Eckhart Tolwe - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Eckhart Tolwe is a writer, a spiritual enlightener and a speaker whose books are not losing popularity around the world for decades and are issued in many languages. Videos from his trainings are gaining millions of views on the Internet, and the man spoken by a man's simple truths will fly into quotes. However, the German was not always successful, rich and satisfied with life. He had to go a difficult path before finding his place under the sun.

Childhood and youth

Ulrich Leonard Toleru (so called the future writer at birth) was born in the small German town of Lunen, which is located near Dortmund. The inspiration for the change of name was the person of his mystical countryman Maisters Eckhart, whose creativity loved Ulrich.

In one of the numerous interviews, a man told that early childhood spent in Germany was unhappy. Up to 13 years old in his house, a negative situation was increasingly raised, and an unpleasant hostile atmosphere reigned in elementary school. Next, in the biography of the young man, unexpected changes have happened - he moved to his father's permanent residence in Spain.

The man offered her son to choose between admission to a secondary school and the invitation of teachers to the house. Eckhart preferred private education. As a result, he was not present in ordinary educational institutions up to 22 years. Tolera perceived the learning process in its own way and acted very selectively - he studied philosophy, literature, astronomy, foreign languages ​​and the foundations of a creative start.

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At the age of 19, the guy moved to the United Kingdom, where for 3 years she taught local businessmen to German and Spanish in one of London schools. At the end of this complex stage, Tolwe plunged into a serious depression, its constant satellites were anxiety and fear. The guy, as he says:

"I started searching for answers by asking questions of life."

According to Eckhart, by 23 years he began to be interested in what human intelligence is capable of, his thoughts began to actively develop. He was looking for a raidness, referring to philosophy, psychology and literature, counting on the fact that the answers would necessarily emerge in the confusing maze of complex reflection.

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All these internal quest Toles occurred in the period when he was engaged in the university and attended evening lectures. Having completed education in the University of London, the future speaker entered Cambridge in 1977 as a graduate student.


In 29 years, Eckhart, who survived a long-term depression, bordering the desire of suicide, has experienced a deep internal transformation of his own personality and all that previously associated himself. This event influenced the entire subsequent life of a man. In the future, he colorfully recalled that significant night - the Tolweg woke up from the governing consciousness of the "almost unbearable" depressive feeling.

He could no longer and did not want to live with him. Eckhart wondered "Who am I?" And he felt it as if he was tightened into some emptiness. At that instant, the man did not fully realize that it was with him that the image of the unfortunate and eternally suffering "I" was dissolved in the dark, and then completely disappeared.

Having woke up the next morning, the future speaker all day walked through the streets of London and was amazing to what extent it was incredibly wonderful, and in each passing deep internal equilibrium and calm. Even the road movement was harmonious.

From the very moment, he began on an ongoing basis to feel this amazing strength in any very difficult situation. In the future, the Tolle began to constantly visit the Russell Square Park, which is located in the heart of London. He was sitting on one of the benches, being in a state of complete inner bliss, and watched passing by people passing by.

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At that time, a man stayed at his comrade at that time, at the same time he moved to the Buddhist monastery from time to time, and sometimes he spent a long night in the open-air in the wood painter "Hamped-Khitsky". Native Eckhart considered him irresponsible and somewhat insane. The former fellow students of the writer on Cambridge and other familiar could not understand that it was angry with him and in which truth now believes an unusual German.

Next, Tolle moved to the south-west of Great Britain, to the place called Glastonbury, which is at 3 o'clock ride from the capital. After spending more than 5 years in this place in this place, a man returned to London again and began to earn a spiritual teacher and publish his books.

In 1995, repeatedly visiting the West Coast of North America, who reached the 47-year-old age Eckhart moved to Vancouver, which is located in British Columbia. A little later, Toles published his work "The Force now". By 2008, the book was published in 33 languages ​​(including in Arabic). Although some media criticized the work of the writer, in August 2000, she settled in the list of "best-selling books" in the solid printing publishing "New York Times", and after 2 years he headed him at all.

In 2008, approximately 35 million viewers looked at a whole cycle of live broadcasts, consisting of 10 episodes, with the participation of the German speaker in the television talk show Oprah Winfrey. A special success in the audience was used by video "Live Meditation".

In 2010, almost 10 years after the exit, the work still continued to remain in the list. In parallel, Eckhart Tolere led infrequent lectures and every month released the Internet transmission "Eckhart Tole TV". The man is located on the 2nd place in the list "100 of the most influential spiritual leaders of modernity" according to the glossy edition of Watkins' Mind Body Spirit in 2012 (it was overtaken by Dalai Lama).

In the fall of 2017, the speaker first made a Russian audience, collecting a record number of participants for all the time of lectures.

Personal life

Eckhart Tolwe has been happy for many years in his personal life with his wife and assistant named Kim Eng. Spouses jointly develop the doctrine of the present. And a woman, besides the partner of his spouse, is a yoga teacher. There are no children from the pair.

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The writer prefers a secluded lifestyle. Although Tolle has a microblogging in the social network "Instagram", he does not post personal photos on the net.

Eckhart Tollet Now

Now the couple lives in the Canadian city of Vancouver. Creative family periodically goes on a trip to different parts of the world, where trainings and seminars are conducting.Embed from getty images

In 2019, Eckhart Tolwe continues to develop his literary creativity and replenish his own bibliography. Fans are looking forward to new books of a talented writer.


  • 1997 - "The Force now"
  • 1999 - "Power of the present"
  • 2003 - "Silence says"
  • 2003 - "New Earth. Awakening to your life goal "
  • 2008 - "Unity with all life"
  • 2009 - "Guarders of Genesis"

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