Inna Kmiti - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Filmography of the Soviet and Russian actress Inna Kmitkin Cork, but the highlights of the older and middle generation remember the bright beauty that flashed in several paintings. In half of them, she played the main characters, besides, the rising stars of the Soviet cinema became the shooting colleagues.

Childhood and youth

An artist was born in the summer of 1932 in the Soviet capital in a creative family. The Father Girl became a famous actor Leonid Kmiti, who played in the film of the Vasiliev Petka Brothers, the Ordinar of the legendary Komdiva Vasily Chapaeva. Mom Inna - Dzincacher and Saxophonist Alexander Demyanenko.

Parents met when Alexei Kmiti (real artist's name) was 23 years old, and the Circus servant Sasha Demyanenko - 15. The young actor fell in love with a slim girl, masterfully chopped off the chchelet in the scene in a male tuxedo A la Marlene Dietrich.

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Alexandra and 16 years old were not fulfilled when she had premature childbirth, but the girl survived. After a short family life, the couple divorced, daughter remained in the care of his father.

20 years after the birth of daughter Alexander Demyanenko arrested on suspicion of espionage. 36-year-old woman died in prison.

Inna Kmitda adopted artistry from his parents and went to the footsteps: he entered the capital theater school. M. S. Shchepkin, which successfully graduated.


The creative biography of the Muscovite started in July 1957, when the premiere of the Finnish Studio Cinema "She loves you." The film became the debut in the career not only Inna Kmit, but also Alexander Shirvindt. The key roles went to them and the popularity of George Vicin's popularity.

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The comedy had a huge success, they spoke about the beginner actress, so the first glory came to Inna Kmiti in his youth. In the same 1957, she starred in the historical and criminal drama of Ivan the wrong "in the power of gold", which was based on the stories of Mine-Siberian. Inna again got the main role - Anice. And with a dramatic way, Kmiti coped no worse than with comedy.

In the same year, the children's picture "New Attraction" was published, where Inna Kmiti entrusted a noticeable, but not the key role of Zoologist Anna Titov.

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On the shooting area of ​​the film, fate for the second time brought the actress with Georgy Vicin, who played the circus administrator.

The latter film, in which Inna Leonidovna starred, was the Drama "Ataman Codr". The picture of the production studio "Moldova-film" went on rental in 1958 and was warmly accepted by film critics and spectators. Lev Poles appeared on the screen, Alexander Shirvindt and Mikael Drozdovskaya. KMIT got a bright role of Justinia, the beloved of the main character.

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In addition to the set, the actress also appeared on the theatrical stage "Lenkom", which at the time led Anatoly Efros. In the early 1960s, the brilliant acting career Kmiti ended. It is rumored that the cause was the conflict with Epros - alleged director showed a young beauty not only professional interest, for which he received a slap from her.

Inna Leonidovna decided to change the role and entered the directorial courses to no longer depend on whose will. But the films did not shoot: a quarter of a century Kmiti worked on central television, where he directed the "time" news program.

Personal life

The first spouse actresses became her peer and diplomat Viktor Sukhhodrev. The young man made a brilliant career and became a personal translator first Nikita Khrushchev, and then Leonid Brezhnev, who deserves a great confidence from both. But the personal life of the pair did not work out, and Kmps broke up with an influential husband.

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The second spouse actresses - a colleague Boris Fastrov, familiar to the viewers of the role of a bearded wizard from the Magic Lamp of Aladdin. In this marriage, the daughter of Catherine Kmitu appeared, which in the future continued to actor dynasty. But the second family of Inna Leonidovna broke down after 10 years of living together. The daughter took her mother's name.

Full Denis Kmitts - Inna Kmitt's consolidated Brother and the adopted son of her father Leonid Kmit. He is known to the audience on the role of the groom's main character of the comedy "Sportloto-82" Pasha.


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The pulp of the heart at the artist was discovered at birth. Work on wear - first on the set, then on television - aggravated the disease. In the old age, Inna Leonidovna did not pay attention to health, ignoring the alarming bells.

The cause of death of the actress and the televiser has become a heart disease. KMIT died in February 1996, in 63 years. The last shelter for her was the Kuntsevsky cemetery, where her grave is located next to his father's. With the photo on the general monument, there are two faces - father and daughters.


  • 1956 - "She loves you"
  • 1957 - "Gold"
  • 1957 - "New Attraction"
  • 1958 - "Ataman Codr"

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