Evgeny Gagloev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Evgeny Gagloev is a young Russian writer, writing in the genres of teenage fiction and fantasy. The total circulation of the books of the fertile writer, who believes that the children's book is obliged to end with a positive final, exceeded 200 thousand copies.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Frontikovich was born in 1978 in the small mining town of Aksuke, the name of which is translated from the Kazakh language as the "white bone" (according to legend, during the game the rider threw a unagnant bone, and the youth was looking for an item, the fun gave a reason for the couple in love to retire). The surname Gagloev has Caucasian roots, and in "Instagram" a writer posted a photo of a drinking water source in South Ossetia in honor of the grandfather. It suggests the conclusion: a fiction in the nationality of Ossetians.

Gagloev did not love school, but he adored to dive into fantastic worlds: first - Russian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz fairy tales, and then - books Kira Bulychev and Yevgeny Wellistov. Having matured, the guy loved the works of Stephen King, Philip Pulman and Roger Zhibynowa.

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About the early biography of the writer tells little, but since in the hometown of Gagloev minced uranium ore, and already at 18 years old, the young man was published in the newspapers of Novouralsk, which produces half of the uranium isotopes in Russia, it can be assumed that Eugene's parents were associated with the production and enrichment of this radioactive fossil .

Apparently, at the insistence of mother and father, the future writer later received technical education and worked at the automotive factory. The writer has an older sister.


Like the writers Bernarda Verbouru and Joe Hill, Evgeny's writing career began with the creation of comics, which were published not only in Novouralsk, but also in the teenage newspaper "five angles", published in St. Petersburg.

The drawing works were in demand, and Gagloev tried to print them in the form of a book, but received a refusal from the publishers and the Council on their basis a story or novel. The first in 2011 was published "Heir to the Werewolf", the main character of which is the 15-year-old Maxim Polyansky. Roman laid the beginning of the "Feline Eye" series.

To write a series of books "The Zvezlia", the first novel in which was the "illusion", the author not only reread the "kingdom of the curves of mirrors" and "Alice in the Watercalter", but also studied myths and urban legends associated with mirrors and reflections.

As the main character, Gagloev was seen by the young man. However, publishers suggested to the writer that teenage girls read more peers of strong sex. So I appeared Katya Derzhanin.

The heroine of "Mr.", like Harry Potter, orphan. The girl lives with a stepmother and grandmother and, it seems, not much different from the reader's audience. However, the heroine then learns unexpected information about himself, and the plot begins to promote.

Critics reproach a series for the inhibitivity of some images (for example, a handsome Matthew) and the incredibility of an alternative world, in which the metals are replaced with glass and ceramics, and on the graves, contrary to the absence of Christianity, there are crosses.

A series of books for adults "sky in diamonds, published in the Republic of Belarus stands a mansion in Gagloev bibliography. Genre of books Publishers unexpectedly identified as a female detective for the author.

Personal life

Now the writer works in the Novoural Music Theater, Drama and Comedy. The town is located from the regional center - Yekaterinburg - at a distance of 70 km, 80 thousand people live in it, the theater building is built in the style of Stalin Ampire under the personal control of Lavrentia Beria.

Evgeny's official duties are with pleasure - a bike ride to work, at 8 am already in the workplace, and the evenings devotes to writing books.

In the theater, 4 performances were delivered by Libretto Gagloev - these are musicals for adults "Ice Palace" (based on the work of Ivan Lazhchchnikov), "Sorochinskaya Fair" and "Last Secret of Shahryzada", as well as a musical fairy tale for children "Snow Queen. New legend, "appeared in the repertoire on the eve of 2019.

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On the desktop Evgenia is a photo of a boy, a very similar to the writer, and from "Instagram" of the writer, you can find out that Gagloev really has a son Egor. However, in general, the author of the "Zemerly", in numerous interviews willingly telling about the technical aspects of creativity, it is not divided by the details of personal life.

In the photo from the rest next to the writer often there is a pretty red-haired girl, but the men comments say that this is not a wife, but a favorite niece.

Evgeny's holidays usually holds in Sochi, stopping in the house from year to year, where the gray cat Marquise lives, loving cookies with condensed milk. Attends Gagloev and the historical homeland - May 9, 2019 photographed near the new building of the theater in the city of Tskhinval. According to the writer, Ossetia resembles the Mediterranean Peter Jackson.

Evgeny Gagloev now

On December 22, 2018, for the first time, the performance of Libretto Evgenia was published on the stage of St. Petersburg. Director Alexei Istomin in the theater named after Panina, Panina, put the Gagloev version of the "Scarlet Flower".

July 13, 2019 in the bookstore "Browse" in Nevsky Prospect Evgeny Frontikovich told readers about the new book "Silhouette in a broken mirror", published in the Pandemonium series. Now the writer is working on the eighth romance of the cycle, in which there will be 12 pieces of all (one for each zodiac sign).

The rights to the seventh book of the series - a mystical detective for adolescents "Time of Dark Hunters" (the author initially planned to name the "Pandemonium Academy". Royal Zodiac ") - acquired Moscow film studio" Red Carpet ".

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After the completion of Pandemonium, Gagloev intends to return to the "Pardus" cycle (recycled version of the "cat eye"), which in 2018 was awarded the Kira Bulychev award. The series started in the 2015 Roman "Running in the night" now has 9 books.


  • 2011 - "Feline eye. Werewolf heir
  • 2012 - "Feline eye. Going through the fire "
  • 2013 - "Sky in diamonds. Initigans »
  • 2013 - "Sky in diamonds. Heiress
  • 2013 - "Sky in diamonds. Rival "
  • 2013 - "Sky in diamonds. Predatory »
  • 2013 - "Zeepy. Illusion "
  • 2014 - "Zeepy. Scorpion"
  • 2015 - "Pardus. Running in the night "
  • 2015 - "Pardus. Commanding fire
  • 2016 - "Pardus. Earth shaking
  • 2017 - "Pandemonium. City of Dark Secrets »
  • 2018 - "Pandemonium. Bouquet of faded orchids "
  • 2019 - "Pandemonium. Silhouette in a broken mirror "

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