Ksenia Sitnik - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Nature endarily Ksenia Podnynik with a unique voice and acting talent. Little girl from the Belarusian depthion managed to conquer the whole world. Having matured, she opened up other opportunities and put priorities for themselves.

Childhood and youth

The Belarusian singer was born on May 15, 1995 in a small district center Mozyr. In 2000, when Ksyusha was a 5-year-old baby, she managed to win on the Miss Verasok competition.

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There, for the first time, her musical talent manifested itself, and the girl was sent to classes in the pop vocal studio. Her mother Svetlana Statsenko was the artistic director of this IMES studio. Father Mikhail Sitnik by profession teacher, but in his life was an entrepreneur. An executor studied in Minsk Gymnasium and graduated from her with honors in 2013. She also received musical education in Belarus in 2010.

The girl was a versatile, except for numerous victories in music, she held the first places in the humanitarian school competitions. In the summer of 2005, Ksyusha won in the children's competition at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk.


Fame came in childhood, after the victory at the main musical competition of the world - Children's Eurovision in 2005. The young performer represented his native Belarus.

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The perky song "We are together", the charm of a small star and a ringing, like a bell, the voice did not leave the rivals. In a year, the first album with the same name came out. At the same time, the audience saw the clip "Little boat", and after the video was shot on the composition "Non-Stop", "Simple Song".

Everything was done at the expense of the family budget, the recording studios refused to work under the pretext of "Children's Songs I do not need anyone." When the singer noted the 15th anniversary, the plate "Republic of Ksenia" came out. In her creation, Svetlana's mother was also helped, which explained that the name was not chosen by chance, songs from the album reveal the inner world of her daughter.


Sitnik worked as a TV host program "Our Pyaterochka". In 2009, the transmission producers dissolved the contract with it, because Ksenia matured.

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He was offered his candidacy for the leading girl and organizers of Eurovision, but then in a partner to Denis Kuryan, Leyla Ismailov took.

On the eve of 2006, the audience again saw a 11-year-old actress on the screens, she played a major role in the New Year's television stage "Star Night - 2006". In January of the coming year, a film-biography "Christmas fairy tale for Ksenia Sitnik" was released on Ether.

Personal life

As far as the media is, the heart of Ksenia is now free. The girl herself does not directly answer questions about his personal life, but one day shared with journalists a story about the first love at the age of 15.

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The young man was older, seemed smart and strong as her father.

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The first feelings so bit in love with the girl that poems began to be born and even novels. However, it all ended trite, as in most such stories.

Living in Prague, the sick compares the attitude of the Belarusians and Czechs to the opposite sex. She likes that in Europe a woman can invite a man on a date, but he hasn't tried herself yet. She gets acquainted with young people who show signs of attention, but there has not been serious that seriously.

Ksenia Sitnik now

Ksenia received a higher education in the Anglo-American University and lives in Prague.

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Now she is a feshen journalist, writes articles about fashion. The girl loves freedom, so she is a freelancer and works in free chart.

In one interview, it says that much time pays literature, learning languages. According to her, one will not surprise anyone with one diploma and knowledge of English, it is necessary to constantly develop and learn what it is busy all his free time. The photo in her "Instagram" gives a slim and tightened figure. The journalist is engaged in the gym 2 times a week and does not use harmful food at all, preferring porridge and fruit.


  • 2006 - "We are together"
  • 2010 - "Republic of Ksenia"

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