Elena Grigorieva - Photo, biography, personal life, news, killed, activist



Civil activist Elena Grigoriev is known as the permanent participant of protest actions in St. Petersburg. In particular, his arrests were told during events dedicated to the problems of LGBT, shares against torture and repression, as well as pickets against the transfer of the Chechen Republic of Ingush lands. She actively advocated the return of Crimea to Ukraine, for which he often fell into the police station.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in Veliky Novgorod on June 21, 1978. About her childhood and youthful years, little is known as the family of a woman.

After school in his hometown, she entered the College of Arts named after S. V. Rakhmaninov, came to know Area restoration. Diploma on mediteralous education received in 2001.

Career and social activities

When Elena moved to St. Petersburg, it is unknown, but in this city a woman lived and worked not one year. Friends and acquaintances respond about her as a bit, good and a non-indifferent person who answers hard at the right moment, not picking up phrases. Previously, Grigoriev adhered to nationalist views, but over time came to the right-loaved ideas.

Elena participated in human rights movements, came to protest shares of the opposition, which are devoted to the war in Ukraine. Almost all the time spent at such events, and earned the living for tourists to sightseeing ships. She wanted to work as a guide, but for some reason they were denied. At one time he worked as a courier, according to all the same acquaintances, a woman lived poorly.

Elena was a participant in many shares held in order to protect animals, did not miss the pickets regarding the events in Ingushetia and in defense of the rights of representatives of LGBT ("Day of Silence", "May Day", "Raduzhny Flashmob").

From the very beginning, attended every PIKET "Strategy-18" at the Small Sadovaya in St. Petersburg, aimed in support of the Crimean Tatars. Its activities were interested in law enforcement agencies, and from the inconsistent meetings of Grigoriev often sent to the police station.

The life of a woman was not limited to mass shares and rallies, she also attracted the attention of caring citizens to private people's problems. So, she tried to give publicity to the story of the difficult life of the artist Elena Osipova, who wanted to evict from the apartment. And before that, the funds were collected for the patient of Sasha Mironov. There were in her biographies and stories with the protection of the interests of political prisoners.

Personal life

Mergigoreva never spread about his own personal life, on its page in Vkontakte in the column "Marital Region" - the status of "married", there is also information about the daughter of a woman. In early 2019, she made a double "Caming-Out", admitting a wide audience, which is a bisexual and carrier of hepatitis C.

Elena's civil position showed not only on rallies and pickets. Also on its own pages in Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte, she regularly placed posts about exciting her topics, laid out a photo from events that visited.

Murder and investigation

On the night of July 19-20, 2019, Elena Grigoriev was killed near her own home. The bloody and disfigured body of a woman found random passers-by. The cause of death indicates strokes and numerous knives. The Investigation Committee opened a criminal case, the version of the domestic murder was voiced as the main version. True, none of the environment of a woman does not believe in it.

After a sad event in "Instagram", posts from like-minded Grigorieva began to appear, who argued that shortly before the death of a woman had threats in social networks. She even applied to law enforcement agencies, a lawyer of the LGBT initiative group of Ksenia Mikhailovna helped it with this. But representatives of justice did not respond properly. The investigation is now underway, the version of the attack on the background of the dislike for Elena orientation is also considered.

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