Yaroslav Brin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Utub - Channel 2021



The name of Yaroslav Brina every day is all the most famous on the Internet - it is a video charger, a fitness coach, bodybuilder, as well as an expert in the field of healthy nutrition and lifestyle. A man gained fame largely thanks to the launch of a blog called Bringblog. In Him, Yaroslav talks about productive methods of weight loss and constructions of embossed muscles, draws up training programs, pays a considerable value of popularizing the right diet.

Childhood and youth

The popular coach and fitness guru Yaroslav Brin was born on October 17, 1982 on the territory of the working Russian village of Vydrino, which is located off the coast of Lake Baikal. According to the blogger himself, his place of birth was distinguished by an increased level of crime.

In the school years, the future athlete has become a victim of bullying and mockery emanating from classmates. This was influenced by unnecessary weight, high marks, frequent music classes in art school and craving for creativity.

In the 8th grade, Yaroslav stumbled upon a cassette with a record of Mike Tyson, after which he was actively interested in sports. Family members of the young men by all their might support him, offering the son to start visiting the gym. The room was a raw basement with a minimum amount of simulators, in which local tattooed brutal bandits led themselves.

I studied 8 years in a secondary school, Bryn became a pupil of a lyceum class at the boarding school of Slyudyanki. On the first academic day, the guy entered into conflict, and after it came up with his new classmates. As a result, the opponents of Yaroslav were entered into a local hospital with a broken lower jaw and broken teeth.

Future blogger successfully graduated from an educational institution. He repeatedly won the Olympics, so he had the right without passing additional exams to submit documents to Irkutsk State Universities.

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Enrolling in the Higher Education, Brin signed up in the boxing section. The next 5 years athlete on an ongoing basis attended the gym of the institute, where he actively trained to participate in the 2003 Young Fighter Cup. Thanks to the efforts, Yaroslav ranked honorable 1st place at the Arm Wrestling Championships, held among local universities.

Successfully defending a diploma, the young man decided to continue their education and became a graduate student "Marketing and Management". In parallel with the study of mathematics and physics, the athlete strongly studied literature on fitness, physiology and biomechanics of physical culture, bodybuilding and proper nutrition. Extensively and deeply mastered the complex theme of the athlete was released from visiting a course of lectures and from passing exams of the department of physical culture.

Knowledge of Yaroslav in the field of psychology and principles of business construction influenced the fact that he, being a young and novice specialist, stood at the head of the State Railway Enterprise "Slyudyanka". Ambitious guy led more than 2 thousand people.

After graduating from the Railways Corporate University, Brin was in the reserve of the governing staff. However, due to a non-serious attitude towards the young man emanating from the directors, he had to leave his post and begin to engage in building his own business.


In 2011, the talented coach radically changed his biography - he created the official "YouTube" -canal, which dedicated nutrition and fitness. With each new newly posted video, the audience of Yaroslav increased, and by 2019 the number of subscribers exceeded half a million. On the channel you can hear tips about proper nutrition and the preparation of training programs for both women and men, as well as see joint video with young Bodybuilder Valentina Mishina.

In addition, Yaroslav regularly publishes reports received following its projects "Extreme Transfiguration" and "Fitness Model for 4 months". Their essence lies in the reconstruction of the figures of men and women with a systematic serious approach to work on themselves. Within 16 weeks, Brin oversees the participants, making them a healthy diet and training program. Particular attention is a popular coach pays to a psychological aspect of weight loss.

Yaroslav is known for prefers not to hold back in expressions, and also often appears in cynical and stinging light. A man does not respect and does not consider a long search for motivation and step-by-step instructions - he sets up removing wards to find his own way to achieve their goals.

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Yaroslav Brin wrote his debut book called "Myths about nutrition", Yaroslav Brin wrote and published in 2010, and after 4 years, the second work of the writer "I change the fat for the power of will" was published. In them, the blogger told about his own phased weight reduction instructions, disassembled popular diet, denied some myths about weight loss. The literary work of a man is posted on the Internet in absolutely free access.

The fitness guru told his subscribers that he had plans for the future to create its own brand of effective fat burners. According to him, the use of already existing food additives is meaningless, since they have almost no effect. In addition, Brin dreams of opening a network of fitness clubs working in the training techniques of a man. Such institutions will be focused on the real result, and not for the maximum financial income from customers.

Personal life

Yaroslav Brin is an interesting multifaceted personality. He knows how to play several musical instruments, was part of the rock band and composed poem.

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The man is happy not only in professional, but also in his personal life. He is an exemplary family man, along with a loving wife raising his son. So far, spouses have no more children. At the same time, the blogger has time to massively promote sports and proper nutrition, as well as to do business and keep blogs on YouTube and In Stagram.

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos on which the transformation of the fitness coach is clearly visible. With a rise of 168 cm, its maximum weight reached 107 kg. Now he weighs about 30 kg less.

Yaroslav Brin now

Now a successful trainer is engaged only by remote consultations, makes fitness plans and diet, develops training programs, motivation and independent discipline, talks about Powerlifting and bodybuilding, spending weight loss marathons.

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