Will Turner - Hero's biography, "Pirates of the Caribbean", Elizabeth Suonn, Actor, photo


Character History

Character of a series of films "Pirates of the Caribbean". Young Kuznez Assistant, lives on Jamaica in the city of Port Royal and in love with the daughter of the local governor, which is Elizabeth. The son of the pirate, by the will of the circumstances, he became an accomplice of the famous Pirate Jack Sparrow.

History of creation

Will Turner

The idea of ​​the film on the Pirates of the Caribbean originated from the scenarios of Ted Eliott and Theodore Rossio after the eponymous attraction appeared in Disneyland. During this attraction, visitors welcomed the speaking skull. Then people turned out to be indoors by imitating underground caves, where they were frightened by the living skeletons of pirates. Scripts inspired the idea of ​​mixing the theme of pirates with the theme of supernatural in one bottle. So in the scenario, the damned treasure of the Indians and pirates, turned into a rustic skeletons for the fault of the curse appeared.

Work on the script was completed in 1992, but, unfortunately, it was an unsuccessful time for pirated films. Interest in the topic went down, a couple of films about pirates have already failed at the box office, and the producers "Walt Disney Pictures" refused to authors.

Director Mount Verbesto

The very idea to shoot the film based on the attraction at that time seemed insane, however, in the early 2000s, "Walt Disney Pictures" still returned to her. True, other people wrote the script for this tape. The first three films about the pirates of the Caribbean removed the director of the Verbesto Mountains.

"Pirates of the Caribbean"

The full name of the hero - William Turner Jr. Hero's height - 179-180 cm. About Childhood Turner knows a little. The hero grew up in Britain and never knew his own father. Will believed that his father was a sailor and floated on a fuel ship. In fact, the father of the hero was a pirate and walked on the "black pearl" under the command of Jack Sparrow. From the Turner-senior, Will remained a gold medallion, which the boy wore with him. Later, this medallion turned out to be a coin from the damned Aztec treasure.

Will Turner and Jack Sparrow

When Will was eleven years old, the mother of the hero died, and the boy decided to find his father. The hero goes on a journey through the Caribbean islands, counting there to learn about the father. However, a pirated ship is attacking the ship on which the pirated ship is attacking, the very "black pearl", which had previously floated Father Will. Now the "pearl" commands Captain Barbossa, who is looking for the last gold coin from the Aztec treasure. The one that Will is wears as a medallion. The coin needs a barboss to remove the curse.

During a pirate attack, all people on the ship, except for Young Will Turner, are dying. The boy picks up a ship passing under the flags of Britain. Mr. Suonn swims on this ship, the new governor of Port Royala, and with him - Elizabeth, his eleven-year-old daughter. Will dangles overboard, holding a chip board. Elizabeth notes the hero and raises the alarm, and then takes care of the boy until the ship comes to Port Royal.

Will Turner in full growth

It takes eight years. Will and Elizabeth continue to communicate, although the heroes shared a social abyss. Will is experiencing romantic feelings for the girl, but it hides it diligently. In Port Royal, the young Kuznets takes into students. Will becomes a good blacksmith and often executes orders for the master who loves drink too much. The young man also trained well fencing, but Will lacks "field practice."

Once in the forge of Will, Pirate Jack Sparrow is turned out. Will is trying to demonstrate to Jack his battle skills, but the pirate easily overcomes the hero, because the chittrate is having dishonestly, while Will himself got used to fencing according to the rules.

Will is outraged by the "dishonest game" Jack and is convinced that in fair battle would certainly defeat the pirate. Jack demonstrates the hero that the situation of "honest battle" is unlikely in real life. Over time, the hero loses part of the junior naivety and becomes more mature. The same Jack reveals Will's truth about father. The hero himself grew up a law-abiding young man with an idealistic idea of ​​"correct" and "wrong", so the information that his father was a pirate becomes for Will shock.

Will Turner and Elizabeth

The Turner-senior, however, was also in his own way honest small. When against Captain Jack Sparrow raised the rebellion of the first assistant Barboss, the whole team joined the rebellion, and only Will's Father remained on the side of the captain. Later, the Turner-senior dismissed the pirates for the betrayal of Jack, which Barboss was landed on a desert island.

Barboss with the team imposes a paw on gold aztecs. Gold turns out to be damned, and to remove the curse, pirates return the treasure in place. However, so that the action of the curse is over, it is necessary to return everything to the last coin. The Turner-senior decides to punish the former comrades and sends one coin from the treasure to Britain, Will's own son as a medallion. Barbossa learns about it and throws away the father of Will beyond the board, tied to the kernel.

Frame from the film

Later it is found that, besides the last coin, the blood of each person from the team also needs to remove the curse. So Barbossa begins to hunt for a young Turner, in the veins of which the blood of the father flows, and the appended Aztec coin dangles on the neck. Without blood Will Turner, Pirates have no chance to get rid of the curse.

