Alexander Gulevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reads 2021



The Russian modern writer Alexander Gulevich is known to lovers of books by their works in the genre of combat fiction. The man has not mastered the writer's writer not so long ago, but in a short time he managed to find his own army of fans. Its writings are saturated with fictional plots occurring in parallel worlds and accompanying fierce battles.

Childhood and youth

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7 Russian stars who served in the army

The biography of the writer began on November 26, 1972 in the Russian city of Krasnodar, where he lives now. The boy was brought up in a generic Cossack family, like other children, went to kindergarten, then to school.

At the age of 18, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was intended to serve in the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Returning home, the service did not leave, at the same time began to study.


Military business Alexander dedicated 24 years of life. At that time, he was fond of literature as a reader. And when he went to the well-deserved resignation, with great enthusiasm engaged in writing activities.

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The first network publications of the author appeared in 2011. The book "Fight to death! The beginning "entered the witness of the writer's eponymous. Later he began the 2nd Tom called "Fight to death! Games of shadows, "but did not add it, and readers have given the opportunity to familiarize themselves only with part of the fragments of the work.

In 2013, a man published another book "Want? Get! ". She met no less enthusiastic reviews of readers and further strengthened the author in the desire to develop on a literary field. It describes the escape of the main character from the ex-wife to an unknown world, where he is waiting for exciting events and adventures with the use of weapons.

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The first book of the next Guleleich series appeared on the network in 2017. The "Legionnaire Tour" included 3 works: "Legionnaire Tour", "The game of Queens" ("Legionnaire Tour - 2") and "Legionnaire Tour - 3". The story describes a man who poisoned alcohol and produced in the body of a brutal "real guy", which immediately after reincarnation turns out to be drawn into the local criminal alteration.

An attempt to return to her old life forces him to take a ticket one way - to sign a contract for joining the Space Legion. An imminent death will help him to avoid their own fantasy and physical power of the new body. There he is waiting for the disassembly of criminal authorities, the base of the rebels on the Planet Ferssia and participation in interplanetary clan intrigues.

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7 stars related to the criminal world

No less exciting series of books "Emperor Impaired" appeared in Alexander's bibliography in 2018. The first edition of the same name was the first, and behind him the work under the name "call". "The emperor is unwilling - 3" Gulevich has not yet finished, but it is glad to share with readers already written passages.

In the same year, the Creativity of the author noticed the major publishing house "AST", which suggested a man to produce essays in paper. From this day, the printed books of the writer began to be made on sale, the first of their ranks were replenished with the "emperor unwilling" and "challenge", and in 2019 the company began to replicate the books "Legionnaire Tour" and "The game of Qier".

Personal life

Almost nothing about Alexander's personal life. The man has a page in Vkontakte, where he is divided with the subscribers of the photo.

Also, the works of the writer can be found on literary sites, its books posted in the right chronology, in accordance with the years of writing.

Alexander Gulevich now

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Having a lot of free time, Alexander devotes his writing works. Now he is working on the continuation of several novels at once, the parts of which are postponed to readers to familiarize themselves.

A man is working on books "Fight to death! Shadows' Games, "Emperor Impaired - 3" and "Want? Get! - 2. From the new ones he began to write "Siline. Step first "," SEXWIFE-style detective "," Hunt for Agaspera "and" The Mystery of the Old Globe ".


  • 2011 - "Fight to death! Start"
  • 2013 - "Want? Get! "
  • 2017 - "Legionnaire Tour - 3"
  • 2018 - "Legionnaire Tour"
  • 2018 - "Call"
  • 2018 - "Emperor Impaired"
  • 2019 - "The game of Queens"

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