Andrey Bereva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



In recent decades, thousands of works of young authors who work in the genre of magical realism, science fiction, combat fantasy and creating stories about fallows have appeared on the book market. Among them, the "Hunter", "Freya" and "obedient" series, which in the 2000s created the Russian writer Andrei Bereva in the 2000s was occupied.

Childhood and youth

The existence of the personality of the writer Andrei Burhov is doubted because there is no data on his biography, including the place and date of birth, as well as information about loved ones and family.

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There was a period when readers suspected that Russian Prose the mask is hidden by Russian Prose Andrei Olegovich Belyanin, but vocabulary and creative guidelines, according to experts, do not give the right to live this version.


The border of Andrei Bureva consists of a dozen connected fantasy novels, the most famous of which were the adventures of the hero named Hunter. In the eponymous series, which began in 2008, under the name "Castle of the Ancients", included 4 works in the genre of combat fantasy, and the narration turned in the fictional universe, which recently survived the magical war.

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Then, in the novels "Empty demons", "Abandoned City" and "Lord Puffy", the author deployed the history of Darth's hunter, who at first did not shine with any outstanding qualities and talents. But during adventures, he opened the magical abilities, which, due to lack of knowledge, he could not apply.

It was understood that the answers to the questions were in the scrolls of ancient creatures, the character went to the empty, where hundreds of treasure hunters died in traps of past war. According to the author of the author, a good goal was to protect the young man, but unexpected places and danger still met on his way. The point was not without illogical love story, and, feeling missing and flaws, the writer graduated from a series of books.

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Having made the conclusions from the not quite successful hunter's travel, the buoye immediately began to begin a new cycle "obsessed with" and in 4 years described in detail the life of the guard of Carridan Di Stini, who was an ordinary resident of one of the small cities.

In the first book, published entitled "Guard of the Empire", Andrei told how the ordinary hero turned into a foreman, and a terrible curse, almost deprived of his life, led to the contract price of the soul.

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And in the following novels, the character passed the stages of the defender, knight and dragon-chief, but the demon who possessed the infinite dark power, broke the plan to become the owner of the specific province, and Carridan had to face intrigues on a difficult path from home.

Such a turn of the plot brought the writer hundreds of fans who appreciated a good syllable and the ability to use artistic means, and the editors published all 5 books on paper and released in the series "Fantastic Action".

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In 2015, the burly, joined by the interest and positive reviews of readers, on the Samizdat website placed the Roman "T" quarantine "From the Dilogy" Freya ", which became the debut in the genre of the Nestyapocalipse Universe, something similar to the worlds of the Strugatsky brothers and film 1990 "Judge Dredd".

This experiment liked fans of computer games in the style of cosmoper, and critics praised the writer again for a smooth language and twisted plot. Therefore, in 2016, Andrei started the novel "Peace under the blow", which became a logical continuation, but for the time being on "Samizdat" only the flawed drafts hangs.

Personal life

Due to the lack of interviews and photos on the available pages about the personal life of Andrei Burhov, nothing is known. In the reviews on published works, the colleagues writers mentioned that he acts as the author of a literary blog, where he argues on the topic "What to read?".

Andrei Buryva now

3 years after the publication of the first novel from the Freya cycle, Andrei began communicating with readers on the portal page Author.Today and said that at the end of the summer of 2019, subscribers will receive the edited version of the "world under blow."

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And he, during a long vacation, resting from a writer's career, will begin work on the third and, perhaps, the final book, the individual chapters of which as they will be published on the Samizdat website.


Cycle "Hunter"

  • 2008 - "Ancient Castle"
  • 2008 - "Empty demons"
  • 2009 - "Abandoned City"
  • 2015 - "Lord Puffy" ("Hunter Darth")

The cycle "obsessed"

  • 2010 - "Guard of the Empire"
  • 2011 - "Defender of the Empire"
  • 2013 - "Knight of the Empire"
  • 2013 - "Dragon Project of the Empire"
  • 2014 - "The Ninth Duke of the Empire"

Freya cycle

  • 2015 - Quarantine class "T"
  • 2019 - "Peace under the blow"

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