Anna Jane - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



That readers who wish to rest after a hard working day and distract from the fuss, immersed in fantastic adventures, should appeal to the positive works of the Russian writer Anna Jane. On the pages of her books, not to find anything that could upset, cause tears or injure the psyche - solid love, developing in serious feelings, children's naivety, humor and, of course, reigning magic everywhere.

Childhood and youth

For the Russian-English pseudonym Anna Jane hides Anna Vladimirovna Kapranova - a talented author of fantastic love romance, now living in the northern capital. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information about her personal biography, with the exception of several facts. For example, it is known that she was born on January 14, but in which one year, as a true woman, prefers not to speak.

Anna Jane

As St. Petersburg admitted in a few interviews, she liked the stories from an early age, and also to be immersed in them through literary writers of various writers.

"I loved to read, the books seemed to me the magic worlds transferred to paper, and their creators are real magicians, only without a pointed hat, potions and magic wands. Being the same creator of wonderful stories terribly wanted to me. And this is a childhood dream, which I so far, "- told a fantastic.

Gradually, all Nafantazed in childhood and adolescence was embodied on paper, and soon "out of the table" was swinging in the Almighty Internet. The first network publications are poetic (the poem "take hand", "origami") and prosaic (stories "Sister Diary", "School Vampires", Essay "A little about" music spell ", or Bonus History №0") - dated 2010.


In 2011, the list of stories included in the "Music List" cycle, increased markedly - three "bonus history" appeared, plus - "Red Lords. Strange idols. " In 2014, readers were able to get acquainted with the novel who received their name on the name of the series, although, according to the author, was created in 2010. The same story happened with "on the other side of the reflection" - he also "born" by four years earlier.

By August 2019, in the bibliography, Jane - several cycles, among which, in addition to the above: "We - Sparks" with the incomplete "magic sparks of the Sun", "Heavenly music", "pretend to be my pair", "North Corona" and "My perfect tornado".

The author who is creating in the genre of Young Adult makes the heroes of books of schoolchildren or students who are fond of open peace and love looking for. At the same store, Anna claimed that these characters had no prototypes, although in the text she often wovels overheard dialogues, phrases and jokes. First, in order for fictional actors to be felt real, and secondly, it helped to make written more readable and volumetric.

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"It is believed that Ya is literature for young men and girls from 15 to 20 years. Maybe in the West, from where it came to us and, this concept came, sweating the traditional genre of adolescent literature, and there is. However, in the Russian-speaking environment, the age framework is wider. And it pleases, "Jane recognized.

Of course, numerous fans could not not be interested in the main question - where the novelist gets inspiration to show a light gentle prose about love. The answer is simple - you need to be able to rest and distract from literature on human joy: nature walks, cozy gatherings with relatives and friends, meditation, shopping and drawing.

Anna Jane is not frowning to work in duets, for example, with Catherine Vasina ("No, baby, it is fantastic!" And "leave my dreams"). With all the fruitfulness, she now has a few unfair writings - "I want you," "Green Island", "their royal majesty" and others.

Personal life

And although the profession of Anna Jane obliges to understand in the subtleties of interpersonal relationships, in love with the opposite, otherwise to clear up unexpected consequences, but what is happening in real life, she prefers not to share with the public.

Her pages in social networks "Vkontakte" and "Instagram" by the end of July 2019 ("Twitter" and "Facebook" woman does not complain) are given to work - rare their own photos are interspersed with numerous snapshots of new books, and publications contain information, exclusively Useful for the reader.

Anna Jane

By the way, Capranova willingly asks the opinion of the fans about future storylines, comes with them into correspondence, patiently responding to an endless flow of their questions, shares their reflections and analysis of their own text errors and typos.

Despite the fact that all the time the "Runet Star" dedicates the creation of another literary work, she does not forget to follow both the events in the world of sports. For example, in 2018, Anya is passionately sick for the Russian national football team at the World Championships and rejoiced along with other fans to her successes.

Anna Jane now

In 2018, the creator of love works pleased the fans of their work at once four new works - novels "# Loveman", "# Hate" and "Heavenly music. The moon "(the continuation of the" Sun "came next year), as well as the story" Interview with the Hero ".

In February 2019, at first, "Gift Angel" and "We are a family" appeared, and in July, "a delightful witch", joking abstract to which he read:

"My maritime number 1 threw a guy. Of course, I, as a true witch in the soul, decided to heal and make her formerly her boyfriend. Oh, he accidentally turned out to be a teacher at our university? Nothing terrible, I love smart men. I will conquer it, by all means. Let him pretend to my boyfriend! ".

There were no surprises for readers. On social networks, the author, in addition to regular books, shared plans for the future, saying that the "fan" is coming in August.


  • 2010 - "Sisters Diary"
  • 2012 - "Leave from my dream"
  • 2014 - "My perfect tornado"
  • 2014 - "Music Love"
  • 2015 - "North Corona. On the stars "
  • 2017 - "Music spell. On the waves of origami "
  • 2017 - "Music spell. On the wings"
  • 2018 - "# Loveman" "
  • 2018 - "# Hate"
  • 2018 - "Heavenly music. Moon"
  • 2019 - "Heavenly music. The sun"
  • 2019 - "Angel Gift"
  • 2019 - "We are a family"
  • 2019 - "Delightful Witch"
  • 2019 - "Fan"

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