Vera Almazova - biography, image and characteristics of the heroine, quotes


Character History

Alexander Kuprin is a talented novelist, a short form master whose works were popular in the early 20th century. The stories of the author reflected the Russian reality at the turn of the centuries, while the royal regime was replaced by a new system, and the leading mechanism of the state became active and energetic people. Such characters include the existing faces of the work of "Kuste Lilac."

History of creation

Writer Alexander Kuprin

The work is written in 1894. For the first time, the story published the magazine "Life and Art". The public adopted an essay of Kuprin favorably because it described the images consonant with the era. A story about a young family, with his own hands built a happy future, the readers of pre-revolutionary Russia fell. In the novel, the biography of the author was reflected, which a couple of years received education at the Moscow Institute, but was forced to leave an educational institution.

The name of the story is chosen non-random. Lilac bush symbolizes a solution to a difficult task, which almost became an obstacle to the bright future of a novice engineer and his resourceful spouse.

Illustration for story

For the girl, happiness was in love for a spouse. Ready to help your husband in any situation, she accepted a difficult, but creative decision that made it possible to restore the reputation of her husband. Lilac bush in the story symbolizes the happiness of the family of diamonds, the resolution of a complex question; It personifies the resourcefulness of the young neroons and the degree of its rebellious love for Nikolai.

"Lilac Kuste"

Officer from a simple middle-weight family, Nikolai Diamond is married to Mnunice and Beauty Verchka. A young family dreams of the future of a peaceful existence, for which Nikolai enters the Academy at the General Staff. The young man did not differ in large talents, so admission was not the first time. Thanks to the help of a spouse who believes in Nikolai, diamonds became a student with a third attempt. The officer was planning to receive an education and become an engineer to be able to secure himself and a healer, to achieve status and position in society.

Vera Almazova (Renoara Picture)

Studying was given to a young man with difficulty. Repeatedly young spouse helped him. The officer's wife got used to the fact that he often came home frustrated, unable to find a right decision in a difficult situation, and was ready for her husband to sacrifice what he had. The girl found solutions to complex questions and even helped Nicholas to master admission to the Academy.

Four years of work of a young man approached an end. He led to prepare for a responsible and important exam, which is the result of which should be the drawn area of ​​the area. Tired diploma, completing the work, accidentally put green blots on the finished plan. Having survived the first stress, I tried to remove the spot, but only increased it. Deciding to correct the situation, Nikolai painted a large green bush on the spot. The next day, the student failed the exam, since the professor did not believe that a lilac bush suddenly appeared on a perfectly famous area. Diamond entered into a dispute, the decision of which would be a teacher's trip to the described place to verify.

Illustration for story

Having come home, Nikolai was crushed. The prospect of deductions was built before him. In this case, he would relieve his honor and returned to the regiment, forgetting about the possibility of obtaining a specialty engineer and becoming the object of refirms and woven. Loving wife came to the rescue. Verra Almazov took the right decision: saving a spouse from shame, it lays jewels and hires gardeners for revengeted money. Workers in the night plant a bush of lilac and laid the turf so that everything looks natural. The act of faith helps Nikolai get out dry out of the water and makes the winner in the dispute.

Professor, making sure that lilac really grows on the site shown on the plan, relieves complaints about diamond and apologizes. Nikolay with Triumph returns home and tells his wife about the outcome of the events.

Diamond family

Marriage diamonds - proof that two different people complement each other, creating a single whole. Faith of Almazov - Beauty, relevant and energetic girl who prefers the path of active actions. She subordinates his fate, directing into the right direction. By accepting effective solutions, the Veroch is achieved by the desired result and, judging by her reaction to the upset face of her husband, such actions have to be taken more than once. At the same time, the girl is happy in marriage and glad to be a useful husband and the future of their family.

The characteristic of Nicholas, on the contrary, draws it inactive man. A description of his reaction to each situation makes it clear that he is a person subject to panic. It's hard to gather a young man. Diamonds acutely perceives testing of life and is not ready for non-standard solutions. Wise wife - his main support.

Nikolay is not worthless. The officer has abilities in the area where he wants to be realized, but without a faithful assistant, the hero will not succeed. The assistant and the advice becomes a drill, for which there are no hopeless situations.

The image of the faith of diamond

Faith Almazov - a typical example of how a woman makes out of a man outstanding man and a hero. It is from among those who are behind the back of the great personalities who have achieved the peaks of glory. Lilac bush symbolizes the triumph of the windows and the family of diamonds, but Nikolai revels success, talking about the completion of history. The heroine could be implemented herself, but prefers to invest in her husband, making it the main one in the family and allowing him to feel a real man.


The attitude of the jurisdiction towards heroes is clearly visible in the text of the story and descriptions of the actors. Nicholas calls the full name, respecting on male. Being located to the violence, it calls it dimly-ladies. The writer emphasizes that the main merit merit is a talented spouse:

"... Don't be my wife, he may not find enough energy in himself, would wave for all his hand. But the Verocho did not give him to fall in spirit and constantly supported cheerfulness in him ... She had learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face ... "

It would be possible to think that the Veroch was coming in the number of housewives, which simulately love her husband and only see their happiness. For the sake of the spouse, beauty is ready to sacrifice even family relics, just to provide career prospects and peace of mind:

"... she refused to themselves in all necessary to create for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for the comfortable man's comfort ..."

The girl still did not belong to those deserts that the family hearth is just visible. Faith constantly participated in the work of a spouse that would not bring fruits without her help:

"... she had been, as necessary, his correspondence, a drawer, a chtice, tutoring and a memorable book ..."

The career prospects of Nikolai Diazoz - the success of his wife of faith, which provided all possible resources so that the spouse achieved the desired. An intelligent girl understood that her education received her education would help the family to have the necessary prospect, which is important for the new cell of society.

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