Nadezhda Mamaeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Nadezhda Mamaeva - Russian writer, living in the capital of the Republic of Mari El and working mainly in the genre of fantasy. The co-author of several of its works was performed by Rina Hippius. The cooperation of the authors began with the discussion of the literature.

Childhood and youth

All Mamaeva biographies posted on the Internet contain information that the writer has two higher education. Like many modern science sciences from Olga Gromyko to Valentina Savenko, Nadezhda is a professional biologist.

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The second university ended with Prosaikom became the Pedagogical Institute named after the Hope of Krupskaya, in 2008, which became part of the Mari State University. In Vkontakte, you can see the photo of Mamaeva with classmates, made at the party on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the end of the educational institution.

Also, the writer does not hide what was born at the end of 1986, and lists the authors, loved ones with adolescence, - Alexander Duma, Mikhail Bulgakov, Terry Pratchett, Maria Semenova. However, most of the information both about childhood and youth and the personal life of Mamaeva prefers not to advertise, believing that non-publicity is the advantage of the profession of the writer before the actor's lot.


In the literature, Nadezhda debuted in 29 years. The first printed work of Mamaeva became the novel "At the magic of the smell of cinnamon", which came out in the series "Runes of Love" Publishing House "AST". Prior to this, there were network publications of the works of "troubles on the algorithm" and "thump of reality, or bluff magic". Only the electronic version now has a novel "Catcher", telling about the revenge of his wife "traitor-husband."

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The action of most works is unfolded in magical universities, where the heroine will fall. The names of the novels "Academy of Dark Lords" and "Magometry. The Institute of Noble Cagraine "" They speak for themselves. The chronology of the work of hope is not very important, because in every book its heroes.

Mamaeva believes that the title "Writer" is still to be deserved, but as long as it proposes to call himself a "storytellor of fictional stories." However, readers praise her works, especially highlighting the novel "whisper of wandering sands", written in the genre of Steam Punk. A mansion in the bibliography of Mamaeva cost love novels "Diet not to offer" and "Space deception. Paradise and Gad ", as well as stories," horrorists ".

Personal life

Information about Mamaeva can learn from an interview with the writer and hopes in Vkontakte and Instagram pages. Prose married, Grow Son.

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The necessary element of recreation, the writer considers impressions, so wishes to readers more travel both on the planet and on the pages of books, herself shares their impressions from travel, for example, in Cheboksary.

An important component of the life of hope is charity: all means from the implementation of "Magometry" The writer sent to the help of the Mari Republican Children's Children's Heart Hospital. Sometimes Mamaeva is involved in intellectual games, for example, "What? Where? When?".

Nadezhda Mamaeva now

In an interview with the "Fairy Tale magazine", Nadezhda recommends to start acquaintance with his work with the book "Black Witch at the Dragon Academy", published in 2019.

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Also, 2019 presented readers the opportunity to read the Mamaeva novels "in the Military Academy is required" and "how to get rid of inheritance", whose idea arose from the author when contemplating a bottle of wine standing on the shelf. "Who would be a suitable drinking device?" - thought the writer.

The answer "Mrs. Death and Mademoiselle Squirrel" presented the characters. Now Mamaeva is working on the novels of "Students with Hands do not feed" and "save a diploma, sobnage the dragon."


  • 2016 - "In the magic smell of cinnamon"
  • 2016 - "Magometry. Institute of Noble Casual
  • 2016 - "The exchange rate, or Alma Mater not our world"
  • 2017 - "DNA Creator"
  • 2017 - "Whisper of wandering sands"
  • 2018 - "Resort deception. Paradise and Gad »
  • 2018 - "The Academy of Dark Lord"
  • 2018 - "Interview for Mary Sue. Yelling a dragon
  • 2019 - "Black Witch in the Academy of Dragons"
  • 2019 - "How to get rid of inheritance"
  • 2019 - "In the Military Academy is required"

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