Natalia Savishna - Heroine biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes


Character History

A secondary character of the story of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood". Maid, then nyanka mother of the main character, then the housekeeper. At the time of action, the heroine is already 75-80 years old, and she held all his life in the service in the house of IRTENEV. Natalia Savishna is devoted to the thirteenth head of the story. The heroine also appears in Chapter twenty-fifth - "Letter".

History of creation

Lion Tolstoy in Youth

The story "Childhood" is part of the autobiographical trilogy of the Lion Tolstoy, which also includes the Tale "Advocacy" and "Youth". Work on the story was completed in 1852, and at the same time the first publication took place in the literary magazine "Contemporary".

The story "Childhood" Tolstoy wrote in 24 years, at the time when, together with Brother, Nikolai served in the Caucasus. To work on the text of the author left for more than a year, Tolstoy edited the story four times. This is the first story that the young writer sent to the magazine. The author hoped a little on the publication, so the money was attached to the work - in case the manuscript decides to return. However, the manuscript took the publication, and Tolstoy received the enthusiastic response of the editor, which was unusually delighted.

Tale "Childhood"

Illustration to Tale

Natalia Savishna - old woman 75-80 years old, which works by the maid in the house of the main character, Nikolenka Irtenyev. In this position, the character is already sixty years old, since Natalia has yet been taken in the number of female servants, who has seized grandmother of the hero. In his youth, the heroine tried to marry a young brocade waiter Foku, but the owner of this Natalin Gustov did not appreciate and exiled a girl to the barnyard.

Six months later, heroin returned back to a rich host house. Natalia learned a lesson and since then was invariably in the house, Smirno served the gentlemen and "the whole stock of love moved to the lady." The heroine was married and did not come out, and the whole biography of Natalia Savishns was closely connected with the family of IRTENEV.

Nicholya Hirtienev

When Nicholya's mother was born, Natalia Savishna from the maids "retrained" to the nanny. The heroine takes care of the girl from infancy and continues to experience strong attachment to that lifetime. Nikolet's mother answered Nyan reciprocity, as well as the other family members, to whom Natalia Savishna also experienced love. The heroine is an innocent and sincere woman who will readily listen to other people's complaints, she can "cry".

Natalia is a small grilled old woman with his eyes, in Chepes, from under which gray hair can be seen. The heroine is kind and meek. Nicholyka since childhood was accustomed to the fact that Natalia Savishna disinterestedly and gently takes care of him and does not speak of himself. All his life, the heroine works hard on the Niconey family and even in old age constantly busy business - it knits stockings, "records underwear."

Natalia Savishna and Nikole

The heroine is an honest woman and, living in a rich house, never stole anything from the owners. Over time, Natalia has become a housekeeper and answered in the house for underwear and products. The heroine got the keys to the storeroom and access to the chests with Baro Good, however, the woman honestly choirs the shopping property and does not give another servant of cross-parties, if something disappears or flies. Natalia is trying to protect the master's commissions with all their might and counteracts the rastips and attempts to steal something.

Natalia also monitors the clothes to be in perfect, fresh and not touched by mol. The heroine is proud that for the whole life, "the Bark thread did not live", and the Lord trust her. In the house to Natalia, Savishnu believes with respect, but the old woman did not come together with anyone and on the brought friendship, which was also the subject of pride for heroine.

Illustration to Tale

From Natalia Savishns there is only a dog-pusk. In moments of weakness, the heroine took a dog to bed, I stroked the one, talked to her and cried. The heroine also has a brother who has long received free and left for a certain "distant province." However, Natalia with his brother does not communicate due to the fact that he "leads a slutty life." The heroine will make her brother his own property and he comes to pick up the inheritance, after the death of the heroine.

As a gratitude for perennial works, Nicholya's mother after marriage tried to free Natalia Savishna from serfdom, but she refused to take free, brooded the paper into the nurses and remained to serve in the house. A year after the death of Mother Nicholyki, his favorite, Natalia Savishna also sides and dies. The old woman at her own will bury not far from the chapel, where the mother Nicholya was buried.


"In half of the last century, the Khabarovy village ranked in a shabby dress barefoot, but funny, fat and redish girl Nataska. According to the merit and request of her father, Savva's Clarnetist, my grandfather took her to the top of the women's women's servants. "" Since I remember myself, I remember I and Natalia Savishnu, her love and caress; But now I just know how to appreciate them, "then I did not occur to my head, what a rare, wonderful creation was this old woman. She not only never said, but did not think it seems about themselves: her life was love and self-sacrifice. "" Once I got angry at her. That's how it was. At lunch, pouring a kvaas, I dropped a decanter and poured a tablecloth. - Call-ka Natalia Savishna, so that she was pleased with his pet, "said Maman. Natalia Savishna entered and, seeing the puddle, which I did, shook my head; Then Maman told her something in his ear, and she, having wrapped around at me, came out. "" Natalia Savishna suffered two months from his illness and transferred suffering with truly Christian patience: he did not say, did not complain, but only, in his habit, Increablely remembered God. For an hour before his death, she confessed with a quiet joy, fell and cooled with oil. "

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