Porfiry Petrovich ("Crime and Punishment") - image and characteristics, conversation with Raskolnikov, quotes


Character History

"Crime and Punishment" is an important work in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and the sign of the milestone in the history of world literature. Two antagonists - the killer Rodion Raskolnikov and the investigator Porfiry Petrovich are faced in the judicial and ideological conflict.

History of creation

Writer Fedor Dostoevsky

The work was created in 1866. Dostoevsky worked on an essay, being at Katorga. Initially, the narrative in the novel was to be presented in the form of a writer's confession, but the plan has undergone modernization. Directing the announcement of his creation to the editor of the "Russian Bulletin" (the journal in which the novel was published), the author gives him a characteristic of the "psychological report of one crime."

"Crime and Punishment" combines psychological orientation and philosophical subtext. The novel refers to the flow called realism. At the same time, the author compares the ideas of antipods heroes, which does not exceed their opinion on the point of view of the characters, but adjacent to them.

Porfiry Petrovich is the main acting person in the work, on a par with the central character of Rodion Raskolnikov. He holds the position in the St. Petersburg investigative committee, faithfully serves as a state. The hero is distinguished by positive professional qualities: intuition, excellent memory, turnover, focus, attentiveness and acute mind. A man of 35 years old, he calls himself a horseman and an old man.

Petropyrian appearance Petrovich

The appearance of the investigator is unspeculent. It is plump, the skin has a painful shade, and something fellow and soft is traced in the figure. His image turns into a dead end of criminals, whom the detective drives around the finger, investigating the next case. Petrophiry Petrovich is honest and fair, knows the price of the Word, is distinguished by cynicism and distrust to the outsider. If necessary, the investigator encourages any mask to identify the necessary information.

The ideology of Raskolnikov became known to Petrow Petrovich long before a personal acquaintance with a ruthless student. The investigator read the article by Rodion, published in the newspaper. It covered the ideology, in accordance with which the people of the "highest race" and the "lower category" were distinguished. The student reasoned about the possibility of killing the first second, justifying his arguments.

"Crime and Punishment"

Porfiri Ivanovich undertook to investigate the murder of the old-year-old agers of Alena Ivanovna and her relatives of Lizaveta. The hero has a not speaking name, but about the name of the investigator curious to reason. Throughout the novel, the author does not mention it never. But in the work of the "Karamazov brothers" appears the namesake of the law of the law with the name Znamensky, which indicates a kind of refill made by Dostoevsky.

Illustration to the novel

The reason for the confrontation of Petrophry Petrovich and Rodion Skolnikova lies in the difference of their theories. The dispute about the essence of the crime demonstrates the life position of opponents. Raskolnikov forms its own ideology, its method is based on the idea of ​​the existence of special people for whom the murder is not considered a crime. Porfiry Petrovich does not find evidence against the criminal. His role in the novel is the identification of nihilism, the atheism and the dualisticness of the main character. Exposure occurs contrary to the absence of evidence.

The verbal fights of the heroes led to the fact that the investigator guessed about the fault of Skolnikov. Only the arrival of the Molten Moltie hinders the perception of the court. But Porfiry Petrovich is confident that the assumptions are correct. He feels contact with the criminal, as he understands his beliefs. In the understanding of the investigator Rodion - "Terrible Fighter", which is capable of finding faith. Calm, which can be found, just confessing in sin, the splitters acquires due to their opponent.

Rodion Raskolnikov

Petrophry Petrovich's biography is little described in the work. It is difficult to assume how the method of working detective was formed. It demonstrates knowledge of psychology, a special method of keeping interrogation using overheard. Analysis of each meeting of heroes makes it possible to understand what the investigator came across the correct way of inquiry.

The first conversation of Skolnikov with a representative of the law took place when the investigator was dressed in a homely, in a bathrobe and shoes, without Bengnebard and mustache. Rodion seemed that Porfirya Petrovich sees him through, and the detective decided to bluff. Speech in the dialogue is about the reasons for which crimes are committed and their essence. The investigator recalls the student his article in the newspaper.

The second date is initiated by Rodion, imbued with hatred for his opponent. The hero was counting on the opportunity to dispel suspicions arising, in his opinion, due to lack of precaution. At the meeting, Porfiri Petrovich gives the hero to understand that he guesses about the perfect murder and robbery, it turns out a conversation about freedom, peace of mind and builds a conversation in such a way that the Raskolnikov is involuntarily recognized in the deed.

Rodion Raskolnikov at the interrogation of Petrophrys Petrovich

The victory of the investigator in the dispute with the criminal is to be able to impress the idea promoted by the Raskolnikov. This is the reason for recognition in the novel.

Official recognition occurs at the third meeting of men. Having come to the apartment where Raskolnikov lived, Petrofirya Petrovich makes it clear that it does not feel for that personal hostility. To the surprise of the reader, the investigator demonstrates compassion and sympathy for the criminal. It is incomprehensible to Raskolnikov, as well as a way to clarify the interlocutor. The detective laughs over the suspect, and at such moments he is both the villain and virtue. Two heroes exist as mutually attractive and replicated magnets.

The tired of the need to vil and get out, the splitters understand that the investigator speaks seriously with him. The collapse of the Raskolnikov theory occurs in his eyes. The hero is convinced that he has no qualities akin to Napoleonic. The conscience is stronger than its own chanting. Shame, awareness of the fact that his principle turned out to be incorrect, do not allow Raskolnikov to step over the deed and move on along the life path.


Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the role of Petrophrys Petrovich

As an example of classical literature, the novel "Crime and Punishment" was repeatedly fused. The first tape was led by Vasily Goncharov. The film has not been preserved, who performed the role of Petrophry Petrovich - remained a mystery. In the film Ivan Vronsky, published in 1913, the director himself appeared in the image of the investigator.

Andrei Panin in the series

They followed the French film release of 1934 and 1956, supplied by Pierre Schornalem and George Lampane. In the Soviet tape of 1969, the role of Petrophry Petrovich Director Lev Kuljedzhanov was distinguished by Innocent Smoktunovsky. Alexander Sokurov, working on the project "Quiet Pages", invited Sergey Barkovsky's Petersburg artist to cooperate, and the role of Dmitry Svezarov became a milestone in the career of Andrei Panin's role in the quarry.


"You killed,", "Porfiry Petrovich sentences in a conversation with Raskolnikov.

The sensitive and insightful investigator quickly crushed the suspect. In his soul, contradictory feelings in relation to the student are adjacent. In part, he despises his opponent, considering him a criminal, shapeless a gangster who put himself higher than others:

"Killed, yes for an honest person hesitates, people despise, the pale angel goes."

And at the same time, Porfiry Petrovich admires the qualities that the splitters show. For a detective, they are obvious at the level of the Article Rodion:

"Article is your nonsense and fantastic, but such sincerity flashes in it, in it the pride of the young and incorruptible, in it the courage of despair."

Sincerity and rejocent faith in their own rightness do not give Petropyrian Petrovich to remain cold-blooded. In the final of the novel, he did not arrest Skolnikov. The law of the law overtakes death. The only thing that he can pronounce in the last minutes of life is wise words to Skolnikov. The philosophical thought of a man is broken down:

"Death is not when you lose consciousness forever. Death is when consciousness realizes you until the very end, through, before the layer, where you have never been and not ... "

The author provides the reader with the opportunity to think of the final phrase alone.

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