Lauren doner - photo, biography, personal life, news, books 2021



Cover books of American Lauren Doner adorn the photos of naked men's torshes, and texts are replete with the descriptions of sexual acts. However, the genre of works is not just erotic, but erotic fiction, since bed scenes are played out with the participation of aliens, mutants and cyborgs.

Childhood and youth

The Doner was born in the summer of 1970. Loren adored books and at 9 years old had already acquired a reader's ticket to the adult library. Her favorite works were told about bold, enterprising girls, such as Peppi Longs and Nancy Drew (Baryshnya-detective, the character of the books of the books, published from 1930s to 1997).

7 stars, which in childhood suffered from excess weight

7 stars, which in childhood suffered from excess weight

As you grow up, the girl was addicted to the detectives of Agatha Christie and mystical thrillers of Stephen King, and then "hooked" on love novels.

Early Biography Lauren was not cloudless: the girl who was considered stupid, did not finish at school and in his youth survived love disappointment. The first guy of the future writer was Hangehog and the girlfriend's proposal to diversify a personal life in the bayonets.

After the lover's unrest, the girl broke up with him and assumed that at least a year would not meet with anyone. But soon, thanks to his girlfriend met the "Dream Guard", for which in 1989 married.


The first work of Lauren completed in 1993, being a mom of two children. The creation of the book went year. Another 16 years it took that novels doner began to publish. By the time of the first publication, the lady was the author of 54 books.

7 stars that became famous due to relationships

7 stars that became famous due to relationships

Fruitness The writer explains what works for 60-80 hours a week. Doping for the doner is coffee with ice and loud music in headphones. Lauren writes at the same time several books related to various cycles, and when work on one novel enters a dead end, switches to another.

The bibliography of the Doner is difficult to systematize, because the works of the writer were not published in Russia on paper, and one and the same book can appear on the Internet in different translations and under different names.

Popular novels from the "New Types" series, telling about the males obtained by the villains - scientists by crossing people with animals, and the love of earthly women to mutants.

7 stars who tried themselves as writers

7 stars who tried themselves as writers

The name of the cycle "Seduction of Cyborg" gives an idea of ​​the content of books included in it. The ladies fall in love with the heartless and programmed on the polygamy of alien men with beautiful bodies. Sexual aliens appear in the series "Zorn's warriors", most famous from which Roman "Coto Prisoner". In the "Marriage Season" cycle, the place of cyborgs in the souls and beds of dugouts are engaged in wolves.

The chronology of Cooperation Lauren with the writer's lady Kili Moon is: in 2005, the doner began an electronic correspondence with a colleague living in Florida. After 6 years of communication on the Internet and on the phone, Prosaiki released the first joint novel "Clamp". Personal meeting of co-authors took place only in 2013.

Personal life

For many years, the writer, whose works are balanced on the verge of pornography, consists in a monogamous marriage. Four children's spouses (the eldest daughter was born in 1992, and the youngest son - in 2005) and there are already grandchildren. Doners live in Nevada, separating shelter with numerous cats.

Lauren Doner and her husband in youth

In 2013, Lauren acquired the house in a quarter from the cottage to equip him under the writer office and create, without being distracted by households and pets. However, the joy of buying was short, at the end of 2013, the writer, who repeatedly recognized in the sin of the vigorous, the microinsult happened, the result of which was a sharp impairment of vision.

Lauren doner now

Now the prose is fully restored and, although it does not lead an "instagram" and abandoned a personal blog, published in Facebook and Twitter.

In August 2019, Loren admitted to subscribers that she dreams of mastering drawing technique.


  • "In scars and kilt"
  • "Clamp"
  • "Captive Coto"
  • "Flint ignition"
  • "Iron Melting"
  • "Keysy's abduction"
  • "Rezer seduction"
  • "Atonement of Zorus"
  • "Tiger"
  • "Touch Aisa"
  • "Bron"

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