Mickey Ward - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Boxer 2021



Professional American Boxer Mickey Ward - celebrity among sports lovers. A man whose "trilogy" with Arturo Gatti shook the entire boxing world, made a wonderful career. The fighter on the nicknamed Irishman became the most striking representative of this sport in the 21st century. And although he left boxing, the name Ward remains for a long time in his history.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Mickey began in the city of Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, in the spring of 1965. He grew up in the poor unfavorable area, where criminal groups dominated, there were drugs and weapons in free access.

Mickey Ward - the elder, the father of the boy, more than once came to prison for trade for prohibited substances, so the education of the children almost did not pay. An example for Ward was his consolidated older brother of Dicky Eklund, at that time in Massachusetts, he was recognized as the most successful boxer, which only at the amateur ring spent 190 fighting. His manager was the mother of Mickey.

Boxing Ward began in 7 years at the insistence of Eklund and almost immediately began to show excellent results. Soon he had victories and in prestigious competitions, twice entered the semi-finals of the National Championship in Lightweight.


On professional ring, a young athlete debuted in 1985. Difference from amateur box he saw on the first battle. Meanwhile, Dickki left his own career and engaged in brother's training. Demonstrating an amazing discipline and breaking left side blow to the liver area, Mickey won the first 14 bages.

But over time, the career of a successful boxer went to the decline. Because of the long-standing injury, Ward could no longer use the right hand in the fights, and the support of Eklund did not have enough - the brother began to abuse drugs. Boxer required money for the operation.

He decides to leave the sport and is arranged by road workers, and later in the local prison, he worked as an assistant assistant. Meanwhile, his brother was under investigation for the sale of drugs. However, this did not prevent a fighter to accumulate money and make a long-awaited operation, however, further rehabilitation occupied the year. Mickey's friend persuades him to resume training, so he returns to the sport and after a year again goes to the ring.

Nine victories in a row made a return to the memorable, among opponents there were such boxers as Alfonso Sanchez and Louis Bucket. And then he was waiting for a title fight with Vince Phillips, which he lost due to severe dissection.

Then there were victories over Emanuel Ogasses, Raji Green and Shi Niri. With the latter fought for the title of champion, which still seized. He constantly spoke in a welterweight weight (up to 66 kg), and the average height of 173 cm allowed the athlete to deftly move along Ring.

The famous fight, or rather, the first fight "Trilogy" with Arturo Gatti passed in 2002. Mickey defeated the enemy, the victory was awarded by the addition of most judicial voices. After half a year, they were waiting for the second meeting, Ward lost, as in the third battle, held in 2003.

Each exit to the ring was poured into a fierce fight from the first to last second and was recognized as the meeting of the year and the greatest "trilogy" in the history of boxing, in honor of which in 2010 even came out the fighter film, based on the career of Mickey. Fight from Gatti became the last in the career of Ward, in this battle he earned about $ 3 million, which allowed a man to leave the sport and do business.

Personal life

The personal life of the athlete has developed successfully. With the future wife, Charling Fleming met in his youth, she was a former athlete.

In 2005, lovers were officially issued. They together brought up the daughter of Mickey from the first marriage of Casey, who, after the divorce of the parents, remained to live with his father. There are no other information about children in the Ward family.

Mickey Ward now

When Ward left the box, he left the sport. Now the man owns a part of the boxing hall, where the fighters train his brother Dickki (a man came out of prison and passed a rehabilitation course), and a hockey rink.

Ward tries to attend many sporting events, but now on the rights of former boxer, which the photo of a man in "Instagram" is spoken about eloquently, which he regularly publishes. So, in the summer of 2019, Mickey visited a posthumous reception ceremony into the hall of the glory of his close friend and the most important rival in the ring Arturo Gatti.

Awards and achievements

  • 1996 - Intercontinental WBU Weighing Title
  • 2000 - World Heater Boxing Champion according to WBU

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