Robin Norwood - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



At the end of the 20th century, American Robin Norwood became famous as an expert in the field of psychology, which described ways to combat dependencies affordable and understandable literary languages. Therefore, her book "Women who love too much" has become a global bestseller and after the sale of 3 million copies headed the New York Times rating.

Childhood and youth

7 stars with mental disorders

7 stars with mental disorders

On the early biography of the writer and psychotherapist Robin Norwood, born on July 27, 1945, it is known that she received traditional medical education and for some time gave advice on relationships, marriage and family.

Faced face to face with his own problems, she moved to the side of the alternative and applied esoteric and healing to help women understand the matters of love.

Psychology and books

Psychotherapeutic and personal experience bordering on feminism, Norwood described in a number of journalistic works, the most famous of which became "women who love too much."

7 tary supporters of feminism among stars

7 tary supporters of feminism among stars

In it, the author aimed readers to overcome the obstacles and make a maximum effort to change their life. According to Robin, it will turn out only when awareness comes to help understand why failures are repeated, and the eyes of the prospects that fill the space around are revealed.

In addition, the term of love is revealed in the book as the greatest of suffering and is a response to the question of how not to become the hostage of his own feelings.

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7 famous women for 40 who were traded on young beauties

This topic of Norwood raised due to the fact that most women feel ridiculous, ugly and unnecessary and build a personal life on the basis of dependence and subordination. Thus, an attempt to compensate for the sensation of emptiness and rejection, generating complexes and suffering from communication with an unsuitable person.

In addition, the author claims that the installation on full unnecessary causes full-awake male management and eliminates the ways to live for themselves, and not for love.

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7 famous women opposing feminism

Other famous works of Norwood recognized reflections on the problem "How to accept the blows of fate" and the question "Why did this happen ... with me?" In which the writer teaches women's openness and offers them ways to quickly advance forward. And the obstacles and failures of the psychologist proposes to be considered a signal to the action that is entirely dependent on them.

Thus, the author who missed the problems raised, opened endless possibilities for readers and expanded their consciousness, helping to look at the world in a new way.

In addition, Robin strongly emphasized attentive attitude towards feelings that contributed to the care of aggression, negativity and subsequent suffering to preserve happiness, joy and healthy emotions.

Personal life

Bibliography Norwood is built on the events of personal life, but in its works sometimes it is difficult to separate the truth from lies.

It is reliably known that the writer 4 times was married and faced with treason, betrayal and adversity of love.

Robin Norwood now

Robin Norwood, who acquired popularity in the second half of the 20th century and in 2019, celebrated the 74th birthday, still continues to encourage readers to think and independently build their own life.

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7 stars, seriously survived divorce

Despite the fact that the author's position is of doubts and objections, women, at least once discovering these books, consider them inspiring and useful literature, filled with thirst for happiness, positive attitude and aimed at success.

Therefore, the writer as much and opportunities continues to consider difficult situations to demonstrate a way to overcome difficulties. Her goal is to show the public that there are no unsolvable problems in life.

Judging by the photo published under the Kesteg # Robinnorwood, the famous author and now there is a crowded audience of readers, who at the speed of light, reveal reprinted books, and then following the advice and instructions, form their own relationship and create a happy personal life.


  • "Women who love too much"
  • "Do I need to be a slave of love?"
  • "How to accept the blows of fate"
  • "Why did this happen? Why exactly with me? Why now? How to answer the challenges that give you life "

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