David Ayk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Former football player and sports commentator, and now a professional conspiracyologist and writer David Ayk - a multifaceted and versatile personality.

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When a man failed to build a career in football, he switched to the study of the world. Thousands of people are read by the author's books, use his quotes in life, and video taken by the ice, are gaining millions of views.

David was born in the spring of 1952 in the city of Leicester, England, by the Nationality of the Englishman. His family lived poorly. Like other children, Ayk went to school, but the study was not given to him as football games. At 9 years, parents recorded the Son in the sports section. There he showed good results.


In the junior football team, David performed on the position of the goalkeeper, and this boiler liked. After some time, he found rheumatoid arthritis, he constantly experienced pain.

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Despite all efforts, David's disease did not give him a professional footballer. He had to leave football and look again in life again.

Already adult aik went to work on television, so he hit the BBC channel, became a commentator of sports gear. At first, he liked it, but it was there, encountered with intrigues in politics, he understood all the workforce of the media.

The lies and claims seen in the media were negative, and then David decided to start fighting with an unfair system. For a while, the man was an activist of the Green Party, and then switched to conspiracy.

Theories and views

Hayka's biography has changed in 38 years. At the reception at the extrasens, David found out that there has a special purpose in this world. A year later, a man was openly dear about it on the show of Terry Woogan on BBC, but met the negative response of the audience and, trying to justify, said that people did not understand him.

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In search of answers to questions, he was deepened in the study of the occultism, theology, philosophy and religion. The studies have made a slender picture in his head about the device of the world, which a man has become conveyed to like-minded people in his own lectures.

In a regular conspiracy service, various topics. Recalling research and their guesses, a man put forward the theory of the new century conspiracy. She talks about a special race that exists in several dimensions and manages processes on Earth, people allegedly live in the illusory world, while the key position in his philosophy occupies the concept of endless love. As he explains, love is the only thing that exists objectively, everything else is an illusion. Was in the list of his works and the theory of flat land.

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In 2010, a conspiracyologist wrote a book "Rod of Luda, to rise from his knees! The lion is no longer sleeping (the lion has already woken up) ", which in 2 years has become available for Russian readers in the translated form. In 2012, a man removed the 6-hour film "The Biggest", telling about how the world is arranged. More precisely, it was a recording of its long lecture. Among other speeches on the network there is a record on the topic "People are food", and later the book "Children of the Matrix" appeared in his bibliography.

In 2018, David recorded and posted on Youtube a video, in which it is expressed by the third World War, about Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich and in general about Russia. At the audience, the video caused double feelings, someone agreed with his words, while others perceived them skeptical.

Personal life

About David's personal life knows not so much. His first spouse was Linda Ayk, three children were born in this marriage. For what reason they divorced, remains for all the mystery.

The second wife was Pamela Ayk, in Maiden Richards, joint photos of the couple, who regularly appear on the network, spoke about their happy life. But this union broke up, why is also unknown.

In "Instagram" and "Facebook" Ayk, most of the posts are devoted to its theories. There, a man publishes photos with an interview, presents books and covers the public everyday life.

David Ik now

Ike and now continues to regularly speak with lectures, periodically fills the removed rollers into the network, where it tells more detail about the theories studied.

In early 2019, David lecture appeared on YouTube on the topic "Revolution of perception. Archonts, "and in May of the same year, an interview with a conspiracy was published, where he spoke in detail about artificial intelligence.

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