Natalia Koshukhina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Journalists and admirers of the talent of Natalia Koshukhina, except, of course, the coming new products and the continuation of the series, more often than others are interested in the question - is its name and surname. This writer patiently answers that at least at the beginning of the creative path was tempting to hide under the pseudonym, but she decided that the easier, the better. At the same time adds that she has no work at all under any fictional nickname.

Childhood and youth

In the fall of 1986, September 21, when the Orthodox world celebrated one of the main holidays - the Nativity of the Virgin, Ryazan was replenished with a new resident of Natalia, the future author of fantasy novels.

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Pointing important moments of personal biography in the official group in Vkontakte, the writer did not forget to mention that all her childhood passed in the village of grandmother, and their favorite entertainment was by no means maiden fun - hiking with grandfather fishing and games are not with dolls, but with Daddy carpentry tools.

The secondary formation of Roshukhina received at a local school, where he studied in a classroom with a chemical biological bias, and in the machine-tool technical school, and for the highest went to the capital of Russia - in the current Mami. Subsequently, the graduate got a job on the work of the designer engineer received.

Writing Natalya Koshukhina

How does the creator of fantastic books like to speak, in the fact that she got on a literary path, "to blame" maternity leave. Then the young mother, writing exclusively on the table, succumbed to the family's persons and presented in 2012 to the universal review of debut creations (some of them dated 2003 - M) on "Samizdat". Soon the publishing house took the publication.

"I initially did not plan to publish at all. There were sketches, some old, some new things ... and somehow in the evening, putting a baby to sleep, I decided to create a page on SI (in November 2012). I used to read other authors there and thought: "Why not?" "She said.


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The most early in the bibliography is "blue, taper, in love", which grew up from a small story of 2012 in the novel in the novel of the 2014th and placed the beginning of the cycle "Blue Saga", and "do not argue about tastes, scream about tastes."

The first tells about the adventures of Maria Kudryavtsevaya and love relations with alien Alexander in the orbit of Saturn, and the idea of ​​the second came after watching "Poirot" Agati Christie.

In 2014, there was a series of the Star Academy Series ("A man from science fiction", "I will make you suffer" and "how to seduce the admiral") and "another world." Also in the creative biography of the writer there was a place and stories, and articles, and micrasons.

Personal life

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Despite the fact that the author in an interview will not forget to mention his wife who often helps his wife with plots, but the books do not read it, giving preference to a truly male story, his name, like other details of his personal life, does not reveal. It is only known that Natalia Viktorovna's beloved husband presented a sole child.

"My family and relatives know that I am writing, but for them it's just my hobby. Dad is proud of the number of novels published from me, mom swears that I sit a lot at the computer and do not rest. And for the spouse and daughter, I am not a writer, but just a native person, "she said.

As for personal hobbies, they include hiking for mushrooms, playing chess and regular visits to theaters.

Natalia Koshukhina now

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In 2018, Natalia released the continuation of the "blue saga", adding it to the network publication of the "Blue Virus of Love". In the same year, the light saw the "Academy of Monsters, or the whole truth about Mary Sue" and "three terrible days from the life of the rector".

In 2019, a creative biography was replenished with a novel "Lonely Lord of Wishes to meet" and the stories "New Year's scandal at Monsters", "The perfect couple", "deceive the captain" and "Happy New Year, Your Highness!".

Communication with fans fans now supports through personal profiles in Vkontakte and in Facebook, where other illustrations and personal photos are placed in addition to articles and covers.


  • 2012 - "About tastes do not argue, scream about tastes"
  • 2013 - "We choose, we choose"
  • 2014 - "Blue Saga. Blue, Tailed, Love »
  • 2014 - "Star Academy. A man from science fiction "
  • 2015 - "Star Academy. I will make you suffer
  • 2015 - "Blue Saga. Fifty shades of blue "
  • 2017 - "Fall in love with the main character"
  • 2017 - "Academy of Creators, or Shura Mura in Fantasy Genre"
  • 2018 - "Academy of Monsters, or the whole truth about Mary Sue"
  • 2018 - "Blue Saga. Blue love virus »
  • 2018 - "Features of New Year's holidays at monsters"
  • 2018 - "Star Academy. How to seduce the admiral "
  • 2019 - "New Year's Scandal at Monsters"
  • 2019 - "Happy New Year, Your Highness!"
  • 2019 - "Lonely Lord wants to meet"

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