Tatyana Schmyg - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, operetta



The famous artist Tatyana Schmyg was successful in everything, for no matter. For her long creative life, a woman managed to play tens of roles in the cinema, theater and operetta, perform songs that know and love so far. She was the only actress in the Soviet Union, awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR".

Childhood and youth

Tatiana Ivanovna Schmyg biography began on December 31, 1928 in Moscow. She was born in the family of Ivan Artemievich, who is a migrant, a Pole by nationality, and Zinaida Grigorievna. It is known that the married couple loved ballroom dancing. The girl's father was far from art - he worked as Deputy Director at one of the Moscow factories.

Mother's labor activity also did not intersect with creativity. Despite this, Tatiana rose not only intelligent and educated, like her parents, but also unconditionally talented in artistic terms.

In the youth, thoughtful and serious girl dreaming about legal education. Despite this, school lessons of music and dance have shown that Schmyg has creative abilities and interest in these activities. Zinaida unexpectedly discovered her daughter at the presence of a wonderful voice belonging to lyrical soprano, so he suggested that she would take private lists of vocals, capable of developing talent. Tatyana with joy agreed.

Thus, a dream about the career of the chamber singer came to replace the desire of schoolgirl. After completing the secondary education, the shrimp was recorded on courses in a music school at the conservatory. Shortly thereafter, the girl's ability to pay attention to the Cinematographers Committee and were invited to the position of soloist Chora.

In 1947, Tatiana was taken to the theater and music school named after A. Glazunov, in which she studied for 4 years. Further, the girl entered the department "Music Comedy" to the State Institute of Theatrical Art. In the future, the celebrity told that she was obliged to their scenic success of vocal lessons and a dramatic school.

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The evolution of Schmyga as singer went under the supervision of such talented artists as Joseph Tumanov, Sergey Stein, Nikolai Titushin and Arkady Monsoli. In the creative life of the future performer were and difficult moments - while studying at the 4th year of Tatiana decided to leave the school because of the loss of voice.

Her teacher Konstantin Mikhailov, watching day-to-day, how talented a student, did everything so that she did not make a fatal mistake. Later, the actress told in an interview that it was the support of teachers that helped her go ahead and develop its natural vocal and scenic data.

Music and films

Soviet director and actor Joseph Tumanov invited a talented young girl to work at the Moscow Theater Operetta immediately after she completed his studies in Gitis. Violetta Tatiana performed his debut role in the operetta Imre Salman entitled "Violet Montmartre". The team of artists who collaborated with Schmyg, adored his creative activity and immediately accepted a beginner actress with a welcome and warmth.

Professional abilities of Tatiana Ivanovna were manifested in the performance of any characters and in the formulation of any genre. In 1957, within the framework of the 6th World Festival of Native Artists, the Moscow Theater Operetta first showed a new comedy called "Kiss Chanits", in which Schmyga brilliantly coped with the role of the main female heroine. Also, one of its best works is considered to participate in the play "Circus lights lights", in which she reincarnated in Gloria Rosetty.

Despite the fact that Tatiana's theatrical career developed successfully and rather rapidly, she has repeatedly crushed due to the small number of classical repertoire in her professional biography. However, the audience appreciated the artistic talent of Schmygi - Tickets for all productions with her participation were bought in the first days of sales, and it was difficult to find a free place in the hall.

Yuri Yakovlev and Tatyana Schmyga (Frame from the film

The role of Angel was perfectly performed on the role of Angel in the "Battle of Luxembourg", Adele in the "bat", Valentines in the "Merry Widow", Silva in the stage of the same name (performed by Aria and Duet along with People's Artist Gerard Vasilyev). For his large-scale creative way, in which there were a lot of work, Tatiana Ivanovna was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" in 1961.

Next year, the shrimp first appeared on the big screen, fulfilling the episodic role of the French actress Louise Zhermon, who came to tour to Russia and fell into the thick of the war, in the film "Hussar Ballad".

3 years after this event, operetta lovers with delight adopted the premiere of the musical performance "My beautiful Lady", based on the play "Pygmalion" of the Irish playwright Bernard Shaw. Smyga appeared as a performer by the lead role named Eliz Dulitle.

Next, it was followed by participation in the operetta "Violet Montmartre", in which this time the actress reincarnated into the primaudonna Ninon. The famous song "Karambolin", which actresses performed, for a long time she became a brand name.

In the same 1969 Tatyana Schmyg, the next honorary title was awarded, this time the people's artist of the leafy genre. The celebrity, which perfectly retained a magnificent voice, the unique female charm and a slim figure, did not cease to delight fans and in old years.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the children from the actress did not appear, her personal life had developed as successfully as a professional life. Although her first marriage with Professor MSU Rudolf Borettikov was unsuccessful due to the fact that everything happened hastily and thoughtlessly, already in 1954 there was a meeting with her second love - the Soviet singer and director Vladimir Kandelaki. The man was not only a wonderful husband, but also an indispensable mentor of the artist.
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Having lived in marriage for 20 years, a woman filed for a divorce that her second spouse took in the bayonets. Over time, the passion of Kandelaki dug, but he remained alone. Tatyana Ivanovna gained happiness with a new man - composer and conductor of Satira theater Anatoly Kremer.

For the first time the beloved met in 1957, but mutual feelings overtake them much later. Marriage with a musician has become the final and harmonious woman for a woman. Having experienced love at the age of 48, the shrimony realized that Anatoly and there is the closest in the spirit of the man whom she was waiting for all his life. Lovers lived together for 35 years.

Kremer told in an interview that his wife was very negative about the PR and worried when the print media published materials about her creative and personal life. Smyga gave all his art himself and at the same time did not even suspect where countless diplomas, awards, titles, orders and photos of the artist are folded in their house. Tatyana Ivanovna was a volitional and strong man who preferred not to talk about his problems.

The legendary actress and singer was a conscientious and kind person. Being crystal clear, the shrimp refused to understand why modern people overwhelm and vulgarity, not light and purity.


On February 3, 2011, the heart of the famous artist who received glory not only within Russia, but also in countries such as the United States, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Georgia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Brazil, stopped fighting. The cause of death was the ischemic heart disease, due to which the actress was very sought over the last year of his life. Woman was 82 years old.

Tatyana Schmyga survived a number of complex operations, the last of which ended with the amputation of the legs. The actress was in serious condition throughout the last months and was treated in the branch of vascular surgery in the Botkin hospital. However, then her fate was known, and therapy did not give results.

Tatiana diligently hid her illness from all, except relatives, so fans and just passersby on the street could not even think about how physically heavily always had a positive artist. Schmyg dreamed to keep the audience in mind the audience, she remained attractive, charming and talented - such as at the time of the karambolin dance.

Tatiana Schmygi grave

The last time the woman went to the scene during the anniversary evening, held in his native theater operetta. On the day of the death of Tatiana Ivanovna TV channels showed the final episode of the play "Julia Lambert", in which she sang the phrase:

"Let them go through the year, never ends.

The funeral of the artists took place on February 7, 2011, they said goodbye to the Moscow Theater Operetta. Tatiana Schmyg's grave is located at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Films and operetta

  • 1955 - "White Acacia"
  • 1956 - "Merry Widow"
  • 1957 - "Spring sings"
  • 1958 - Baroness Lily
  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1962 - "Bat"
  • 1960 - "Circus lights lights"
  • 1964 - "My Lovely Lady"

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