Karl Ivanovich - Teacher's biography from the story "Childhood", appearance, image and characteristics, main characters, quotes


Character History

A secondary image from the story of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood". The old teacher, German, works in the family of IRTENEV, teaches children German language and history. Karl Ivanovich appears in the first chapter of the story "Childhood".

History of creation

Writer Leo Tolstoy

The story "Childhood" is one of the first works of Lion Tolstoy, written by the author in 24 years. At that time, Leo, together with his brother, Nikolai, an artillery officer, went to serve in the Caucasus and wrote "childhood" during the stay there. For the work on the text, the author went over for more than a year, and thicker four times thoroughly reworked the story.

The text was published in the literary magazine "Contemper" for 1852. This publication has become for Tolstoy first. The story "Childhood" is autobiographical and is a trilogy together with "adolescence" and "adolescence", the material for which also served the biography of Tolstoy.

Tale "Childhood"

Karl Ivanovich

The full name of the character - Karl Ivanovich Mauer. By nationality, the German Hero and comes from Saxony. In the family of IRTENEV Karl Ivanovich consists of a home teacher. Charles appearance is described by the author as a "German" - a long figure in a bathrobe and a red hat with a tassel under which Lysin is hidden. The character has rare gray hair, an eagle nose on which glasses are sitting, blue eyes.

For solemn cases, Karl Ivanovich has a blue fracture with assemblies on the shoulders and a tie, which hero is borrowed by a bow. The old man is often seen in glasses and with a book in their hands.

The hero has a good voice and a soft character, Karl loves the children with whom it works, comforts those and show participation, if children are upset and cry. At the same time, as a teacher, the hero is strict and demanding, and in the classroom is transformed into a harsh mentor. At times, Karl Ivanovich is angry with Nikoletka Irtenyev and punishes Togo - puts an angle on his knees, demands an apology for misdeed.

Nicholya Hirtienev

Karl Ivanovich himself is not too happy man. This is a lonely poor old man who grew up orphans, the life of the hero was not easy. With the age of Karl Fires on one ear, on one hand the hero lacks his finger.

When the hero is not engaged in the formation of children, then it is shifted by reading time. Due to the hobby, the man even spoiled his eyesight. Carlo Ivanovich is characteristic of pedantry, the hero loves order and ensures that things lie on their own places carefully.

In the family of the IRTENEE Hero, it works and lives for twelve years, and during that time he attached to the Lord's children, as his own. Karl Ivanovich even cares for children when they hurt, although this is not part of the duties of the teacher. The children are so accustomed to Karl Ivanovich that the old man takes with her when they go somewhere with children.

Karl Ivanovich and students

The hero himself was bought to the soul to children and does not represent that he would do without them. Karl agrees even to work at the IRTENEV without a salary, so as not to part with pupils. Nicholya, the main character of the story, with equal love and respect refers to Karl Ivanovich and his own father.

Hirtiene Karl Ivanovich receives seven hundred rubles a salary per year, which is a bit. Before that, the hero worked in a family of a certain general, where, by the conviction of the hero himself, he was valued more. The children of the IRTENEE Hero teaches history, German language and other subjects.

Karl Ivanovich Gord and used to tell people the truth. The hero is not flattered and does not push the surrounding. Among other things, he loves poetry and even writes poems himself. Handwriting from Karl Ivanovich is rounded and beautiful.

The main characters of the story

In the twelve years of the dedicated service of Karl Ivanovich, they asked to leave the post of home teacher, because the children had already grown, should now "learn seriously" and in the hero services no longer need. The old man hid a big offense and dismissed in his own way in his lesson, when he read several times to children with the phrase expression:

"Of all the defects are the greatest is ungrateful."


"Karl Ivanich, with glasses on the nose and a book in his hand, sat at its usual place, between the door and the window. There were two shelves left from the door: one - our children, the other - Charles Ivanich, his own. On our were all varieties of books - educational and irregular: Some stood, others lay. "" It happened how to deliver the right on the hall at the bottom of the hall, they will cry on the tiptoe to the top, in the classroom, watch - Karl Ivanich sits herself alone on his chair and calmly -Then expression reads some of your favorite books. Sometimes I found him and at such moments when he did not read: the glasses went down below on a large eagle nose, the blue half-closed eyes looked with some special expression, and the lips were sad smiling. "" Poor, poor old man! We have a lot, we play, we have fun, and he is one-dinner, and no one sticks it. The truth he says he is an orphan. And the story of his life is what awful! I remember how he told her Nicholas - terribly to be in his position! "" Karl Ivanovich was very not in the spirit. It was noticeably on his shifted eyebrows and by how he threw his furout in the chest of drawers, and as angrily was pregnant, and how much shouted the nail on the book of dialogues to mean the place to which we had to harden. "

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