Blessed Avrellius Augustine - Photo, Biography, Life, Cause of Death, Views



The name of Blessed Avrellium Augustine is familiar not only by the adherents of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Lutherancy, but also those who are interested in medieval philosophy and her dogmatics. The legendary "confession" created by him in 43 is considered to be a treasury of world literature and storming wisdom - it presents not only the search for answers to eternal questions, but also the first autobiography author before reaching the age of Christ.


Thanks to the preserved sources, the Augustine came to this world in the 13th November day of the 354th in Tagaste - the village, then in the territory of North Africa, and now Algeria. Patricia's father, who occupied his official position in the local municipality, all the conscious life for paganism (and only before his death was baptized), and Mother Monica, who gave birth to the future of the famous philosopher at 22, to Christianity.

Blessed Avrellius Augustine and his mother Monica

In addition to the "Little Emperor" (the name of Arellium sounds), there were still two children in the family - about the sister of Augustine, the information was not preserved, and Brother Navigiy later joined his teachings. Each parent had their duties to raise the heirs: Monica was responsible for their spiritual formation, and Patricia did a bet on a good education, because it would allow the father with his mother in old age.

As for the school, Augustine in the Spirit did not tolerate the tough discipline and the infinite memorization of certain rules, therefore did not like the offended Greek language, giving preference to Latin. A teenager who has been tuned in Madavre, where he got acquainted with the "Eneida" Vergil, not without facilitating a friend of the family sent to Carthage to learn the secrets of rhetoric.

Here the young man fell in love for the first time - despite the 13-year-old relationship, he never took the welfare in his wife, as they, following the modern joke, "did not construct the estates." However, in those days it was not condemned, but was considered natural. Soon the couple was born the only son called by the Aedeodat ("God's God").

That was not the only woman in the fate of the philosopher. According to some reports, Monica looked after him the bride in Mediolan, but Augustine never married - to marry immediately prevented the girl too young. It was required to wait for the last 2 years, but during this time the man was carried away by another chosen, but in the end left both, afterwards at all, putting the rules of asceticism at all.

Icon of Blessed Aurelius Augustine

Averalius Augustine was baptized at Easter 387, along with a friend and son, then distributed the surrounding needy and returned to Africa. Settling in his hometown, organized the monastic community, turned out to be produced in the presbyters, and then in the bishops - if you believe sources, it happened about 395 years.

The earthly life of the philosopher and the theologian ended on the outcome of the summer of the 430th, August 28, in the hypon. The cause of death is a fleeting disease during the siege of the city by vandals.

Philosophy and creativity

After Averalius left many books, among them especially allocated, in addition to the "confession" mentioned, large-scale writings "On the Grade of God", "On Trinity", "On Free Decision", "Revises", "On True Religion" and others, many Quotes from which became aphorisms. For example, "the miracle contradicts not the laws of nature, but only our ideas about the laws of nature."

In them, the philosopher and preacher made her own views and ideas for the creation of the God of all existing in the world, including a person, leading the main goals and ways to escape from the evil, which made Augustine a bright representative of the Patristics.

He also reflected on what the fair state and his function should be, proved the superiority of spiritual power over secular, led the arguments in favor of international treaties and divided the war on fair and unfair. Therefore, scientists allocate three main stages of creativity: the first - philosophical works, the second - religious church, the third - about the origin of the world and the problems of eschatology.

Blessed Aurelius Augustine teaches in Rome

Orthodox believers turn to the saint with prayers for finding wisdom and faith, overcoming the prodigal lust and the conversion of insufficient. As for the iconography, the image of the Face of Holy can be seen in the mosaic of the Cefal Cathedral and the Palatinsk Capella in Palermo and on the fresco of the Church of Santa Maria-Antikva in Rome.


  • 397-400 - "Confession" in 13 books
  • 386-391 - "Against Academicians" in 3 books
  • 386-391 - "On the blissful life"
  • 386-391 - "Monologists" in 2 books
  • 388-389 - "On Free Decision" in 3 books
  • 389-391 - "On True Religion"
  • 393 - "About faith and symbol"
  • 396-427 - "On Christian Teaching" in 4 books
  • 400 - "On Monastic Work"
  • 400-415 - "On Trinity" in 15 books
  • 413-426 - "On the Grada God" in 22 books
  • 417 - "On the grace of Christ and original sin against Pelagia and Cherish" in 2 books
  • 421 - "About the soul and its origin" in 4 books
  • 426-427 - "On grace and free militia"
  • 426-427 - "Revision" in 2 books

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