Anastasia Markova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Anastasia Markova is positioning himself as a beginner writer. The Russian author specializes in romantic fantasy novels. In the work of the writer, realistic stories and fiction, love motives and adventure peripetics are intertwined.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Markova was born on August 24, 1985. Now the writer lives in Belarus, in the city of Lida.

About the biography of the author on social networks and the Internet is little information. Anastasia also does not apply to personal life.


The first publications of the author were carried out on literary forums. As a novice creative figure, Anastasia represented his work to the public, loyally reacting to comments. Not all readers responded positively on the writings of Markova. Some considered the narration dry, others reacted to the quality of the character character.

Anastasia was lucky, her books were in demand. She preferred a fantasy genre and began to publish works in specialized Internet communities, including a popular site "Samizdat". The author's bibliography consists of novels that are not combined into cycles. Some works are conventionally intersect in meaning and can be correlated in the series, since the place of action in them is the highest school of magic. These are independent works, which are the adventure stories of the heroes who meet their love.

The debut novel writer was the "stolen ring". Already in this book, the author introduced the public with the concept of the Academy of Magic and introduced into the course of what realities her teachers and students live. Then followed the book "Flashing Heart" and "Rereted Happiness", which served as a continuation of the history of the main character named Rihanna.

The novel "Born to becoming a queen" immerses the reader into the atmosphere of the court intrigue, the hostage of which the Girl Stephenia becomes. In the book "It was my day" the author introduces readers with a new character, frivolous at first look Milan. The central acting persons and the following 3 works were strong volitional heroines.

In 2018, Anastasia Markova returned to the narration of the Mages. The light saw the book "Good Rector - Dead Rector", and the novel "How to get rid of the dean for 30 days." The author continues to work in the originally chosen genre direction, the era is replaced in which the events described occur. The real world overshadows fantastic. But the main thought, broadcast by the writer, remains the same: love is worth waiting, and for it you need to fight.

For the design of works on the Internet, the writer uses drawn covers. She attracted several like-minded people to their creation, whose support was enlisted in the matter of creativity.

Personal life

Anastasia Markova is a writer who can be called a "dark horse". In social networks, the author does not provide about himself detailed information. Anastasia does not lead "instagram", personal photos on the Internet does not publish, providing readers the opportunity not to relate creativity with personal data. In personal account, Markova talks about the publication of new books.

Anastasia Markova now

In 2019, the writer released several novels. "A good rector - the dead rector" continued the history of events at school magic, and the other two became separate works.

Now the author's work remains publicly available on literary sites. You can purchase them at an affordable cost in comparison with some paper variations of other writers.


  • 2017 - "Stolen Ring"
  • 2017 - "Burning Heart"
  • 2017 - "Rereamed Happiness"
  • 2017 - "Born to Become Queen"
  • 2017 - "It was my day"
  • 2018 - "Wife Impaired"
  • 2018 - "My Dar - My Curse"
  • 2018 - "My Payback"
  • 2018 - "Good Rector - Dead Rector"
  • 2019 - "How to get rid of dean for 30 days"
  • 2019 - "I, you and Dragon"
  • 2019 - "Call me with your destiny"

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