Peter Luzhin - image and characteristics of the character of the novel "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov, quotes


Character History

"Crime and Punishment" is the classics of world literature. Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky affects the profound of the images and psychologism of heroes. Peter Petrovich Luzhin is a curious character whose role in the work is great. In a duet with Svidrigaylov, this acting face creates a system of twins with the main character, Rodia Raskolnikov.

History of creation

Writer Fedor Dostoevsky

In 1865, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, being in Wiesbaden, wrote a letter to the publisher of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" by Mikhail Katkov. The writer reported that he had an idea about a new product, which he characterized as a "psychological report of one crime."

In the novel, the writer told about the young man who was on the edge of poverty. When he saw the path to salvation in the murder of the old woman, he goes to a crime, boring the life of a grumpy nasty old woman, whose existence was not observed by anyone and do not need peace. The murder and robbery, as well as the flour of conscience, tested by the hero, resolved on these actions, are described by Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment".

Illustration to the novel

Petr Petrovich Luzhin plays in the novel not the last role. The author describes the character in drafts, giving him the following characteristic: a vain pressure adviser, narcissistic and selfish, petty greed gossip. Luzhin extols the material benefits, considering the king of the one who has finance. Its respect is easy to buy, but the respect in response does not see this hero. The meaning of the name characterizes the identity of the hero. Luzhin chalk and pitiful, like a dirty reservoir, which is consonant with his last name.

"Crime and Punishment"

The acquaintance of the reader with a nuddle occurs in absentia. Pulcheria Skolnikova describes a man in a letter to his son Rodion. It is clear from it that Luzhin wovers to the sister of Raskolnikova Dun, a girl from a poor family who does not have emphasis. Beautiful, intelligent and noble maiden was good, but the bridal caused by gossip. Despite them, Lynzhin entered the decent and married Sisternikov's sister.

Appearance of Peter Luzhina

Dostoevsky wrote that the appearance of the character is presentable, he kept a scoop. In adulthood, at 45 years old, Muzhin was picked up, kept strictly and followed himself. At first glance, a man made a pleasant impression of a trustworthy person with goals and ambitions. In fact, everything described was covered. Raskolnikov managed to see the larva, which Luzhin hid. Vanity, meanness and greed of men are revealed before Rodion.

Having arrived in St. Petersburg, Luzhin apply a visit to the future relative. As a benefactor, he was preparing for praise and chanting, demonstrating self-confidence and self-confidence. Having embarrassed "from the dirt in the prince," he exaggerated the existing talents and abilities, exalting itself higher than it cost. Greed forced him to see him in everything and constantly recalculate money, both their own and others. With their help, Lynzhin touched over the surrounding.

Dunya Skolnikova

There was another flaw in it. The hero arranged the theory as to the fact that it is worth marrying, caking capital. He was waiting for a poor chosen one, talented and unborn. The lack of a material component in the position of the bride attracted a nudge, as he believed in the unfortunate destiny of such a girl. The man thought that the biography of the Nonferdannica was certainly saturated with the sorrows, so she will treat a potential spouse with admiration and reverence.

The prospects for marriage to the Duna were justified by all the expectations of Peter Petrovich. He made a small state, made plans, found a suitable bride. In fantasies, he painted the perfect picture of marriage until he received a refusal to Rodion Skolnikov. The student's unworthy his student managed to give a fiction. The pride and honor of the hero were lucked. He felt humiliated and hid the offense. Revenge Nastagla Raskolnikova at an unexpected moment. Sonya Marmaladov was accused of embezzling money, which threw Luzhin.

Rodion Raskolnikov

Both heroes have theories they follow. So, the splitters argues about outstanding and worthless people. Luzhin develops the "theory of caftans", according to which it is necessary to live for his own good, and not for others. Both theories lead to crimes.

The indifference, with which the heroes build assumptions, provokes a comparative analysis of characters that reveals similarities. Peter Petrovich Luzhin - Double Skolnikov. The heroes have a lot in common: both smart, vain and sorry, both are arrogant and are capable of a sublit act for their own benefit.


"Crime and Punishment" - a work that is in demand for the shields. The first movie on the novel was shot in 1909 by Vasily Goncharov. The premiere of the tape took place two years later, and the film was not preserved. In 1913, Ivan Vronsky took the lead in the leader "Crime and Punishment" of Pavel Ornenev. Luban as a character was absent in a film.

Vladimir Basov and Andrey Zibrov in the role of Peter Luzhina

French Pierre Shenal adapted the novel for the project shot in 1934. And in 1935, the director of American origin, Joseph von Sternberg, began to film release. Jin Lockhart embodied in the frame of Peter Luzhina. In the 1956 tape, created by George Lampane, the role of the poinus went to Bernarda Bar.

In the Soviet Union, the first picture of Dostoevsky's novel was removed Lion Kulijanov in 1969. The role of the nudio in the intellectual drama went to Vladimir Basva. In the 1994 tape "Quiet Pages" Alexander Sokurov, this image was absent. In the 2007 project, Dmitry Svetomarova "Crime and Punishment" film - the role of Peter Luzina played Andrei Zibrov.


Despite the outstanding indifference against strangers, Luzhin tried to look after every new person with whom his life was reduced. Man caped:

"Every person must first examine himself, and closer to judge him."

He did not hesitate his eyes to marriage and with ease voiced them:

"The husband should not be obliged to be owned by his wife, much better if the wife considers her husband for his benefactor."

As a person going on a crime, Luzhin understood that everything has permissible limits, violating who a person goes to a deal with his own conscience:

"There is a trait in everything, for which to go dangerous; For, once shifting, it is impossible to grind back. " All actions hero carried out thought out and clarified.

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