musical capital of Europe. For a month and a half in Vienna, Richard Wagner stopped, stirred by the cultural elite of the capital. Not a single opera, the productions of which he led, the admired student of the conservatory did not miss. In Vienna, the Spirit of Beethoven and Schubert Veda, created the composer and the pianist Johannes Brahms, which had an impact on the early creativity of Maler.

Gustav Maleter

An Adeline Patty and Paoline Luka shone on the stage of the opera, at concerts, Hans Richter conducted at concerts, and the composer and the organist Anton Bruckner gave lectures that Gustav Maleter gladly visited. After 4 years, the young composer composed Cantatha "plaintive song", in which the influence of two Matters - Wagner and Bruckner felt.

In addition to learning in the conservatory, Gustav showed interest in philosophy. Two years visited lectures on the subject in the University of Vienna. To reduce the ends with the ends, the musician gave the lessons of the piano game. Already then Malter was proper a brilliant future as a pianist. Composer experiences Conservative teachers accepted skeptical.


Vienna became for the musician of the second homeland, affecting tastes, determining the further path, giving a brilliant education. In 1881, Gustav Malener presented his creation of "plaintive song" at the annual Bethowhen competition. The debut turned out to be failed: the jury handed the palm of championship and Prize Robert Fuchs.

The defeat not only hurts hit the Samolda Maler, but also, he said, influenced the further choice. Gustavy dropped at the stage of the half-preparation by Opera, the "Ryubheval" fairy tale and stood up for the conductor console in Lybakh (today Ljubljana). Then he received an Anguzent in Olmyuz, where I had to defend the Wagner principles of the Orchestra leadership. Career continued in the Vienna Karl Theater, where he was entrusted to the work of the Khommerster.

In 1883, Gustavu was offered the position of the second conductor of the Royal Theater in the Hessian Kassel, where he was staying for 2 years. Unrequited to fall in love with the singer Johann Richter, Malener wrote the cycle of "Songs of the Wearing Apprentice", which the public heard 13 years later. The work is called the most romantic in the heritage of the composer.

Due to differences with the theater leadership, Mall left Kassel in the mid-1880s, having received the Angezhent in Prague German Opera. The capital of the Czech Republic adopted the conductor warmly, and the director of the theater Angelo Neuman highly appreciated the acquisition in the face of Gustav, he glanced by the talent director. In Prague, Maleer first felt the taste of glory and felt the transition to the highest level of professionalism.

A contract concluded with the new Theater Leipzig for the 1886/1887 season forced Maler to leave the hospitable Prague.

Recognition came to Gustav Maler together with the premiere of the Opera "Three Pinto", held in January 1988. The composer at the request of the grandee of the founder of the German romantic opera Karl Weber adds an unfinished work, and so well, that "three pinto" with the triumph was held on large scenes in Germany.

In the spring of 1888, love troubles again inspired the composer to create a stunning work - the first symphony. Today it is the most frequently executed and popular essay of Maler.

Having worked in Leipzig 2 seasons, the musician left the city. The conflict with the director's assistant and the desire to move to Budapest, where Gustav was offered the place of the director of the royal opera and decent sorry. Money, more precisely, their absence, poisoned the life of the composer. After the death of the father and mother, the brother and two sisters remained on his care.

The director of the unprofitable Budapest Theater Mall worked for wear. For six months he managed to turn the Royal Opera to the National Theater, having got rid of the tour and creating an orchestra who took the Opera and Wagner opera into the repertoire. The director managed to "drag" to the scene Opera Diva Lilly Lehman, famous for the unique soprano.

City Theater Hamburg in 1890

In the spring of 1891, Mahler responded to an invitation from Hamburg: he was called on the third largest opera scene of Germany, reducing only Berlin and Munich, as director and drop-maceer. Leave Budapest forced not only the tempting invitation, but the new intensity of the Richi Theater - a nationalist who did not want to see the head of the German opera.

At the beginning of next year, Gustav Malener put in the Hamburg stage Opera Peter Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin". The Russian composer and the conductor arrived in Hamburg to stand for the conductor console, but, seeing Malier at work, refused. Tchaikovsky called the German colleague ingenious.

