Bodo Schaefer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



When Bodo Schaefer at the age of 26 became bankrupt and owed 75 thousand German brands, he did not lower his arms. Instead of looking for a job, he found a financial trainer. After 4 years, Bodo Schafer earned the first million and began to teach others. In his homeland in Germany, the entrepreneur was ordered "Financial Mozart".

Childhood and youth

Bodo Schaefer was born on September 10, 1960 in Cologne. The family lived is not burning. Father who worked as a lawyer is accustomed to always save. Religious mother, German Nationality, considered money evil. Despite such education, Bodo dreamed of a state from childhood.

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When the young man was 13 years old, the father died, not leaving the inheritance. After 3 years, he went to California, where he attended high school. The future millionaire has chosen the United States. This is, according to Bodo, the best country for development.

On the next ten years, the biography of Shefra is not known. He returned to Germany, where he studied at the Faculty of Law, then went to Mexico and opened export business, selling cheap fabrics and decorations. Cases walked no matter. Bodo, who did not want to resemble the father, was guided by the basic principle "The winner is in life in the first class." By 26 years he went bankrupt and mired in debts in the amount of 75 thousand German brands.

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In the crisis moment, Chafer, on the example of the winning athletes, decided that he was needed by a coach. Later he wrote: "Each of us needs a person who is able to take us by the hand and lead forward, constantly actively helping us. All rich people had their own coaches. "

Mentor Bodo became an American billionaire, whose name is still silent. He founded the oil company, having less than $ 1 thousand of the initial capital. The teacher and the student got acquainted at the event where the first one spoke before the public. Low later they created a joint firm. After 2.5 years, Shefer first earned 100 thousand German brands for the month, and after 4 years - a million. By 30 years he shared the success story, becoming a "financial trainer" and a business consultant.

Books and seminars

Schaefer spoke with seminars from the mid-90s. In 1998, the first book "Ways to Financial Freamence" was published, which was separated by circulation of 2.5 million copies.

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She fell for the period of financial crisis and instability, when people looked for ways to improve the financial situation. The message of the author is that a person can become rich regardless of time, found a response from readers.

Bibliography Bodo Schäffee from 1998 to 2019 consists of more than 100 books and publications in the media, among which is the "path in financial freedom", the laws of winners, "simple leadership."

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The writer produces work for the children's audience: "Kira and the secret of the Bublik", "Dog named Mani". He pays close attention to the personal growth and time management issues. One of the latest books is devoted to the planning of finance at retirement age.

Schaefer successfully conducts trainings in Europe and North America. It is popular in Germany, Turkey, Australia, Belgium, USA. Since 2011, he often arrives with lectures and seminars in Russia, where the full halls collects, despite the fact that the philosophy and financial laws of Schäff are often not suitable for Russian realities.

Personal life

Writer and financial trainer does not like to advertise a personal life. He was married twice and has three children. In 2019, Bodo posted a photo from the wedding of his daughter in Mexico in "Instagram". On one of these pictures, Bodo is a happy grandfather with a grandson in his hands.

Bodo Schaefer now

In 2019, Schaefer continues to drive with lectures and seminars. Now he leads a personal blog and page in "Instagram", where posts with quotes and excerpts from books and trainings appear.


  • 1998 - "Path to Financial Freamence"
  • 1999 - "Money goes to benefit"
  • 2001 - "The Laws of the Winners"
  • 2001 - "Mani, or ABC of Money"
  • 2011 - "Dog named Mani"
  • 2011 - "Practical Marketing"
  • 2013 - "Art to manage your time"
  • 2015 - "Simple Leadership"
  • 2016 - "Pension or Sandless Life"
  • 2016 - "Kira and the Secret Bublik"
  • 2018 - "It's time to earn more! How to constantly increase revenues "

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