Colin Campbell - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Food 2021



More Ancient Greek Medic, Father of European Medicine Hippocrat said:"Let food be a medicine."

Colin Campbell - Honorary Professor of Cornell University, a teacher and writer 60 years of life spent on scientific research, revealing the connection between people's nutrition and their health, and came to very nontrivial conclusions.

Childhood and youth

Colin was born in the spring of 1934 in the family of farmers-livestock breeders and from early childhood heard that freshly duel and steaming beef are the most useful products. The first doubts about the correctness of these postulates arose from the boy when the father, 35-year-old meatonead, engaged in physical labor in the fresh air, overtook the infarction. Soon, uncle's wife died from cancer - a lover of cottage leaves and other dairy products.

Young Campbell dreamed of becoming a veterinarian to help American farmers increase nadoys and bridges. The guy was not limited to veterinary schools in Pennsylvania and Georgia, defending the master's and doctoral dissertations in Cornell University. Soon Colin married and watched the sufferings of the mother-in-law - 50-year-old ladies, oyaded from cancer, in the past also fans of meat food.

Research and books

The turning point in the biography of Campbell was to participate in the program to combat hunger in Asia. Trying to improve the nutrition of the Philippine Children, Campbell drew attention to the fact that minor members of rich families of the country often sick liver cancer.
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The researcher remembered the following statistics: Japan's population was at the time of analysis 2 times less than the US population, but proven deaths from prostate cancer were 100 times less than in the United States. Women Kenya, feeding on a more poorly than residents of the United States, suffered from breast cancer 18 times less than the American.

It is known and such a fact: In the early 40s, the Norway occupied Norway and confiscated livestock for the needs of the army, the Norwegians began to eat mostly vegetable food, and the number of heart attacks declined sharply. With the care of the Germans, the descendants of the Vikings returned to the consumption of an animal protein, and the level of heart attacks rose again.

Campbell read about the Indian Experiment, concluded that experimental rats were divided into two subgroups, in one of which casein (animal protein) was 20% of nutrition, and in the other - 5%. After that, the animals were injected with carcinogens (cancer substances).

Rats with more protein food died from cancer, and with less protein lived for a long time. Campbell has changed the experimental conditions: the scientist alternated food regimes in rats. When moving to a more protein diet, rat tumors grew, and with a decrease in the share of casein in food decreased.

To check whether the bond between protein food and oncological diseases for the human population is valid, Colin analyzed the results of the "Chinese study".

In 1974, the Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Egnlay was hospitalized due to the bladder cancer. Politician decided to ensure a better understanding in the implicit cause of oncological diseases. The analysis covered 65 rural cantons in 22 provinces of the PRC. Countryside chose as more stable in the population. 100 people were taken from each canton.

In 1983, Campbell began an analysis of the collected information. The work took 7 years. 94 thousand correlations between nutrition and diseases were calculated. Calculations have shown: in poor areas, where the inhabitants could only dream about milk and about meat, and the health was better, but in the prosperous (where the daily menu was approaching American) - worse.

The conclusion made by Colin - food based on solid vegetable products is more useful for the human body than on the basis of animals. And this is true not only for oncology, but also for other diseases. So, according to the researcher, contrary to the assurances of producers of cottage leavers and yogurts, milk does not reduce, but increases the risk of osteoporosis. The results of the research of the biochemist outlined in the books, the most famous of which are "Chinese research" and "useful food".

The thoughts of the nutrition scientist are aphoristically formulated in 8 Campbell postulates:

  1. Nutrition is not the sum of the absorbed substances, but the result of their complex interaction.
  2. The introduction of missing substances into the diet with the help of food additives is not a panacea and can provoke unpredictable side effects.
  3. In vegetable food, more useful substances than in the animal.
  4. Hibe and awakening genes, including those responsible for predisposition to disease, depend on environmental factors, including from nutrition.
  5. Meals can withstand adverse environmental factors.
  6. If a certain type of food prevents the field of illness, the transition to the appropriate diet slows down or even stops the development of the nearly the illness.
  7. Proper nutrition is similar or equally for the prevention of various diseases, different diets and recipes are not needed.
  8. Proper nutrition is comprehensively heated man.


Campbell research was repeatedly criticized. The main observations of opponents are based on the thesis "after does not mean as a result", the correlation between the phenomena does not necessarily mean the causal relationship between them.

For example, it is noticed that with the growth of kvass consumption, the number of rapes is growing. Does this mean that drinking kvass provokes a tendency to violence - no, logic here is different: people are more drinking kvass on hot days than cold. Knowing contributes to the wearing of short skirts and other outfits provoking sexual aggression. That is, not kvass activates rapists, but hot weather is the reason for both phenomena.

Similarly, a greater number of cases of cancer in Chinese areas with the American type of food is not necessarily a consequence of the transition to the meat-dairy diet. It is likely that in the wealthy areas the population adopted not only the European diet, but also a lifestyle, for example, emotional reactions to the death of relatives and other sad events.

Another aspect of criticism is associated with the incorrectness of transferring the experiment on rats to the human community. In addition, milk consists not of one (so harmful to rats) casein, but also from other substances, including those useful for the prevention of cancer, like serum.

Campbell and followers argue that critical comments are lined with cattle and pharmaceutical lobby, which is beneficial for people to spend money first on animal products, and then - for medicines.

Personal life

About the personal life of Colin knows little. According to the scientist, the family has moved to plant food. However, Campbell asks not to count him to champions of vegetarianism: there are no religious and ethical motives in his books, which relieve opponents of meat science.

It is known that the scientist has three siblings, and all children support the parent. The eldest son Nelson removes movies about the right nutrition, biography and studies of the Father. The most famous tape is "forks against scalpels." Middle Biochemistry Child, Kit's daughter - a scientist, a woman works in Latin America and talks about the dangers of hamburgers there. The youngest son Michael is a doctor of family medicine, a father's co-author in writing a "Chinese study".

Colin Campbell now

In March 2019, Colin Campbell turned 85 years old. Judging by the photo, the scientist now looks like.

Whether the propagandable type of food will help enter the researcher to the number of long-livers, humanity will learn in the coming years. Disputes about the correctness of the postulates of Campbell do not subside.


  • 1990 - "Chinese Study"
  • 2013 - "Useful Food" ("Refinement of nutrition science")

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