Victoria Freedom - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



On the shelves of bookstores near the classic of world literature, it is adjacent to what is called a light story: uncomplicated love novels, a second-rate fantasy, detectives. These works are read to cleanse their heads, relax, for the same reasons they write. The author of the cycles "Far Stars" and "Assistant" Victoria Freedom, inspired by the books of Max Fry, decided to create his universe - with cruel men and powerful women.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Freedine was born on December 14, 1987. About the period of the biography, which preceded the suddenly discovered literary talent, a little is known. Even the birthplace of Victoria remains a mystery. Do not help in "declassifying" the personality of the writer and social networks: she does not have an account in "Instagram", there are no photos in VKontakte (although they are in the LiveLIB profile).

Victoria's debut book freedom "distant stars"

Victoria Freedom and Veronica Stannan, Peru belongs to the novel "Dictator. Complete submission, "this is the same author. It is possible that both names are pseudonyms.

In an interview, the writer told that he has economic education. She chose this path alone, without the help of parents, but blindly, when he did not know what he really wants. Now Victoria freedom does not work in the specialty. All of her time goes to writing books and care for the family.


The history of the formation of Victoria Freedomy as a writer began with a disease that for a long time sent a woman to bed regime. Free time she was kotal behind the books of Max Fry, whose creativity loved in the school. She was fascinated by fantastic worlds, adventures, romance, intrigue. One science fiction was replaced by another until Victoria Freedom felt the "need to create their own worlds."

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In 2016, at the beginning of the creative way, the writer invented plots saturated by witchcraft and supernatural creatures. In the pure genre of fantasy written the dilogy "Far Stars" and "Life of Tyrria". But in the series "The Best Academy of Magic", Victoria Freedine combined two phenomena, which many women mistakenly take for one thing: Magic and love. Since then, in her bibliography, love novels began to prevail over fantasy.

The special courage of the narrative is the cycle "Assistant". The plot is built on the same line: the heroines are in difficult situations either, on the contrary, live too measured life, and a suddenly appeared man turns life from his legs. The whirlwind of passions certainly brings a couple to the happy finale.

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Victoria argues that the books from the Assistant series are written in the motive of all famous fairy tales: "Beautiful assistant for the monster" is an adult reading "Beauty and Monsters", and "Snow Whole" is guessed in the novel "Forced assistant for Tirana".

He writes freedom and outside the series. For example, the Book "Imperial Selection" (2018) tells about the witch, which accompanies the first beauty of the empire for the matchmaker, and the "relationship is regardless" (2017) is a cheap erotic film, packed in the cover.

Personal life

Victoria Freedom is married, brings up two children - Sophia and Daniel.

The family knows about the hobby of the writer, but almost no one read her books, which Victoria, according to fans, "secretly rejoices." After all, sometimes in the pages, erotic scenes are accepted, often inspired by episodes from personal life or fantasies.

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At the same time, the author does not associate himself with his heroons, admits that if she was in their place, he never did and would not say what they could. Equally, Victoria does not use familiar men's types. The characters of her bibliography are powerful, cruel men, although in life the author of such people did not meet.

Victoria freedom now

In 2019, Victoria Freedomy took place several releases outside the cycles.

Roman "Marriage season. The orphan "tells about the girl, who, after the death of loved ones, was under the oppression of far from the most pleasant relatives. The only way to escape from the guardianship is to go to the Magic Academy.

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In Dragon Corporation, there are really dragons, but the main storyline is spinning around the main character and its chief. And in June 2019, the book "chained to the house" about a housewife was published, which opened portals to other worlds.


Cycle "Far Stars":

  • 2013 - "Far Stars"
  • 2014 - "Far Star 2. Choice"

Tyrria's life cycle:

  • 2016 - "Combat Magician"
  • 2016 - "Runic Mag"

Cycle "Best Academy of Magic":

  • 2017 - "Fallen on your own"
  • 2019 - "I got on my own accord 2. game for disposal"
  • 2019 - "I got on your own accord 3. New rules"

Cycle "Assistant":

  • 2016 - "Beautiful monster assistant"
  • 2017 - "Desperate Assistant for confusion"
  • 2018 - "Deanified Assistant for Kumir"
  • 2018 - "Forced assistant for Tirana"
  • 2018 - "Mysterious assistant for a stranger"
  • 2018 - "Fearless Devil Assistant"

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