In Hamburg, the composer issued a collection of songs "Magic Horn of the Boy", taking the same name of the poets of the poets of Heidelberg mug as the basis. Texts from the collector Mahler used when he composed three symphonies - the second, third and fourth.

Court opera in 1898

The successes of the composer and the conductor in Hamburg were noticed in Vienna. From the mid-1890s, the court opera sent agents to him, but Malener did not decrease, fearing the anti-Semitic sentiment reigning there. But Vienna called and Manila. In February 1897, Gustav was baptized in Catholicism and in the spring put a signature under a contract with the court opener, becoming the third conductor.

The path to glory was a ternist, but Malee managed to overcome him and take the place of the director of the theater. There was no more popular figure in the city, although there were mischiefers. The famous fifth symphony was born in Vienna, which divided contemporaries into two camps: Some saw vulgarity and miserably, others were extroduced for innovation to heaven. Then the sixth, seventh and eighth symphony appeared.

In its theater, Gustav Malener established new rules and orders that not everyone liked. The notable audience, who had previously felt behind the scenes of the opera, was indignant to the ban to enter the theater when he wakes up.

In 1907, the eminent conductor felt the ailment, exhausted by theatrical intrigues nerves and health problems forced the Matra to leave the favorite brainchild, which was dedicated for 10 years of life. The leadership of the theater appointed male pension with the condition that the conductor will not work in any of the Austrian operas. But the monetary allowance turned out to be so modest that Gustavu had to work further.

He found the work in the New York Metropolitan Opera. During this period, "Song of Earth" and ninth symphony were born. At the work of the composer, the literary influence of Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Dostoevsky affected. The last Master respected immensely. In adulthood admired Goethe.

Personal life

Love brought the composer inspiration, but not happiness in personal life. In 1902, Mahler led an alma Schindler for 19 years old, which made an offer after the fourth date. Wife gave birth to Gustavu two children - Girls Maria and Anna.

Gustav Maller and Alma Schindler

At first, the life of the spouses resembled idyll, but in the fifth year, the trouble and to the house came to the Vienna Opera. Sick diphtheria and the younger girl died, 4-year-old Maria. Soon, doctors diagnosed the incurable heart disease at the most Matra. Mountain pushed Maleer to spelling the vocal cycle "Songs about the deceased children."

Family life was broken. Alma - a gifted artist and a musician - remembered his unrealized talents: Earlier, the woman only watched the career of the spouse absorbed by the work. Soon she had a novel with a famous architect, which Malener recognized. But the couple did not part, but lived together to the very death of the composer.


In 1910, the health of the Matra stood up: the Angground series was reflected in the heart of complications. But Malener continued to work. In February 1911, the sick composer stood for the console, having wagging a program consisting of works by the Italians.

Gustav Maler's grave in the Greenzing Cemetery

The fatal for Gustav was an infection that caused endocarditis. He caused death. Master died in the Vienna clinic in May. Malier's grave is located near the burial site of the deceased daughter in the Greenzing cemetery.

The film was shot about the life of the ingenious composer and the conductor. The director Ken Russell was invited by Robert Powell on the role of the main character. An interesting fact is the kinship of Maleer with Beyonce than the American star is immensely proud of.

Musical works

  • 1880 - "Facile Song"
  • 1885-1886 - "Songs of the Wearing Apprentice
  • 1892 -1901 - "Magic Boy Horn
  • 1901-1902 - "Songs on poems Ryuckert
  • 1901-1904 - "Songs about the deceased children
  • 1884-1888 - Symphony number 1
  • 1888-1894 - Symphony number 2
  • 1895-1896 - Symphony number 3
  • 1899-1901 - Symphony number 4
  • 1901-1902 - Symphony number 5
  • 1903-1904 - Symphony number 6
  • 1904-1905 - Symphony number 7
  • 1906 - Symphony number 8
  • 1909 - Symphony number 9
  • 1908-1909 - "Song of Earth"

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