Igor Vorobyov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son, disabled, wife, Elena Molchenko 2021



Igor Vorobyov is a famous Russian theater and film actor. His popularity was brought to him in the series, also in his creative biography a lot of small roles in feature films. On the screen, Igor Ivanovich creates interesting, memorable images.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on February 19, 1959 in Ukraine, in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. About childhood in the biography of Vorobyov little is known.

In my youth, Igor did not have plans to become an artist. After graduating with a maritime school with honors and having received diving qualifications, he intended to enter the Naval Institute in Kaliningrad. But there was enough money to take only to Kharkov, where the young man became a student of the Kharkiv Institute of Culture.

After receiving a diploma, the young actor served in the Sumy Theater, then moved to Moscow and entered the theater school. Boris Schukina.

At the end of the school in 1985, Vorobyov tried himself in different metropolitan theaters, including playing the scene of the theater. Ruben Simonova.


While still a student of the Schukinsky school, the guy made his debut in the movies. The first work of Igor Ivanovich was an episodic role in the 1982 melodramen "I can not say" goodbye "." At the box office, it was watched by 34.6 million spectators.

The artist accumulated the experience, starring in the roles of the second plan. Vorobyev was lucky enough to play in such paintings as "Midshipmen, ahead!" "Man with Kapuchin Boulevard", "Alaska Kid", etc. So the young man was able to closely see the game of the famous Soviet actors, to learn a lot from them.

In the early 2000s, a light strip came in the artist film. The directions willingly invited Vorobyov on the shooting of the series, mainly on the role of the second plan. For example, the actor played the driver in the criminal detective "Damned Paradise" (2006-2007), telling about the elite brothel. At one time, the picture was one of the most scandalous projects on domestic television and became a real sensation. Removing the film, where prostitutes were the main characters, the director Igor Korobeinikov went to a considerable risk, but the detective thriller was still shown along the NTV channel.

Igor Vorobyov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, son, disabled, wife, Elena Molchenko 2021 11406_1

Popularity brought him a hero in the series "Island of unnecessary people." Here, Vorobyov managed to show the multi-facetedness of his talent, the ability to create strong, dramatic images. The main shooting took place in Thailand - the film crew lived on the seashore, away from the tourist area, more than 7 months.

To protect the artists, each location was previously purified from poisonous insects and snakes, local residents helped in this. But still it did not cost without the bites of scorpions, and Paul, the Trubiner fell on the head of Coconut. The resulting material was enough for the 24th series, but the project was reduced to 18. The cost of the series made it one of the most expensive projects of Star Media.

Igor Igor Ivanovich did not have the main roles, but it appears annually in 3-5 projects. His filmography includes such popular TV series as the "butt", "method", "caviar", "soulodrama", etc.

In the 2020s, the spectators saw the artist in the historic drama "Grozny" with Sergey Makovetsky, Alexander Yatsenko and Tatiana Lyalina in high roles. The actors had to impose a complex plastic makeup, master the battle on the knives, riding horses, and decorators and costumes did a lot to recreate the authentic setting and costumes of that era.

Personal life

Studying at the 3rd course of the Schukinsky School, Igor Ivanovich became interested in Galina Glyland. By that time, the girl had already managed to play in the film Alexander Mitty "Crew" and had a great popularity from the Soviet spectators, played in the theater. Nikolai Gogol.

The girl was incomprehensible - the groom Galina, Bulgarian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, was already preparing for the wedding and even invited the bride to his homeland, on looting.

However, the courting of a young audacious Dnepropetrovsk guy had a beauty in the soul. A stormy novel rose between young people, and after a few months the couple was combined with a marriage. Vorobyov was happy, loved his spouse and was looking forward to the appearance of the heir. Soon the couple was born the son of Vasily, however, the doctors were hidden that the child received a generic injury.

The education of a disabled child was engaged in Gladkov. The new blow expected a family when it became known that Galina dies from cancer. Left alone with a child in her arms, Igor fell into a serious depression. The man's outlet of it was looking for numerous novels. However, love hobbies did not give peace of mind.

Later, being married for the second time on a woman named Olga, Vorobyov accidentally met Elena Molchenko, a widow of the famous actor Alexander Fatyushina. The artist felt something close in a new acquaintance, native. The man was divorced with the second spouse and suggested Elena to become his third wife. Igor Ivanovich does not hide a personal life, photos of the pair often appear in the news.

In his free time, Vorobyov arrives in a social village near St. Petersburg, where his son Vasily lives.

Igor Vorobev now

Now the artist continues to be filmed in the cinema, plays the theater to them. Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 2021, his theater repertoire entered the drama "August. County Osage "and a comedy" on the suitcases ".

In June, the artist became a guest of the program "Let them talk" and stated that she is looking for guardians for a son, sick oligophrenia. In an interview, Vorobyev said that he was experiencing for an incompetent heir, who after his death would be the owner of the Moscow apartment.


  • 1982 - "I can not say" goodbye "
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1989 - "From the life of Fyodor Kuzkina"
  • 1990 - "Scams"
  • 1992 - "Amerikan Fight"
  • 1997 - "Poor Sasha"
  • 2006 - "FREE"
  • 2007 - "Full breath"
  • 2007 - "Picturesque adventure"
  • 2011 - "Island of unnecessary people"
  • 2013 - "Shuler"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2016 - "Her named Mumu"
  • 2017 - "Territory"
  • 2018 - "Shunchitsa. Continuation"
  • 2019 - "Soulodrama"
  • 2020 - "Conference"

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