Gaev - character biography, play "Cherry Garden", image and characteristic, film


Character History

Character play Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden". Brother of the main heroine, Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya.

History of creation

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Anton Chekhov graduated from working on the play "Cherry Garden" in 1903, and the next year the play was first put by the famous directories Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko in the Moscow Art Theater. The role of Gaeva in this first stage was played by Stanislavsky himself, and the role of Love Ranevskaya was performed by the wife of Chekhov, Actress Olga Knipper-Chekhov.

The idea and the first sketches of the play are dated 1901. The "cherry garden" became the last play written by Czech. The playwright died a year after he finished working on this work.

Piece "Cherry Garden"

Waev's appearance

Leonid Andreevich Gaev - Brother of the main heroine of the play of Lyubov Ranevskaya. This is a man in the years, but torn away from reality. Gaevu is 51 years old, the hero loves sweet, loves to drink well and snug, terribly much says and what they say often turns out to be inappropriate. The hero behaves stupid and aware of it, however, like Ranevskaya, cannot cope with him. The daughters of Ranenevskaya, Gayev's nieces, constantly advise uncle to be silent, but he won't hesitate to these advice.

By the origin of Gaev - a landowner, but the entire state of the hero, according to his own expression, "drove on lollipops." The hero loves to pronounce solemn speeches on any occasion. Somehow, Gaev draws speech even to the bookcase. The hero adores billiards, and the terms associated with this game are often slipped into his speech.

Love Andreevna Ranevskaya

Gaev is unusually lazy. The hero got a place in the bank, where he could receive six thousand income per year, but others do not believe that the hero will appreciate such a gift of fate and keep in this place. The old Laqi Firs still cares for Gaevs as if the child is, and the merchant of the leopaner with his characteristic of that rudeness calls Gaeva "Baba" and considers the hero of a strange and frivolous man. However, native, with all the shortcomings of Gaeva, belong to that with love.

Like a sister, Gaev rejects the idea of ​​a blades to cut the cherry garden and give the land for rent to earn money, pay debts and save in this way. The hero agrees with the Ranevskoy that "cottages and dackets - it went," and builds ephemeral plans to take money on the redemption of the garden from a certain tetushki-Countess or give the niece Any Marry for a rich gentleman who will pay debts.

Love Ranevskaya and Yermolay Lopakhin in the theater

Gaev gives the Ranevian promise that the estate will not be sold with trading for debts, but does not take anything to fulfill this promise. Ultimately, the estate of Ranevskaya buys at the auction the merchant Lopakhin, Ganev, Ranevskaya, children and servants left the saddened, and the cherry garden is cut down. Further biography of the hero is unknown.

Gaev and his sister are touchingly tied to the Cherry Garden, which embodies for both the best moments of life, youth and happiness. The images of Gaeva and Ranevskaya in the play represent a suspended past, which is inferior to the present, embodied in the image of a practical merchant of the blades.

Shielding and setting

Illustration for book

In 1981, the British director Richard Ire shot the dramatic film "The Cherry Orchard" based on the play Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden". The role of Leonid Gaeva in this film was played by Actor Frederick Trevez. Sister Hero Love Andreevna Ranevskaya played actress Judy Danch, known for the role of M in a series of films about James Bond.

Before that, Judy Danych had once again starred in the screening of the "Cherry Garden". It was a 1962 film, and the actress performed the role of Ani - the youngest daughter Ranevskaya. The image of Gaeva in this version embodied Sir Arthur John Gilgud, the famous execution of Shakespeare's roles, including in the cinema.

In 1999, another film release was published, this time the joint Greek-French production. The director and the author of the script became the Greek director Mikhalis Cakoyanis. The role of Gayeva was performed by the British actor Alan Bates. The filming of the film took place in Bulgaria.

Alan Bates in the film

In 2008, the Russian screening of the "Cherry Garden" was published in the comedy genre with elements of farce and the Italian area theater. The film shot directed by Sergey Ovcharov. The role of Gayeva was executed by the actor Dmitry urban.

The play was repeatedly raised in theaters around the world. In Britain in 2009, the "Cherry Sad" put the London Theater "The Old Vic" in the processing of the famous playwright and director of Tom Stoppard. In 2016, the play was played on the stage of the theater Yu in California, USA. Daniel Heifets became the director.


"If a lot of money is offered against any disease, this means that the disease is incurable." "On nature, wondering, you bloom by eternal shine, beautiful and indifferent, you, which we call your mother, combine being and death, You live and destroy ... "" Dear, durable cabinet! I welcome your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been sent to the bright ideals of good and justice; Your silent appeal to fruitful work did not weaken over a hundred years, maintaining (through tears) in generations of our kind of vigor, faith in the best future and raising the ideals of good and public self-consciousness in us. "

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