Frank Herbert - biography, personal life, cause of death, books, photos, "dune", film, film



Frank Herbert is known primarily as the author of the Cycle of the Dune Chronicles. His main book "Dune" is the best-selling scientific-fiction novel of all times, and the series is entirely following the golden classics of the genre. In the "Chronicles of Dunes", such complex topics are raised as the survival of the human race, the evolution of the individual, the planetary science and ecology, as well as religion, politics, power, the economy of the future.

Childhood and youth

Biography of the Great Fantasty of the 20th century Franklin Patrick Herbert - the younger originates on October 8, 1920 in Tactic, Washington.

Apparently, the parents of Franklin Patrick Herbert - Senior and Eilein (in McCarthy's Major) were not exemplary: In 1938, the young man ran away from them to aunt and uncle in Saleg, Oregon.

In 1939, Herbert lied his age to get a job in the Glendale Star newspaper. His journalistic career continued in the publishing house Oregon Statesman (now Statesman Journal), where he succeeded, including the creator of the photo. By the way, it was in this role that Herbert served in the US naval forces during World War II.


In the second half of the 1940s, Herbert, together with his wife, Beverly Ann Stewart moved to California. Being creative people (both journalists), they attracted the American intelligentsia, including the psychologists of Ralph and Irene Slatteri. The couple introduced her Herbert with the works of Freud, Jung, Jaspers, Hydegger, whose thoughts had a significant impact on his work.

In an interview with 1973, Herbert admitted that about 10 years was interested in fantasy before he began to compose. He was inspired by the books of Herbert Wells, Robert Heinline, Paul Anderson.

The debut novel "In search of something" Herbert was published in 1952, then 3 more stories came out in science fiction magazines.

In the full sense, the spelling of the Herbert-science career began in 1955 with the publication of the book "under pressure" (also known as the "dragon in the sea" or "submarine of the XXI century"), which predicted world conflicts due to the consumption and production of oil. The main work in the Bibliography of Herbert is the Cycle of the Chronicles of Dunes.

Once a writer collected information for the journalistic article about the sand dunes of Oregon, but the material turned out so much, which was enough for a whole novel "Dune". The text was born for 6 years.

"The man is a fool, if not investing everything that has, in his creation," the Herbert described the creativity of such a quotation.

He surrendered to the writer selflessly, was not afraid to throw out a page from the narrative and add a dozen new ones.

"Dune" awarded the Hugo and Neule premiums, by 1968 she brought $ 20 thousand to Herbert - much more than any science fiction novel, written at the time. However, these funds did not have enough to deal with only creativity. Only by 1972 he managed to quit his job and continued the "Chronicles of Dunes". According to the book, 3 films were shot, in 2020, Denis Villune will take Denis for the next shield.

Personal life

In 1940, Frank Herbert married Flora Pakinson. On February 16, 1942, the newlyweds were born daughter Penny. The child did not strengthen the union, but by contrast, made additional grain of discord. Frank and Flora divorced in 1945.

In 1946, in class at the University of Washington on the creative letter, Herbert met Beverly Ann Stewart. The rapidly completed personal life on July 20, 1946 led to marriage. Two sons were born in the family: on June 29, 1947 Brian Patrick appeared, and on June 26, 1951 - Bruce Kelvin.

In 1974, Beverly suffered an operation to remove the cancer tumor. The disease continued to progress, but the woman lived for another 10 years. After her death in 1985, Frank Herbert married Teresa Sheklford.


In 1985, Herbert published the Roman "Kapitul Dunes", which connects many Saga storyline. The book became the last, published in the life of the writer.

Frank Herbert died on February 11, 1986 in Madison, Wisconsin. The cause of death is a pulmonary embolism caused by the operation to remove the pancreatic cancer. He was 65 years old.


Cycle "Chronicles of Dunes":

  • 1965 - "Dune"
  • 1970 - "Messiah Dune"
  • 1976 - "Children of Dunes"
  • 1981 - "God-Emperor Dune"
  • 1984 - "Heretics Dunes"
  • 1985 - "Capitula Dune"


  • 1956 - "Under Pressure"
  • 1968 - "Barrier Santaroga"
  • 1972 - "Catcher Spirit"
  • 1973 - "Bellow of Zellstrom"
  • 1977 - "Experiment of the Dobiat"

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