Alexander Kontorovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Alexander Kontorovich is the author of books about the falls, characters carrying in the will of the writer in the past or future. The predecessor of the falling literature is the works of Jules Verne, whose heroes turned out to be at distant latitudes. When all the mysterious islands opened and mastered, the writers began to move characters not in space, but in time.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Kontorovich could form the basis of the cycle of literary works. Alexander Sergeevich was born in the midst of the summer of 1957 in the capital of the USSR. To the Army, the young man managed to receive 2 specialties (designer-designer and technology-topograph) and the 3rd round of mountaineering, as well as start collecting a collection of copyright songs, on the basis of which 4 books were subsequently published.

Officer Alexander Kontorovich

Sasha's urgent service was held in a commandanttry and a special department of the 9th separate fighter division stationed in the Cuban near Moscow. The servicemen of the elite division participated in the airparerals, accompanied the aircraft of foreign leaders who arrived in Moscow, and also flew on business trips related to the protection of state interests of the Soviet Union.

After the demobilization, Alexander worked for a long time in the Laboratory of MSU, studying avalanche and sat down, and then returned to the army, from which he retired at 39 years old in the rank of Major. Without separation from service, the man received a higher legal education in the specialty "Criminalistics". Constor - Wrouting 6 patents for inventions in the field of countering terrorism and improving individual protection. From the beginning of the 2000s, Alexander Sergeevich - Advisor to the Association of Veterans Alpha.


References came to the literature in 52 years. Now the bibliography of the technically savvy writer has tens of novels. The author's feature of the writer is short sentences. Philologists criticize the contacts for a scantary vocabulary, and readers praise for the logical of the plots and especially warmly responds about such works of a veteran of special forces, as "reconstruction", "Summer Raid" and "Border Guard".

Writer Alexander Kontorovich

The hero of the first novel of Kontorovich "Black Bustlands", which marked the beginning of the "Black War" series, finds himself in the body of a false prisoner of Manzyrev who falls into the German rear. Fabul is built around whether a former Major special forces can deliver important documents to the Soviet command.

Alexander Sergeevich argues that it does not use the work of "literary blacks". The "Desent of Popinetsev" was written by a team of authors under the leadership of Kontorovich, whose role is to coordinate the work of the project participants. The narration begins with a nuclear catastrophe, after which the characters who communicated on the literary forum are survived. Roman "Zonga", which tells about the modern blacksmith, manufacturing swords for "roleviks" and falling into the past, created by the co-author of Nina Demidova.

Personal life

The sick of the Sun of Russian poetry is fruit not only as a writer, but also as a father. The writer of 5 children whose names, as well as information about the spouse, does not open up due to the secrecy of the service.

Writer Alexander Kontorovich

Recently, the personal life and literary activities of the Alpha veteran intersect: the middle daughter of the science is the first reader and critic of the works of the Father.

In the photo posted on the Internet, the writer, as a rule, smiles.

Alexander Kontorovich now

In 2018, Roman Kontorovich "Ruccetz" from the "Zone 31" series nominated for the Roskon Prize.

Writer Alexander Kontorovich

In 2019, on the official website, the writer fragments lays out a new Roman "Flight of the Crow". Despite the age, Alexander Sergeevich continues to go to hot spots as a consultant.


  • 2010 - "Black Bustlands. Diversian from the future "
  • 2011 - "Knight in gray sinels"
  • 2011 - "Landing of Poddanztsev. The second chance for humanity "
  • 2012 - "ash dawn"
  • 2013 - "For the power of a shame!"
  • 2013- "Reconstructor"
  • 2015 - "While the sun shines"
  • 2016 - "Museum Exhibit"
  • 2017 - "Fugitive"
  • 2017 - "merchant"
  • 2017 - "Rescuer"
  • 2018 - "Expedition Tomorrow"
  • 2019 - "Izgoy"
  • 2019 - "Guard"
  • 2019 - "Invisible"
  • 2019 - "Flight of the Crow"

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