Prophet Daniel - icons, biography, personal life, cause of death, prediction 2021



The biblical prophet Daniel belongs to the fourth of the Great, along with the Old Testament Saints - Isayei, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who left behind the sacred books, testifying to their proximity to God. Daniel is revered by representatives of the three world religions: along with Christians of all denominations, the tribute to the righteous gives Muslims and Jews. Holy lived life in the Babylonian captivity, dies in deep old age and leaving behind the book of prophecies, which takes the celebration of Divine Truth.

Childhood and youth

Daniel's childhood came at the time when Jerusalem was conquered by Babylonians. Tsar Nebuchadnezzar in 607 BC. NS. destroyed the temple of Solomon, and part of the Jerusalem residents together with the ruler, Joacho, was captured. I did not escape this fate and from the notable kind of young man Daniel.

Prophet Daniel. Artist Michelangelo

The Babylonian king did not expect to keep prisoners in submission at the expense of military power, which, by the way, did not possess. Nebuchadnezzar decided to put the most decent representatives of prisoners to serve their own state. The future prophet was also called to serve with other descendants to serve in the royal panels. At that time he was from 14 to 17 years. Three years, young people passed training at the courtyard, engaged in languages ​​and sciences.

Daniel immediately showed the will and firm character, refusing to eat food from the court table, because she sprinkled with podded blood. Together with him, Jerusalem comrades - Anania, Azaria and Misail were evaded. For Jews, who considered themselves servants of the true God, relied unacceptable to share the table with the pagans.

Prophet Daniel in the Rives. Mosaic in Osios Luke

The king went to meet the young men who wished to eat exclusively vegetable food, but warned that in case of depletion, it will force those together with others. However, after time, it turned out that vegan guys are not inferior to peers in vigor and physical health.

Mental development also turned out to be at height. Studying mathematics, history, geography and literature, young courtes were even more capable of peers-Babylonians. They were given local names, and Daniel began to be called Vallastasar - "the keeper of hidden treasures of Waal." Comrades left at court. Soon the young man has acquired a special position, because he distinguished himself as an extraordinary wisdom in the interpretation of sleep, long disturbing Nebuchadnezzar.

The Prophet Daniel refuses meals

Since then, the seizure of the meaning of dreams for years has become the duty of the courtier. His comrades also served the king of Babylon faithfully as long as he once made them bow to the Golden Istukan.

Not wanting to fall with the covenants of fathers, the three young men went to be burned to the fiery furnace, however, and there were continued to read prayers and resolve the glory to God. Angel was sent to the rescue from heaven, who retained the outstanding. Nebuchadnezzar, having seen that no hair of the punished was deal, considered it necessary to raise Anania, Azarya and Misaila as people who are favor of higher strength. The legend of the feat of young Jews is contained in the book of the Prophet Daniel.

Religion and prophecy

Daniel, who deserved the reputation of the Providence for a skillful understanding of the visions, was close to the throne for many years. The high position remained unchanged when the ruler replacing each other. Five successors of Nebuchadneosora carefully listened to the advice of the Jewish righteous.

The Prophet Daniel interprets the dream of Nebuchadnezzar

The Babel Ruler Valtasar during the feather saw on the wall a mysterious inscription, which was able to decipher only the Prophet. Despite the fact that he reproached the king to the use of sacred vessels, the glorification of idols and predicted that soon fall, Valtasar glorified Daniel and nare the wise men in the state.

Soon, in 539, Babylon captured the Midy King Darius. Under it, Judah occupied an important state post, which caused the envy of Babylonian nobles. Those slandered the prophet, and he was thrown in ditch with lions. It was expected that the hungry beasts are confused by a man, but he remained unharmed, and the sovereign again brought the elder to himself.

Prophet Daniel in the lair lions

The next ruler Cyrus also appealed to Daniel for advice, so that in 536 a decree was released, according to which the Jews were released from the Babylonian captivity. The prophet's impressed by the wisdom, Kir ordered to even erect the new temple of the Jewish God in Jerusalem.

Throughout the life of the saint, the prophecies entered the canonical text of the Bible. The book of the Prophet Daniel consists of 14 chapters and full of messianic sentiment. It is predicted by the time of the coming of the Son of God into the world and refers to his atoning sufferings. Here the Messiah is also called the Son of Man, which indicates the dualistic nature of Christ. Book predictions relate to both specific historical events and recent times, which are echoing in content with the Apocalypse of John the Cologovo.

Prophet Daniel - icons, biography, personal life, cause of death, prediction 2021 11637_6

In the historical part of the book describes the modern prophets of the event. In particular, the story of Susanna, which Daniel saved from the perjury of two elders, who took the girl for the fact that she refused to enter into contact. The prophetic part sets out the considerations of the elder about the future times, where future wars are described, the deadlines set forth in the vision of 70 weeks are calculated.

Daniel's saying quotes in the gospel of Matthew Christ himself, telling students about the future destruction of Jerusalem, when there will be no stone on the stone, and in the sacred places will reign "nesting the launch". Ultimately, the Prophet announces the fall of all earth kingdoms and the onset of God's court, after which the resurrection of the dead and the eternal heavenly kingdom will come.

Personal life

It is unlikely possible to seriously talk about the personal life of the righteous, who lived 28 centuries ago. At least, Scripture silent about it, revealing information only about his spiritual exploits, wonders and predictions. It can be assumed that the Holy is entirely dedicated to serving God and therefore did not have his wife and children. It is known that Daniel honored the law of ancestors, even in trifles, not allowing himself to eat food, desecrated by the pagans. Because the storage of bodily cleanliness and chastity seems like one of the components of the prophetic path.


The Prophet Daniel lived a long life in which the ups and falls happened, he experienced fame and reverence, which replaced slander and opal. The reason for the death of Holy Scripture is silent, but it can be assumed that the saint died from old age, having survived to 90 years, and according to other data - and more. He never saw his native land, until the end of the days remaining the Babylonian prisoner.

The elder buried in the sowas - ancient eastern city, which is located on the territory of modern Iran. Here is an ancient mausoleum listed in the National Heritage of the State.

Tomb of the Prophet Daniel in the Susses

However, not one city argues to imagine pilgrims and tourists the opportunity to see the grave of the prophet. In Uzbek Samarkand over a 18-meter crypt, the Mausoleum of Khoja Doniir is installed.

It is believed that the remains of Daniel (in the Muslim tradition of Daniel or Daniyar), brought here in the 15th century the conqueror of Tamerlan in the 15th century). In Islam, it is customary to honor the biblical prophet, and from his grave believers used to expect miracles. One thing happened in 2000, when the half-century pistachio tree, grew up from the crypt and long dried, suddenly unexpectedly let new shoots.


On the icons of Daniel, as a rule, he holds a scroll into his hands with the stacked words of prophecies. Pictures the saint most often at the young age. The first preserved images date back to the 3rd century. NS. On Byzantine frescoes and mosaics, you can see the prophet surrounded by three details or abandoned in the lair.

Orthodox icon of the Prophet Daniel

Old Testament Righteous Icons are kept in the Holy Danil Monastery of Moscow and the Christmas Church of Veliky Novgorod. In honor of Daniel, Orthodox churches are being built in different cities, in Novosibirsk the church was erected under the emperor Alexander III in 1898.

Tens of books and research are devoted to the love of the saint and interpretation of his writings. Theological biblebists and historians have written about him for many years. In 2013, the American director Anna Telinsky took off the two-hour feature film Daniel, dedicated to the Biographies of the Prophet. The historical drama carefully interprets the biblical plot and emphasizes on the moral choices of the hero between the ministry of the king and the loyalty to God.

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