Will Himself grew up a man who stands on the side of the law and with contempt refers to pirates. However, when it becomes necessary to save the beloved from the evil barbossus, Will goes to the agreement with Jack Sparrow and together with the time the ship hirsts. Then heroes are typing the team on the island of Tortuga and follow the barbossom. So Will, not wishing himself, also becomes a pirate. The hero wants only to save Elizabeth, while Jack is going with the help of Will to return his own ship - "Black Pearl".

Having learned about the curses, the hero is surrendered to Barbossa, putting the condition that he freed Elizabeth. However, the evil barbossus violates this word. Ultimately, it is possible to remove the curse, and Jack kills a barbossus. Jack himself, however, is caught and sentenced to hanging. The sense of debt tells Will to save Jack, the hero is trying to do it, but they catch them both. On the side of Will, Elizabeth rises, which is recognized as a hero in love. In the end, Will Turner remains whole and unharmed, and Jack Sparrow runs away.

This part of the biography of Will Turner is revealed in the film "Curse of the Black Pearl", released in 2003. In 2006, the "Dead Man's Chest", where Will Turner turns out to be on board the legendary "flying Dutchman", which the Infernal Captain Davie Jones commands.

Will's ship hit the fault of Jack Sparrow. Anyone who steps on board the "Dutchman" must be served on the ship a hundred years. Sly Jack in the past managed to avoid this unexpected fate, and now the pirate is trying to cover his own "worst" Jones at the expense of Will. On board the "Dutchman" hero detects his own father, Bill Turner-senior. He did not die in the sea buffin, but still fell into the binding. The hero is trying to save dad, but it turns out to be impossible.

Davi Jones

Willom himself manages to flush with the "Dutchman" and again meet with Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth. Those dug out somewhere the heart of Davy Jones, which you need to pierce if you dream to become an immortal and be on the site of Jones as a captain of the "flying dutch". The heart is stored in the chest, and the key is at Davy Jones himself. Will kidnaps this key, and the chest becomes the object of the fierce struggle between the characteristics of the film.

In the final on the "black pearl" attacks a huge Kraken, sent by Davy Jones, and Jack thanks to the tricks of Elizabeth remains aboard the ship-saved cracked. Will Turner insists on trying to return Jack to the world of living.

In the second part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, there is also a funny moment when Will Turner depicts Jack Sparrow.

In the film "Pirates of the Caribbean: on the edge of the world" the biography of Will Turner is beautifully completed. The hero first marries his beloved Elizabeth, and the ritual holds a pirate captain Barbossa right on board the "flying dutch". Then Davy Jones pierces Will's sword, and Jack Sparrow with his hand already dead Will is pierced by Davy Jones himself. Will from the dead man becomes immortal and turns out to be the new captain of the "Breastherd Dutchman."

So the hero remains alive alone, although they cursed to go to Earth just every ten years, and the remaining eternity to spend on board the "Dutchman". The hero says goodbye to Elizabeth, and she swear to wait for it for ten years. In the scene, which follows the titers, the audience see how Will Turner meets Elizabeth again in ten years, and she goes to the hero with her son.

In the film "The Dead does not tell fairy tales", which came out in 2017, Will Turner is already playing a minor role. The hero appears three times. At the beginning of the film, he talks with his son and looks just as infernal as Davy Jones, is covered with shells and polyps. Will advises young son to avoid Jack Sparrow Society.

In the final, the Son takes off the curse with Will, and the audience see how the hero goes to the shore and meets with the close-wives of Elizabeth and the son of Henry. Once again, Will appears in the scene, which follows the titers. There the hero dreams a nightmare with the participation of Davy Jones. In the first film of the series, the hero appears the 19-year-old young men, and in the film "The Dead does not tell fairy tales" Will for forty years.

Actor Orlando Bloom

The role of Will Turner in all films of the series is performed by actor Orlando Bloom, known for the role of Le Leggas Elf in the films of the "Lord of the Rings" series and "Hobbit". In episodes, where the childhood of the hero is shown, Will is played by a young actor Dylan Smith. Wille voiced in Russian dubling Actor Andrei Zaitsev.


"The case is not lost while there is at least one fool, ready to fight for him!"

Will Turner:

- You did not win, you squeeze! In honest battle, I would break you!

Jack Sparrow:

"Well, then it's honestly not enough to fight."

Will Turner:

- Stone ship? Is this brig?!

Jack Sparrow:

- Revisible. We requisition this brig. Sea term. "

Jack Sparrow:

- What are you ready for this crumb?

Will Turner:

- give your life.

Jack Sparrow:

- Wonderful! Then they went. "

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