Liz Burbo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Liz Burbo - writer, psychologist and educator specializing in matters of self-knowledge, psychology and family relationships. Behind the author's book on motivation, which became bestsellers. The world has implemented 1 million copies of works that are translated into 9 foreign languages ​​and are sold in 22 states.

Childhood and youth

Liz was born on February 14, 1941 in the Canadian city of Quebec. The girl was the 4th child of 12 children raised in the family.

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Since childhood, she had to learn to establish relationships with senior and younger relatives, so the awareness of the babies was justified.

The career path Babbo began in the field of sales. Starting in the position of the manager, she quickly grown to the position of the regional representative of the company and turned out to be the best employee in this position in North America.

The tasks of Liz included communication with people in which the issues of motivation and the implementation of their own potential were touched upon. The main conclusion that the girl did during this time became the idea that people rarely realize the goal of life and do not understand when they are happy.


Faced with a curious discovery, Liz decided to do the problem of self-realization closely. In Bogbo's biographies, a sharp turn occurred, provoked from the sphere of sales and concentration in copyright trainings.

Liz Burbo in youth

The main promise of the author was the idea that a person should listen to his own body. Liz began to conduct seminars on healing, explaining that the causes of disease lies in the inability of a person to know themselves. To get rid of them, you need to follow the nutrition and listen to the body.

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In 1984, Liz Burbo organized a school in Quebec for followers of its theory, which came coacters and worked on the author's methodology of the enlightener. In school, based on Liz, people from different countries of the world receive specialized education. Classes are held here in several languages.

In 1987 he saw the Liz debut book "Listen to your body - this is your best friend on earth." The work has become a bestseller. Moves the desire to share knowledge, Burbo founded the publisher Les Editions E.T.S. And implemented as a writer. The author's books were sought-after. The Liz Burbo coach leads seminars aimed at achieving human harmony with himself.

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The writer is confident: the body is inseparable from the spirit and mind, and they are combined with each other. Diseases, allergies and even back pain - signals that the body gives the owner for self-knowledge. In the author's bibliography there are books containing affirmations for meditation and a table of diseases accompanying theoretical course. Supporting the theory of Valery Sinelnikov and Louise Hay, Liz describes the connection of emotions and experiences with health status. She assures: you can heal the ailments, calling yourself.

Burbo also describes the unity of real life with the past embodiments of a person, the present soul lessons, as well as the power of the impact of unconditional love. It comes to it in both works concerning family relations and intimate proximity.

Personal life

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8 star couples who married each other several times

Liz Burbo came married twice. The first marriage broke out due to misunderstanding in the family. As Coachr Liz disassembled in the problems of relationships and for the second time he entered the union with a person who was separated by her beliefs.

The Babbo Theory states that the suppression of sexual desires leads to diseases and impotence. When the writer liked a familiar man, she explained to his spouse, and he gave the opportunity to try happiness in other respects. Liz quickly understood that he was experiencing sincere deep feelings to her husband, and returned to the family.

Having passed through the second divorce, the coach opened openly that after returning to his wife is happy in his personal life.

Liz Burbo now

Liz Burbo has achieved public confessions in the professional community and among the interested audience.

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In 2019, it holds seminars and webinars, works by a coach and a psychologist, does not stop literary activities. The works of the author are now referring to the best practical benefits for self-knowledge.

On social networks there are communities dedicated to trainings and works of Berbo. They publish a photo writer, quotes, reviews of people practicing her technique.


  • 1987 - "Listen to your body - this is your best friend on earth."
  • 1988 - "Who are you?"
  • 1991 - "I am God? Blimey!"
  • 1994 - "Listen my body again and again!"
  • 2000 - "Five injuries that interfere with being themselves"
  • 2002 - "Year of Awareness"
  • 2005 - "Arisser"
  • 2007 - "Love, Love, Love"
  • 2008 - "Karina"
  • 2009 - "Listen to your body. Food and weight »

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