Virgil Wang Duck - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Football 2021



Footballer Rod from the Netherlands Virgil Wang Duck is one of the highest paid defenders in the world. So, in early 2018, the English club "Liverpool" made about € 85 million for becoming the official participant of the team.

The player performs at number 4, and its salary exceeds € 800 thousand monthly. In addition, at about the same time, the guy became the captain of the national football team of his native country. But before achieving such successful professional results, Wang Duck overcame a lot of difficulties.

Childhood and youth

Virgil Wang Duck appeared on July 8, 1991 in the small Netherlands city of Breda. Ron's father, a professional on the installation of television equipment and the Dutchman by nationality, left the family when the future athlete was 12 years old. His mother named Ellen Fo Sue was an outcomes from Suriname. She had time to combine the work by the police officer and raising three children.

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In one of the interviews, Virgil recalled the details about his life at that difficult period. He said that at first communicated with both parents, but later chose to return to the mother and stop all contacts with his father. The first time Van Diek was unpleasant and hard, but later he realized that he simply does not need the support of the dad and does not want to see him, even though the man tried to resume communication.

An interesting fact is that the football player, the only family, retained the surname Ron (his brother Jordan and sister Jennifer officially changed his second name in the passport on the FO SIU). However, what kind of team he did not imagine, the young man always assisted only "Virgil" to the sports form. The Sun newspaper wrote that during the game for Southampton, he invited a relative for the match, but he answered with refusal. Since then, the athlete supports communication only with mom.

However, despite all of the foregoing, according to the statement of Virgil's school coach named Rick Klein, his student became famous football player largely due to the help of his father. Ron Van Dyake regularly disappeared his son to sports workouts, taking out a cafe, where he worked as a 16-year-old guy to accumulate some amount of money.

The young man held the position of the washer of the plate in the institution called Oncle Jean and earned about € 3. Also with his memories of the youthful years, Virgil with English reporters shared in numerous interviews Chef Jacques Lips.

"He was a good worker, with the effort to wash the plates. I tried to talk to Wang Dequean, but he seemed not too sociable. Only once said that he was needed by money, since he would not be able to earn money with the help of football. I advised the guy to quit Sport and focus on the cafe, as it should be paid here at least. "


With football, Wang Dequean first had bad relationships. According to his memories, in childhood an athlete was very slow and small. The first football club, which entered Virgil, became "Willem II". He tried his hand at the right flank of protection, but after several unsuccessful guy matches were almost expelled from the team. Soon the genes took their own, the novice athlete maturely and grown (now its growth is 193 cm, and the weight is 92 kg), after which he was offered the first professional contract in 2011 with the Groningen Club.Embed from getty images

In this team, Wang Duck at first perfectly coped with his duties. The first match in the main composition included in the Cup against Den Haaga was marked by the fact that Virgil scored 2 goals and marked by an assistant to the position of the right defender, and also retained Dmitry Bulykin. Tadic and Granquil organized a penalty after the match, and Groningen went to the semifinals. Often, the coach put Van Dequee into the attack position - thanks to his power and high growth, the Netherlands national football team won.

However, already a year later, in the spring of 2013, the guy faced health problems. Virgil had a stomach badly, but doctors prescribed treatment to him with one pills. They did not guess then that the disease of the football player was much more serious: peritonitis, inflammation of appendicitis and renal failure.

Because of the negligent appeal, Junior doctors had to turn to an urgent operation, which left 2 wide scars on his torso. At that moment, the athlete seriously believed that he could die.

"I literally looked into the death of death, it was a terrifying experience, - Spranched Wang Diq in an interview for Daily Mail. - The first time in life Soccer did absolutely mean nothing for me. Together with the mother I prayed to God and, speaking frankly, was ready for different scenarios. "Thembed from Getty Images

At a certain point, the guy decided to draw up a testament in his own will, since no one wanted to raise this issue. Provided that he will die in the hospital, part of his finance would move Ellen Fo Sue. At that moment, the short biography of a promising football player could come to an end.

When Wang Duck has already moved to the Celtic Scottish club, the coach of the national team of the Netherlands Gus Hiddink paid attention to him. The defender had to go to the national team fees at the beginning of the fall - at the same time were pre-appointed by the birth of his wife named Rica. The girl was in a relationship with a football player from school.

Virgil did not want to miss the birth of her daughter, nor fees, so organized early childbirth. Rick, which for the sake of her husband threw a feshent-industry in Holland, went on it, but the Fans of the national team were convicted Wang Dequee for the act. And Guus Hiddink canceled the challenge of the defender in educational purposes.

Whether the re-calling of Van Dieka had another year. In the debut match of the defender, during Danny's blonde, Holland beat the national team of Kazakhstan with a score of 2: 1. But in the second qualifying match at Euro 2016, Virgil was so bad that Cauche replaced him in the 64th minute.

Personal life

The Netherlands footballer met his love even during school bench. She became a long-standing familiar Ricky Neutgerag. Spouses raise their native daughter named Nile.

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Virgil Wang Dake is a fairly popular person in the social network "Instagram". Most often, he lays out professional photos - from a football field or from secular events, in his profile it is difficult to find pictures on which the player does not appear with neatly combed hairstyle and in shape, but with loose hair and in casual wear.

Virgil Wang Duck now

In 2019, Virgil Wang Duck is the captain of the national team of Holland and the chief leader of Liverpool. In tournaments, the defender of Skaurovov has already scored 5 goals, for example, a victorious match with Bavaria in the Champions League.

The Dutch helps the experience of the game in the attack - it was in this position that he began to cling to his chance in professional football. His dream is still an annual football award "Golden Ball". After all that Wang Duck has survived, it can be called one of the strongest football players in the world.

Awards and achievements

  • 2013-2014 - "Player of the season in" Celtic ""
  • 2014 - "Scottish Premier League Symbolic
  • 2015-2016 - "Player of the season in Southampton" "
  • 2018 - "Player of the month of the English Premier League"
  • 2018 - "is part of the symbolic national team of the year according to UEFA"
  • 2018 - "Symbolic Team Champions League"
  • 2019 - "Player of the Year of Football Players"
  • 2018-2019 - "Player of the Season of the English Premier League"
  • 2018-2019 - "Player of the season in Liverpool"
  • 2019 - "Symbolic Nations League UEFA"

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