Serdar Azmun - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Football Player, Zenit, Nationality, Artem Dzyuba, Wife 2021



Serdar Azmun is a talented striker, speaking for the Iranian national team and St. Petersburg Zenit. Over the years, he managed to become famous in Russia and attract the attention of representatives of European clubs.

Childhood and youth

Azmoon was born in the winter of 1995 in the city of Gomboné-Kavos, Iran, on national origin he is Turkmen. The boy was not the only child in the family, grew up with Salmaz sister. She, like parents, professionally engaged in volleyball. Father celebrities played for the Iranian national team, and the mother was a coach. According to their footsteps, I wanted to go and Serdar, but fate ordered differently.

One day, a familyhousehousehouses in Turkmenistan, where his father offered the boy to play football. Already then he noticed a talent at the heir and decided to give him to the school "Ohab". Halil hoped that in the future he would become a great player and even forbidden him to engage in volleyball in order not to be distracted by training.

At first, the future star was not easy, since coatings on the fields in the "Oalth" were unsuitable for the game, almost without grass. But soon Azman was transferred to Shamushah - the Best Academy in all Iran. The road occupied 1.5 hours, so in order to have time for classes, the young footballist had to leave the last lesson.

To adolescent age, the serdo could boast of good performance, so it was offended when he was not taken to the Iranian national team. So much that I decided to throw football and return to volleyball. The young man even promised to call the national team, but everything changed a meeting with a coach, asked to participate in a football match. In it, the player scored 11 goals and realized his true vocation.


When Azman was 15 years old, he began to engage in football at a professional level. For some time the player performed for the Isfahan "Sepahan", and then attracted the attention of the coach of Kazan "Rubin" Kurban Berdieva. He personally met with the father of the star and convinced him that the heart should play in Russia, although there were already proposals from foreign clubs.

Soon Azmun together with his parents moved to Kazan. After signing the contract with Rubin, the guy became the youngest Iranian football player who advocates the team of another country. He debuted in the summer of 2013, played then against the Serbian "buttocks".

In the first time in Russia, the star was difficult, he missed his homeland, but literally after a couple of months he adapted and fully focused on football. A great influence on the formation of the player was the coach, Kurban Berdiev, whom Serdar called his "football father".

It is not surprising that when the mentor moved to Rostov, the ward soon went to rent a challenge after him. Together with this club, Azmun became a silver medalist of the Russian Championship. But when the term of the agreement has expired, the athlete did not return to Kazan, but continued to defend the honor of the Rostov team. This caused discontent with the leadership "Ruby", but the court recognized the right of the star to remain as part of the "yellow-blue" for another season.

Later, Eddar, like Berdyev, returned to Rubin, but the fans could not forgive him the lack of lack. In parallel, he continued to speak for the Iranian national team, but in 2018 he stated that he was going to complete the international career. The reason was a failure at the World Championships, after which a wave of negative was collapsed on Azman. It poorly affected the health of the mother, who saw angry messages addressed to the son and his family. But at the request of the coach, the player still returned to the National Team.

Since the results of the star in Rubin were also not so outstanding, the coach decided that the ward was better to go to Zenit. According to the information "Business Online", Berdyev had a significant impact on the transaction and even after the end of the joint work remained a mentor and the adviser.

As a result, Iranian joined the ranks of the St. Petersburg club, the transfer cost was € 12 million, and the salary rose to € 3 million. Career celebrity reached a new level. After the transition to Zenit, he became one of the best scorers on a par with Artem Jübe. The athlete added gold medals of championships, Cups and Super Cups of Russia to the piggy bank.

Personal life

About the personal life of the football player knows little, there is no information in the press about the presence of his wife or girl. In the summer of 2020, the Serdar was noticed in the company of the former chosen by Alexander Kerzhakov - Milans Tulipanova and her son Artemia. On the video published on the net, Azmun played with a boy and taught him to show an indecent gesture, but the nature of the relationship between the athlete and the TV presenter remained a secret.

Serdar actively leads a profile in "Instagram", where he has more subscribers than the official page of Zenit Club. In the homeland, in Iran, the football player is a star, so compatriots are followed by his career and biography events. Player often publishes photos with comrades and relatives.

The good relationship among Iranians has developed with all colleagues in Zenit, but especially warmly he speaks of a juba, with whom he was familiar with the "Rubin" and "Rostov". They communicate closely, sometimes spend a joint time with families. Dziuba is familiar with the relatives of Azman.

Serdar Azmun now

Now the popularity of Iranians is only increasing, which is associated with career achievements. Although at the beginning of 2021, he was injured, it did not prevent a favorable acquisition for foreign clubs. It became known that representatives of Borussia, Roma and Atalants were interested in buying a player. According to the site "TransferMakt", the cost of the star is € 23 million, but the leadership of Zenit may require more.

Awards and achievements

As part of Rostov

  • 2015/16 - 2nd place in the championship of Russia

As part of Zenit

  • 2018/19 - Champion of Russia
  • 2019/20 - Champion of Russia
  • 2019 - Finalist Super Cup of Russia

Iranian national team

  • 2009 - West Asian Football Federation Cup winner (up to 17 years)
  • 2019 - Bronze Cup of the Asian Football Cup

Personal achievements

  • 2012 - the best bombarder of the Commonwealth Cup
  • 2019/20 - the best scorer of the championship of Russia

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