Danila Bagrov - character biography, film "Brother", quotes, actors and roles, photo


Character History

The main hero of the films of the director Alexei Balabanova "Brother" and "Brother-2". Veteran of the first Chechen war. Brother Hero - Killer, and then Militizer Victor Baghrov. Father - Sergey Bagrov, Thief Recidivist, died in prison. Grandfather Hero died during World War II.

The hero returns after the war in his native city, and then leaves for St. Petersburg to his brother, who is a hired killer and draws Danil to his "business". The hero starts relationships with different women, but he does not have his wife.

History of creation

Sergey Bodrov-Jr. and Alexey Balabanov

The criminal drama "Brother" was published in 1997. Director Alexei Balabanov created the image of the "Hero of the 1990s", which began to be very popular with the spectators of the "generation of Danil Bagrova", whose growing had accounted for these years. The film was filmed in the role of themselves the stars of Russian rock music - the musicians of the Aquarium group, DDT and others. The songs of the Nautilus Pompilius group sounds in the film.

The director failed to find for the film of investors, so I had to save on the fees to actors and prop. Costumes for the heroes were collected "with the world on a thread", and the sweater, who wore in the film Danil Bagrov, bought in second-hand.

Irina Saltykov in the film

In 2000, a continuation of the film was a fighter "Brother-2". In this film, a pop singer and actress Irina Saltykov starred in the role of herself, which the main character in the plot meets in the corridors of the Ostankinsky television center, and then starts with that novel. The main role in both films was played by actor Sergey Bodrov.

In the plot of the second film, the hero goes to America. The "American" part of the film was filmed in the United States: in the Chicago area, which is inhabited by Ukrainians and is called "Ukrainian Village", as well as in New York, in Brighton Beach.

Sergey Bodrov in a sweater that was used for filming

In one of the episodes of the second film, the hero knocks the car, behind the wheel of which the American sits. During filming, it was not possible to achieve the car to slow down in the right place and did not hit the actor in fact, so as a result, the scene was removed from the car that stood on the spot. The illusion of "hitting" was created at the expense of the operator work and the movement of the actor, which falls on the hood.


In the first film, Danil Bagrov 22 years old, and in the second, respectively, 25 years. The hero served in Chechnya and returns to his hometown. Danil does not like to talk about what happened to him in the army, and in response to the questions, he was disconnected by the fact that allegedly sat "in the headquarters of the writer". At the same time, the hero is well versed in mines and explosive business, perfectly owns the skills of hand-to-hand combat and is able to make firearms from what will come under hand, for example, to make a clip from the gun.

Danila bugs with a crop

Danila - Meloman, fan of Russian rock music. With neglect refers to the stage and pop music, believing that the "beloved", because in war, pop music does not listen.

Before being in the army, hero lived with his mother. The hero's father knew a little, he was a recidivist thief and finished life in prison. Brother Danil Bagrova, Victor, was much older than the hero and was engaged in raising the younger. Brother means a lot for Danil. Victor has an open and sociable character, the hero often laughs, freely shows emotions and this is the contrast of the personality of Danil. However, Viktor is characterized by frivolism and sales, so he becomes killer in the end.

Brother Danila Bagrova - Victor

Returning from the war, the main character first comes to his native town, where the first thing happens to him is a fight and a drive to the police. Deciding that in the town of living boring, the hero moves to St. Petersburg to the elder brother, who settled it there. In St. Petersburg, herso gets acquainted with Kat - Tusover. The hero is "freezing" with a girl in a nightclub and goes to a party where he smokes marijuana and drinks a raw egg. At the end of the film, the hero gives Kat a large amount of money "to the concert".

Another girl with whom Danila deals in the film - Light. She works by the car and helps the hero to hide from pursuing his bandits in the cargo tram. Later, Danila finds the light to thank for his own salvation. The hero drives a light from the house of an aggressive husband, who beats the heroine, and later shoots this husband to her leg. Light, however, instead of gratitude, demands that Danil gone, and says that he does not love the hero.

Frame from the film

Victor, Brother Hero, By the time Danil's return, it has long been trampled by hired murders and connects the younger brother to the "business". However, Danil turns out to be a "bad" killer. By completing the task, the hero saves a random witness from the massacre and kills the twisted local criminal boss on the nickname "round". Criminals begin to put pressure on Victor, and he drops the younger brother. Danil destroys the gangsters one after another, but he does not hold evil on her older brother. Frustrated in friends, the hero moves from St. Petersburg to Moscow to enter the medical institute there.

In the second film, the hero is already in Moscow, where meets with former colleagues. The brother of one of the colleagues arise "graters" with american businessman. He tries to help his brother, but as a result it turns out to be killed. Danila, together with his brother, Victor flies to America to take revenge on the American businessman for the death of the colleague.

There, the hero is losing a weapon, the Russian prostitute saves on the way, breaks into the office of the American, kills the guard from the revolver and not anything involved and takes money from a businessman to give the brother of the deceased college.

The brother of Hero, in the meantime, opens the shooting in the Ukrainian restaurant and finds himself in the hands of the police. Victor dreams to stay in America, but the further biography of the hero is unknown. Danila leaves persecution and flies out of the USA by plane.

Interesting Facts

  • Danil Baghrov flashes in the adaptation of the genome "Generation P" Viktor Pelevin, filmed by the director Viktor Ginzburg in 2011. The image of the hero is involved in the commercial.
  • The hero also appears in the video game "Brother 2: Back to America". This is a first-person shooter, where Danila Bagrov is a character, from whose person is played. The game also has a brother Hero Victor, who fell into an American prison. The goal of the game is to pull out Victor from there.
Graffiti with the image of Danil Bagrova
  • Squeezing to the image of Danil Bagrova from time to time appear in Russian art. A huge portrait of the hero was written by Perm artist Glory Triptych in the local club "House of Culture" in 2015. In 2014, the portrait of Danili Bagrova "decorated" the city landscape of St. Petersburg in the form of graffiti left by the team of artists from Vitebsk on the wall of the transformer booth somewhere in the vicinity of Alexander Nevsky Lavra. In 2015, the melodrama of the director Andrei Zaitseva "14+" came out. The protagonist of this film is the fan of Danili Bagrova.
  • In 2017, an online voting was held, as a result of which Danila Bagrov was elected the "national Russian superhero" and "the hero of our time". The character is popular as Sasha white from the Brigade.


About blacks:

«- Зря ты его негром назвал.- А он кто?- Афроамериканец.- А какая разница?- Ниггер — это для них ругательство обидное.- Да меня в школе так учили: в Китае живут китайцы, в Германии немцы, в этом Израиле Jews, in Africa Negros! "" - What is the power, brother? - But what: in the money all strength, brother! Money rule the world, and he is stronger, who has them more! "" - Pay fine. - Brother, do not kill, brother! Take money all take! Listen, do not kill, brother! .. Here! - Not a brother, you, Gida Chipple. "" - And your American music is shit .- Music? Ah, Oui, Musique Excelpente.- Well, what do you argue? You are told - shit music, and you argue. - Musique! - Yes, and you yourself ... Soon all your America - Kirdyk. We will arrange a goat face to you ... I understand? "What should you stick to him, he is a Frenchman in general ..." And what's the difference? "" - Hey, listen, dear! Buy watermelon. Delicious? - Of course! Watch what is just a miracle, er! Yesterday seven pieces heaven. Myself".

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