Veronica Melan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Russian writer Veronika Melan is known to many in the Internet space. The author creates books in the genre of love fantasy, after the appearance of its work in the network quickly gained popularity. Novels have predominantly female orientation, the reader meets the descriptions of cosmic flights and fierce shootings, whose heroes are experiencing a sense of love.

Childhood and youth

Veronica was born at the end of May 1980 in Kemerovo. In childhood, in addition to school, the girl attended the lessons of playing guitar and piano, and then entered the art school, which she successfully graduated from. She studied on a course on ceramics, the next 10 years was engaged in computer graphics and design.

Veronica Mellan writer

In 20 years, Melan began to travel, at first it was tourist trips, then workers. She visited America, Sweden and other countries.


A new direction of creativity appeared in Veronica's biography in 2001. The story "Dell" ("Dell") became the starting point for its literary activities. She herself estimated him as not the most successful attempt to write a book, so the material was reworked later.

The first real novel writing presented in 2007, it was the work of "Assassin". At the heart of the plot - the fatal handsome, hired killer and naive girl. The book attracted a lot of readers and caused a rapid discussion on the network, and also strengthened the author in the desire to create other stories.

Although the initial Roman "Assassin" was conceived as a separate work, later a woman included him in a series called "City".

In 2011, it was replenished with the "Corporation" Execution of Desires ", which met conflicting responses, but the enthusiastic estimates of readers were noticeably prevailed. In the same year, she presented to fans "The game of Realities. Drake ", and in 2012 -" The game of Realities. Bernarda ", which most of the cycle liked lovers of such literature.

Veronica Mellan writer

In 2013, Melan published "Level: Magic" and "Chaser". In total, the "City" series included more than two dozen works, and probably until the writer does not want to stop in its filling. All these books are associated with one characters, but do not have a general plot, so you can read them in any order. The only novel with elements of erotic melan wrote in 2017, they became the publication of the author "city" X "."

There are Veronica and stories in the bibliography that are purchased by readers with no less frequency. In 2013, she presented the "Adventures of Bernard and city boys in our world" and "Shot", a year later released the books "Red Blocks" and "Coincidence", and in 2016 presented the publication "City leprosy, or what happened in Fool's Day in Nordel. Her and extragraded works, for example, published in 2018 Roman "promise".

Personal life

About the personal life the writer does not want to spread, so even if she has a family, for readers Melan, it will still remain a mystery.

VKontakte Veronika leads a page that regularly posts the photo, publishes news about leaving books. There is an author and a group dedicated to her work, she leads it on his own and answers subscribers questions.

Veronica Melan now

Melan and now continues to write novels, further plans to continue working on the city series. In addition, in 2019, a woman managed to present a couple of new books to readers. At first, the continuation of her work "Delle-2: Megan".

Veronica Melan now

The plot transfers the reader to the place of the heroine, which in the once happy eyes of his beloved person sees the shadow of the shadow, and if before, his vocation was in defense, now he suggests to do what the heart rises. For her, it is time to make decisions on their own, and although they are controversial, friends will always come to the rescue.

Another book "Vesta" appeared on the network in July 2019. Roman tells about a girl living in a small village. For many years, she is in love with a neighbor guy, and all this time patiently waiting for his hands and hearts from him. He launched, but not to her. Vesti's heart is broken, but she does not suspect that it will soon be drawn on a journey to another world with the ability to change the terrible events preceding the death of her village.


  • 2007 - "Assassin"
  • 2011 - "Corporation" Execution of Desires "
  • 2012 - "The game of Realities. Bernard. Volume 2 "
  • 2013 - "Level: Magic"
  • 2014 - "Level: War"
  • 2015 - "The game of Realities. John"
  • 2016 - "City leprosy"
  • 2017 - "City" X "
  • 2017 - "Last Frontier. Warrior's path
  • 2018 - "Last Frontier. Black forest"
  • 2018 - "Promise"
  • 2019 - "Dala 2: Megan"
  • 2019 - "Vesta"

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