Benjamin Netanyahu - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Prime Minister of Israel, In Youth, Speech 2021



Benjamin Netanyahu - Israeli politician and statesman. In the past, he was Israel's Prime Minister and broke the record for the duration of continuous stay in this post. But even after resigning, the name of the celebrity left for hearing.

Childhood and youth

Future politician was born a year after the proclamation of the independent state of Israel - in 1949. He was brought up in the family of the historian of Bente Netanyahu, the secretary of the founder of Zeeva Zhabotinsky, and his wife Tsili. Benjamin was their middle son, he grew up with his brothers: senior Jonaton and younger Ivo.

When Bibi was a child, he and his parents were often in the US, where the father taught. In this country, the boy graduated from high school. The teachers described it as a disciplined, friendly and active. He visited a chess circle, played football and consisted in a discussion club.

After the school years remained behind, the future politician returned to his homeland, to Israel to go through military service. Having received special training, he was sent to the elite detachment of the special forces "Sayer Matkal", which consisted of the next 5 years.

During this time, Netanyahu has repeatedly demonstrated bravery and courage, he received injuries by participating in special operations. So, in May 1972, he was involved in the liberation of the airline "Saben" captured by terrorists.

Shortly after that, Benjamin completed the service in the rank of captain and went to the United States to get a higher education. He was a student of the Massachusetts Technological Institute, where he received a bachelor's degree in architecture, and also studied at the Mit Sloan Management School. I managed to reregister Netanyahu and at Harvard University, where he studied political science.

During the years of student, the young man interrupted training only - to participate in the autumn military conflict of 1973 between Israel and the coalition of the Arab states, called the "War of the Day of the Day". After that, he received the title of Major.

After completing studies, Benjamin was staying in the United States for a while. In his youth, he worked as a consultant at Boston Consulting Group, Massachusetts. Later, the future politician returned to Israel and took the post of marketing director in Rim Industries. During this period, he met Moshe Arenz, who contributed to the beginning of his political career.

Political activity

In 1982, Benjamin became the deputy arena, which at that time was ambassador to the United States. After 2 years, Netanyahu has advanced through the career ladder and became the Ambassador of Israel to the UN. During this period, he managed to declassify the Nazi past Kurt Waldheim and strengthen the position of his state in the world community.

Returning to his homeland, the politician became a deputy of the Knesset from "Liud". He also replaced the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel. After the leader of the party Izhak Shamir resigned, Benjamin took his place and headed the opposition.

The turning point in the biography of celebrities happened in 1996, when, as a result of direct elections, the head of the government was the Prime Minister of Israel, and the youngest in the country's history and the first, born after the foundation of state sovereignty.

Since "Likud" did not gain most votes in the Knesset, the politician engaged in the formation of a coalition government from religious parties. He was strong pressure: he demanded the preservation of the territories and liberation of religious Jews from service in the army.

The most memorable actions of the prime minister were the economic reform aimed at the redistribution of state subsidies from the social sphere in high technologies, as well as the signing in 1998 by Way-River Memorandum with the leader of the Palestinians by Yasir Arafat with the mediation of US President Bill Clinton.

The incident that undermined confidence in the political leader was an unsuccessful attempt at the Hamas Halad Mashal leader, which was conducted by Mossad agents. After that, he had deteriorated relations with Jordan and Canada, because during their mission representatives of the Israeli special services used Canadian passports. As a result, Netanyahu lost his post as a result of early elections.

In the following years, Benjamin was engaged in business, lectured, but did not leave politics. He spoke with the criticism of the new Prime Minister, held the posts of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Finance. Soon he again tried the forces in the elections and in 2009 he headed the Israeli government, staying at this post for a long time.

During the period of staying in power, Netanyahu was attempted to settle the conflict with Palestine and repeatedly performed with the criticism of her leader Mahmoud Abbas, who accused of "escape from the world" and sponsoring terrorism.

A significant place in the policies of the celebrity was occupied by the establishment of partnerships with Russia, as well as the accounting of the interests of the Russian-speaking community of Israel. He regularly held meetings with Vladimir Putin to find ways to cooperate in the fight against international terrorism. At the request of the President of Russia, the supply of drones to Ukraine was discontinued.

On November 18, 2018, Benjamin became the Minister of Defense of the Jewish State, replacing the representative of the party "Our Home - Israel" Avigdor Lieberman, who disagree with the relatively soft government policy regarding the Gaza Strip. Thus, in addition to the post of Prime Minister, he held another 4 ministerial positions, leading to the military and foreign policy department, as well as ministries of health and repatriation and integration.

But all this time around the celebrity was a lot of scandals. The most loud of them broke out in 2019, when Netanyahu was accused of corruption. The lawsuit began next year, which caused public resonance. The current head of the Israeli government has not previously been on the dock.

Personal life

In the official marriage, the Israeli politician entered three times. With the first wife, Miriam Weizman, he met during the military service in Israel. Later, they moved together in the USA, where they enrolled in different universities. Soon the lovers got married, a daughter was born in marriage, but the Union existed for a long time.

The second wife of the celebrity became British Fleur Katets. According to rumors, their novel began before Benjamin divorced the first wife, and caused the disintegration of the family. The marriage was concluded in 1981, for the sake of Chosen Kates, he moved to Judaism, but these relationships were not strong.

To find happiness in personal life politics managed only with the third spouse. In the past, Sarah Netanyahu worked as a flight attendant, which helped her to meet the future chosen one. They met on the flight El Al Al Al Airlines from New York. Later, the woman received a master's degree in psychology.

The wedding took place in 1991, two sons were born in marriage: Yar and Avner. Both heirs, like their father, were military service. But even after the appearance of children, family life policy was not cloudless.

Just 2 years after the conclusion of Marriage, Binyamin publicly admitted to Ruth Bar who worked as a press secretary. He did this to stop the blackmail from the political opponent, who captured the intimate details of the personal life of the celebrity in the video.

Union of Netanyahu stood up this test, but it was not the only one. Later in the media appeared information about the novel policy with Catherine Prica Mondanadori is an American Italian origin. But he refused to admit this connection.

Now Benjamin shares the photo of his wife and children on the page in "Instagram", demonstrating an example of an ideal family. But in the press regularly appears information about scandals with the participation of his son Yaira, and about the incorrect treatment of Sarah with domestic servants and scenes of jealousy, suitable for her husband, they speak around the world.

Benjamin Netanyahu now

In June 2021, Netanyahu was forced to leave the post of Prime Minister of Israel, giving him to Naftali Bennet. Before the oath of the new government, politician spoke with a speech before Knesset and promised to continue his mission to ensure the security and prosperity of the state for the sake of millions of Israelis, which voted for him. Now he supports communication with like-minded people in Facebook and Twitter.


  • 1981 - International Terrorism: Challenge and Response
  • 1986 - "How democracy can overcome terrorism"
  • 1993 - A PLACE AMONG THE NATIONS: Israel and the World
  • 1996 - "Place under the Sun"
  • 1995 - Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism
  • 1995 - Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists
  • 2002 - "War with terrorism: how democracies can defeat the network of international terrorism"
  • 2000 - A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations

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