Lena Obukhova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Modern Russian author Lena Obukhova creates works in the genre of mystical detective. Now in its accounts on literary portals LiveLib and Litnet published novels from the "Normal Anomalous" cycle, written in co-authorship with Natalia Tymoshenko, which are published in the "Secret Dossier" series.

Childhood and youth

Elena Alexandrovna Obukhova was born on May 11, 1984 in the suburb of the capital, and her early biography is connected with the expanses of Kamchatka Taiga.

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To school age, the family of the future writer returned to the suburbs, where the girl made the first independent steps in the cosmic mug and the popular scientific and educational television program.

However, interest in the secrets of the Universe was soon replaced by traveling travel, and Lena entered the faculty of "Tourism", which, at the end of the university, allowed to settle in the Czech Republic for a while and evaluate the mystical sights of this country.


As a child, Obukhova loved to fantasize and write stories on the topic of movements to other worlds, and the school discovered the prospects for fanfikshn and began to study the rules for this new-fashioned literary game.

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Works of different genres, including fairy tales, love romance and horror, Lena showed the surrounding. The most interesting were plots, at first glance similar to the "horror movie" with elements of romance and something resembling a popular mystical detective. But Obukhova could not write such novels to independently and under the pseudonym Lena Summer began with classic "Academok" by publishing the book "Magic Speccars".

Soon the story of the teacher and a student, on the magic background of the romantic relations entered into a romantic relationship, was developed in the second part of the same name, and then turned into a series of "Academy for the Curtain" with the additions of the "Cursed Rector" and "Academy of Legion".

In parallel, the summer worked on other plots embodied in the books of the "Bride of Death", "woven from the fog" and "Choosing Guard", which entered the trilogy "false gods" and were posted on the site "Litres".

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However, the desire to compose detectives did not leave the writer, and in collaboration with Natalia Tymoshenko, she still created such a project.

In 2018, 11 novels arranged on the chronology of novels, united by writers in a full-fledged cycle, appeared on the Internet. Shortly after the publication of the "secrets of an abandoned village", the legends of the ancient lake and the "silence of the old cemetery", Obukhov received the first reviews in which readers praised the main characters and criticized the excessive loaded plot. In their opinion, in the events related to the actual abnormalities, without cheap mythical characters, it would be possible to do.

Probably, Obukhov and Tymoshenko did not take into account the wishes of lovers of good mysticism and twisted intrigue even more in the following books. Suddenly, it had to taste readers who subscribe to the novels "Master of the Liberal Place", "Curse of Prague Synagogues", "Gallery of the Last Portraits" and "Blood Revengery".

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The success of the Inter-Owl project inspired Lena to return to individual creativity, and at the end of 2018 she released the work of Monster. In it, the writer returned to her old love stories and told about fragile happiness in a situation where magic and technology covered the whole world.

After that, collaboration with Tymoshenko continued, and the next portion of works in a mystical detective genre is successful for the writers. She consisted of the novels "The city falls asleep", "Ghosts of White Nights", "Cold Foggy Castle", which to attract the audience with a discount were presented on the Litnet portal.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of Obukhovaya, because it does not yet cause the high interest of journalists, and herself does not hurry to promulgate it, publishing intimate photos in Instagram.

But unlike other modern authors, the social networks of Lena are devoted not only to creativity, there are joint pictures with relatives and images with flowers, landscapes and food.

Lena Obukhov now

In 2019, Lena began working on the new joint with Natalia "Choosing", conceived after the publication of the novels of "Illusions of Pure Canvas", "House of faceless shadows" and "monster.".

And the most interesting from independent bibliography are 2 love novels from the last series "Award for General", recognized by bestsellers of the month on "sold" and posted on the LivelIB portal, Litres and Litnet.


Cycle "Academy for the Curtain"

  • 2017 - "Magic Special Course"
  • 2017 - "Magic Special Course 2"
  • 2018 - "Damned Rector"
  • 2018 - "Academy of Legion"

Cycle "False Gods"

  • 2018 - "Bride of Death"
  • 2018 - "Woven from Fog"
  • 2018 - "Favorites Guard"

Cycle "Reward for General"

  • 2019 - "Award for General"
  • 2019 - "Award for General"

Cycle "Normal Anomalous" (in collaboration with Natalia Tymoshenko)

  • 2018 - "The Mystery of the Abandoned Village"
  • 2018 - "Host of the Libele Place"
  • 2018 - "City of Dead Reflections"
  • 2019 - "House of faceless shadows"
  • 2019 - "Road of unbreakable dreams"
  • 2019 - "Illusions of pure canvas"

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