Alestorm Group - Photo, Creation History and Composition, News, Songs 2021



The Scottish group "Alestorm" is known for metal fans, diluted with elements of folk music and melodic guitar parties. The performers themselves are a genre in which they are creating, called the "real Scottish pirate metal." All the songs of the team are devoted to the masters of the seas and the oceans - pirates and are permeated by the romantics of flibusers and corsar.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of a team is rooted in 2004. The first composition of the group is the duet of Gavin Harper musicians and Christopher Bous. The first played a guitar, harmonic and drums, the second became a vocalist.

The name, invented by Gavin and Christopher at the beginning of the creative biography of the collective - "Battleheart" ("Combat or militant heart"), has changed in 2007, when after the release of two mini-albums on the musicians, the Napalm Records label drew attention. But the recording company demanded that participants change the name, in order to avoid confusion with another ward team. So "Battleheart" turned into "Alestorm".

At the time of renaming the composition of the group increased: in 2006, the bass guitarist Dany Evans and the drummer Dag accreede were joined to the Duet. The Four of the musicians gave the first concert, which passed with the manshlag.

A few years later the composition of the group has changed. She was left Harper, Evans and cakes, but to the remaining participants joined vocalist and keyboard player Christopher Bous, bassist Gareth Merdock, keyboard player Elliot Vernon and Drummer Peter Alkorn.


At first, the draft group was studio, Bous and Harper were scheduled to perform traditional Power metal. But after one of the songs ("Heavy Metal Pirates") led listeners delight, the musicians focused on a pirated topic. Since then, it passes through all the work of "Alestorm".

By adding a little Scottish folk into the metal sound and expanding the composition, the guys gave the first concerts that attracted even more attention to their songs. Pirate metal with folklore and guitar engines has become a branded for the team, allowing you to recognize the Alestorm composition in the remaining stream.

The debut album of the group received the speaking name "Captain Morgan's Revenge" and became a cult. In the sound of the songs "Death Before Mast", Terror On The High Seas and "Of Treasure" is also heard of hard jeji, and drinking Scottish couplets, and symphonic shades. In this amazing, but rather harmonious cavosophony is woven by the "Flibuster" voice of Christopher Bous. The plate listens in one breath.

The discography group was replenished with a new album in May 2009. The favorite pirated theme continued in Black Sails AT Midnight, but symphony, gloss and folk added, which contributed to the wider use of folk instruments. Melomanany felt the integrity that experience and long-term workouts bring.

In the third album, in 2011, string and wind arrangements appeared, but the theme of the ballads telling about the adventures under the "Merry Roger" was preserved. Not left of the songs "Alestorm" and folk fun, drive and fast paced, replacing meditative swinging on the waves. For hits "ShipWrecked", "Drink" and "Scraping The Barrel" appeared clips.

In 2017, the album "No Grave But The Sea" was released, adding a fresh portion of the pirate metal to the common canva. On the composition "Mexico" the musicians recorded the clip.

"Alestorm" now

About what the musicians of the iconic Swedish group are busy now, you can learn from photos and messages that appear in Facebook in 2019.

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Fans and subscribers track the Alestorm concert and tour on the official pages of Twitter and Instagram. Judging by the pictures, the musical "pirates" and today bathe in folk love and collect antlags, speaking at large concert venues and stadiums. Fans are looking forward to new compositions and demand to give the seventh album with stories about the Corsaars and Flibistra.


  • 2008 - "Captain Morgan's Revenge"
  • 2009 - "Black Sails At Midnight"
  • 2010 - "Live in Ibiza"
  • 2011 - "BACK THROUGH TIME"
  • 2014 - "Sunset on the Golden Age"
  • 2017 - "No Grave But The Sea"


  • "Drink"
  • "Death Throes of the TerrorSquid"
  • "ShipWrecked"
  • "Keelhauled"
  • "Fucked with An Anchor"
  • "Keelhauled"
  • "Magnetic North"
  • "Mexico"
  • "ShipWrecked"

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