Dmitry Sillov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Dmitry Sillov is a multifaceted and gifted personality. It seems for whatever he fell, everything is under force. In sports, a man is the creator of one of the self-defense systems, in the literature - fantastic novels marked by severe critics and favorably perceived by the readership. The writer himself believes that his works teach a person to survive in extreme conditions, while remaining himself, and fight to the end.

Childhood and youth

Thrust to the writer seems to be passed by Dmitry from grandfather Vladimir Alexandrovich - Poet and Criticism, adjacent to futurists who was friends with Boris Pasternak and who made a bibliography of Velimira Khlebnikov. Began a talented grandson, born in the fourth February Day of the 1970s in the city of Mary in the south of Turkmenistan, as well as his ancestor, with poems that were fond of school years. The first rhymed essays even went to the local newspaper.

Sillova's father was also to literature, although by profession was military, so parents tried in every way to instill their passion for reading the only child, giving it a rich home library to his disposal.

"In the city library, I was also a regular customer. It began to read very early, Mom says that at 4 years old already read the novel "Young Guard". In the 1st grade, I didn't have to teach the letter, I read freely, for which a special thank you for my parents, very early learned to put letters in words, "the science told me in an interview.

However, before seriously taking on the pen, he had to serve in the landing, get medical education, to do psychology, martial arts and bodybuilding, to create a self-defense system and its own sports club operating and now, and even work the bodyguard from famous people.


The path to the literature for Sillov paved sports - debut works of a writer, appeared at the beginning of zero, are devoted to the "real street fight", bodybuilding, fitness, "hand-to-hand", aerobics, etc. The first artistic book on the misadventures of the seller of Vitka, retrained from the seller in The killer, came out in 2005.

In 2012, the Stalker cycle started the "Cycle of Sniper", and with the Roman "Kremlin 2222. South" - the eponymous series, in 2015, which replenished "Sheremetyevo" immediately after "Petersburg".

"My books are in many ways my personal experience and experience of people I trust, considered through the prism of a fantastic plot. In my novels there are no direct prototypes from real life, but I believe that only a person with solid life experience can write works of this kind, "the author admitted.

Personal life

The only unlucky moment of the biography of the laureate "manuscript of the year" remains a personal life. And all because Dmitry Olegovich does not believe that this information can sincerely interest someone:

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"And what, someone is really wondering that, for example, today in honor of the weekend somewhere with an hour of ballad for old V-U-Den clips? When I do not go with a "razor" between the worlds, then I am doing hardware, I read with students, I read, write. Of course, the personal life that does not apply to fundamentally - that's all the facts. "

The wedding ring by August 2019, judging by the photographs in the "Instagram", is not observed on an unnamed finger, although a penetrating silver sector appears periodically there.

Dmitry Sillov now

In 2018, the Sniper (subsection "Stalker" was replenished with "Yakuza laws", "trader", "hunter", "Pripyat", and the next year the books "Knives were published. Large illustrated guide, "Forester's Law" with the "law of survivors".

Moreover, the last novel, where the events are described in chronology immediately after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, written in record deadlines - for the month and 12 days.


  • 2005 - "Branch Yakuza"
  • 2007 - "Encyclopedia of" Real Street Fight "
  • 2010 - "Stalker. Sniper Law "
  • 2011 - "Kremlin 2222. South"
  • 2011 - "Kremlin 2222. North-West"
  • 2013 - "Happiness for all"
  • 2017 - "Stalker. Monolith law
  • 2017 - "Stalker. Stalker's Law
  • 2018 - "Stalker. Merchant Law
  • 2018 - "Stalker. Hunter Law "
  • 2018 - "Stalker. Pripyat law
  • 2018 - "Stalker. Law Yakuza
  • 2019 - "Stalker. Lawster Law "
  • 2019 - "Stalker. The law of survivors "
  • 2019 - "Knives. Large illustrated guide »

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