Alex Nagorno - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Alex Nagorno-pseudonym ascending star of Russian battle fiction. Fantastic books are not yet published on paper, but available for paid download on the Internet. In June 2018, the writer, whose real name is Alexander, became the winner of the "Neuralti and Popants" contest on the Literary portal Zelluloza.

Childhood and youth

The writer sets out his biography. Nagorno-countryman Vladimir Ulyanova-Lenin. Sasha was born in the family of applicants of the Moscow Chemical Technology Institute in the small town of Sengille, located 72 km from Ulyanovsk.

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7 famous people who hide their real age

The birthday of the science fiction is celebrated on July 12, but the year of birth does not indicate that it makes it difficult to restore the chronology of his childhood and youth. Alexandra has a sister.

When the future writer was 4 years old, the family moved to Suvorov, the Tula region, where the parents were distributed after the end of the university. The city of Sasha childhood is famous for reinforced concrete production. At 10 years old, the boy began writing stories and tale. Sasha visited the drama, but grew hooligan.

Alexander graduated from school to Togliatti, where he moved in 1994. Then there was a service in border troops on the border of Azerbaijan and Iran and the work of the designer, including in glossy magazines.


Place the literary works in the network designer began in 2017. The first books of Alex Nagornaya Steel "Timkillers", the genre of which the author identified as combat fiction, and "the abyss. Chronicles of another world "written in the genre of Cyberpank. The hero of the novel Skyfai, as often happens in Fantasy, is studying at the Secret Academy.

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The book "Hehetik" from the cycle of the "Cronprints of the rebellious galaxy" is written by Nagorno-co-authorship with Vladimir Atomic, and the cycles "Pirates on the announcement" and "Z.M." - In collaboration with Alexey Lavrov.

Abbreviation "Z.M." " It is deciphered as "people are dying here", and Pirates on the announcement tell about the former Russian manager of Semen Semenovich, who turned into Space Gangster Sam and the recruitment team of flibusers in his homeland.

Personal life

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7 stars that leave children without inheritance

About the personal life of the author the cosmocker is known little. About himself Alex reports that now single and lives in Tolyatti.

On the Alexander page in Vkontakte, you can find out that the science fiction is "in an active search", see the photo of the writer - a serious thin man with sad eyes and seating whiskers and get an idea of ​​his musical tastes.

Favorite Musicians Prosaika - Mobi, U2 and Deep Purple groups. From the exchange of comments on the Alexander page, it can be concluded that the man has a daughter who is Nelly's name, and the 4-year-old granddaughter of Ksyusha.

Alex Nagorny now

In October 2018, the Bestseller status was assigned to the Nagorno-Strong "Skywei" from the "Rubber Empire" series.

The work tells about the character waking up in an unknown universe and dating a recurrent amateur money. In 2019, the bibliography of the science was replenished with the books of the "PII Factor" series


  • "Timkillers"
  • "Abyss. Chronicles of another world
  • "Curprints of rebellious galaxy. Heretic"
  • "Curprints of rebellious galaxy. Skifi "
  • "Curprints of rebellious galaxy. Skyline
  • "The epoch of the highest mind. Neon. The first steps"
  • "Pirates on the ad. This is a marketing, babe ... "
  • "Pirates on the ad. Nothing personal, babe ... "
  • "Z.M. Crying steel "
  • "Rights of the Star Empire. Skawi

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