Almazbek Atambayev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ex-President of Kyrgyzstan 2021



Former head of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev made a career in politics, while few people know that the man from the working professions began. After he left the post of president of the republic, scandals began to flare up around the official name of the official, and the last year of his rule was marked by provocative events.

Childhood and youth

Politician was born in the fall of 1956 in the village of Strelnikovo (Arashhan), Frunzen region of Kyrgyzstan. His parents barely reduced the ends with the ends, working on the farm, while Almazbek turned out to be the fourth child in the family. In childhood, the boy even tried to adopt a local Belarusian childless couple. The child liked them because of the green eye, but the mother of Almazbek refused the neighbors.

Like other children, the boy went to school. Higher education he went to receive in Moscow. In the capital of Russia, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Management, chose the specialty "Engineer-Economist".

Among the specialties, which he mastered at an early age, until he got on his feet, were the professions of the janitor, a loader, a stitching and a wateringman. Ex-president repeatedly repeated that there is nothing crazy in any honest.

In his youth, he was able to - Almazbek managed to get a student to the Ministry of Communications by the Kyrgyz SSR engineer-economist.

In addition, Atambayev earned the translation of the books of Kyrgyz writers into Russian, the man himself told about it in an interview. He managed to acquire shares of the broken industrial enterprises of Kyrgyzstan and start their business.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Atambayeva is freely available online. From marriage with the first wife, a man of the man has four children - Saint Seitbek and Sexting, Gemini daughters Diana and Dinar. This relationship ended in divorce, and in 1988, Almazbek played a wedding again.

This time, his wife became the doctor of medical sciences Raisa, Tatarka by nationality. She presented his wife's wife Kadyrbeck and daughter Aliya Shagiev, who today is an artist.

According to the daughter of Atambayeva, she was transferred to the pictorial art of her father - in his youth, he was fond of drawing. In the profile of a man in "Instagram" rarely appeared photos with family, much more pictures there from working meetings, for example, with Vladimir Putin and heads of other states.

Almazbek Sharshanovich tried to follow health and maintain himself in shape - with an increase of 175 cm its weight is 67 kg.

Atambayev has always emphasized his tolerance in the national question. Its son-in-law became Russian.

Career and politics

Diploma of the university guy received in 1980. At the same time, he moved through the career ladder, soon it was raised to the leading economist, and later he was transferred to Road-operational management No. 4, becoming the chief engineer.

In the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz SSR, Almazbek began working in 1983, and in different positions. And after 6 years, leaving the civil service, engaged in entrepreneurship. But already in 1993, he again gave himself to know about himself, becoming the initiator of the creation of the SDPK party.

In 2000, for the first time, he nominated his candidacy for the presidency of Kyrgyzstan, but by collecting only 6% of the vote, again switched to another activity. Men's affairs were so good that in 2004, after counting the accumulated state of Atambayeva, he was included in the list of the 100 richest people of the country. Later, he was twice in such a rating: in 2008, according to the newspaper "De Facto" and in 2009 according to Asman Presses.

A new attempt to become President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Sharshanovich took in 2011, this time more people were on the side. Having gained the maximum percentage of votes, in the winter of 2011, he joined the head of the Kyrgyz Republic. In this post, the man stayed until 2017, the assessment of the work carried out by Atambayev contradicts each other.

In 2016, on the initiative of the head of Kyrgyzstan, a referendum was held to amend the constitution of the state. Opposition, human rights activists and many journalists called this initiative an attempt to usurp the power.

During the years, the man acquired a multi-millionth army of like-minded people among residents of the country, but exactly the same few people wished his resignation. The place was released after 6 years occupied Soherorbay Zheenbekov.

In the biography of Almazbek Chairshanovich as a president, there are many scandalous stories, including those related to personnel appointments and obtaining high state positions who are in the circle of personal service of a man (guards, drivers, bodyguards and others), and then with criminal cases in which they subsequently Many of them accused.

Charges and detention

When Almazbek Chairshovich left the post, in relation to him, they began to investigate, the decision of the parliament with men was removed political inviolability and opened the case on charges of corruption.

The first time to arrest the ex-president of Kyrgyzstan, who disappeared into the village of Koy-Tash, the security forces could not be. Together with supporters, the man gave them a hard rebound by taking the hostages of special forces. Staying at freedom, Atambayev called on his supporters to an indefinite rally on the resignation of the current president.

On a day, on August 8, 2019, the second attempt was held at Atambayev's residence assault. She was successful: the politician surrendered to the authorities and was detained. At the same time, he refused his blame upon charged charge. During the detention, a special forces officer died, a total of 136 people were injured.

Atambayev was placed in the SIZO by the court decision, the arrest was extended until August 26, 2019. According to the investigation, such a measure was needed so that the man would not prevent the investigation or did not disappear from justice in another country.

The ATAMBEVE case consideration process began in November 2019. The hearing was closed. Almazbek Chairshovich refused to participate in court and from the last word. In addition, in March next year, the court also took place in the case of riots during the detention of the ex-head of the state.

In the summer of 2020, hearing in the case of the former president ended in the court of the Pervomaisky district of the city of Bishkek. Ex-head was incriminated to the liberation of the criminal authority of Aziz Batukayev.

Atambayev was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 11 years and 2 months. In addition, policies deprived state awards, as well as confiscated property.

Almazbek Atambayev now

A week after the sentencing, Atambayev informed the deterioration of health. He was made a test for a coronavirus infection, which turned out to be negative. Doctors were diagnosed with community bilateral pneumonia. The meeting was held in the framework of online consemium. By decision of the doctors, Almazbek Chairshovich was transferred to inpatient treatment to the hospital.

According to the staff of the SIZO GKNB, during the preceding disease of the week Atambayev, lawyers and relatives, who transferred to him various papers and objects from hand to hand were visited.

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